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Painting Word bearers


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Give this a go:


1. Undercoat Chaos Black.

2. Base coat Scab Red (make sure that the red is quite thin, and apply several layers before onto the next stage).

3. Apply successive highlights by mixing a little blood red with Scab Red (the best effect comes from the most highlights; prepare to put a bit of time in!)

4. Apply a final highlight of Fiery Orange mixed with a tiny bit of Blood Red.

5. Once the whole thing is dry, apply a watered down wash of red ink. Keep applying washes 'til you have the tone of red that you're looking for (the deeper the better).

1. Undercoat in light gray

2. Paint armor scab red

3. Paint trim boltgun

4. Paint other bobs and do-dads the colors you feel necessary

5. Highlight trim with mithrill

6. Chesnut ink the recesses of the red armor parts

7. Black or brown ink the joints

8. Apply glosscoat to shoulder that will accept decal

9. Allow glosscoat to dry then apply decal.

10. Seal model with matte finish.

For a quick red, follow either method below.


1. Spray black with primer

2. Spray red with GW Blood Red (the black primer will darken the red easily)

3. Chainmail for the metal bits, and snakebite leather topped with bleached bone for horns and skulls.

4. Wash bone with chestnut ink, and wash metal bits with a little black ink.




1. Spray GW blood red (it will have a de-saturated look)

2. Paint over evenly with scab red (will make it nice and deep saturation-wise).

3. Follow chainmail/bone steps from above.



Hand-undercoat black (I don't believe in spray paint. Also, I have no aiming skills.).

Basecoat Mechrite Red.

Paint the trims Tin Bitz and the weapons Boltgun Metal.

Paint the topknots (I cut most of mine off) and any other hair/fur Charadon Granite.

Slather Badab Black all over them.

Layer Bubonic Brown up to Bleached Bone on any horns (I don't use many horned heads at all).

Paint the eyes Goblin Green, dab a green ink of your choosing over the top.


You can make them a wee bit brighter with a red wash (I've an old no-brand bright red ink that I bought on the cheap) before the Badab Black.


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