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Great Crusade/Horus Heresy Showcase


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“You have misgivings, my son. That is natural. On occasion, even I harbour doubts as to our course. Does that surprise you? It should not. Remember what acts we are called upon to commit in the service of truth. We have betrayed and massacred our brothers, riven the galaxy in twain, brought suffering and death to billions- is there any question that a rational mind would feel revulsion at the commission of such necessary eivls? There is only one remedy, of course; one refuge. Faith. So have faith, my son, faith in the Legion, and Aurelian, and the Primordial Truth. Only then will your doubts be assuaged.”

-  Chaplain-Confessor Zuuthusu of the XVII Legion, attached to the Consecrated Iron Chapter

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Our pledge to the Allfather is simple; when he unleashes us on a foe, that foe will be utterly erased from existence. So long as a single Son of Magnus draws breath, our work will not be done. We will pursue them to the very end of existence and beyond. That is my geas; that is my troth.”
Steinn Kraka (the Crow), Thegn to Runolf Half-Troll, VI Legion
[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-150]  Steinn Kraka of the Ellifti, VI Legion. Rembrancer's note: subject bears non-standard, silenced Bolt-Pistol.
[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-151]  Gunnar Scatterbrain of the Ellifti, VI Legion, and Thrall.
[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-152]  Thorkell skull-cleaver of the Ellifti, VI Legion, and Thrall.
[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-154]  Sigur the Rash of the Ellifti, VI Legion, and Thrall. Rembrancers note: subject's crude augmetic and facial censure indicates censure, probably involving a period in the 'cone of shame'.
[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-155]  Ulf the Bald of the Ellifti, VI Legion, and Thrall.

[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-155]  Petr Bláfauskr (Old Black Petr) and Rurik the Fox of the Ellifti, VI Legion. Rembrancers note: subject's skin pigmentation and left pauldron honorific indicates Terran origin.
[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-156]  Thralls of the VI Legion.
[Pict Capture DR/741-18Y-157]  The Murder-Make of Steinn Kraka

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Hey I was wondering do you guys think the book from the terminator librarian is to big to fit over the Aquila on the contemptor dreadnought without having to mess with the Aquila?




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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this thread is dead or not now it's been unstickied, but here are some Sons of Horus...




[Pict Capture DR/742-18Y-001] Legionaries Hamilcar Bast and Ezekyle Dasturkh of the XVI, showing early Crusade-era (L) and late Crusade-era ® heraldry.




[Pict Capture DR/742-18Y-003] Sergeant Shul Targhum of the 16th Company, XVI Legion. Rembrancer's note: Subject's anolmalous facial features and colouring remain unexplained.



[Pict Capture DR/742-18Y-004] Legionaries Abed Barekbal and Lev Abakhol of the 21st Company, XVI Legion. Rembrancer's note: Red gauntlets of subjects are theorised as denoting specialist Warrior Lodge formation.



[Pict Capture DR/742-18Y-005] Legionaries Ezekyle Dasturkh and Tubal Magiddon of the 5th and 8th Company, XVI Legion.



[Pict Capture DR/742-18Y-006] Legionaries Tarhunt Eshkol and Sheol Aqhat of the 5th and 13th Companies, XVI Legion. Rembrancer's note: Subject's armour and equipment denotes membership of XVI Destroyer Cadre.



[Pict Capture DR/742-18Y-007] Sergeant Cassius Lycaon and Legionary Tarkon Vuk of the 23rd Company, XVI Legion. Rembrancer's note: Red Helmet plume denotes Sergeant status in some XVI Companies.



[Pict Capture DR/742-18Y-008] Kill Team Gevurah.

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Tenth Legion Contemptor Dreadnought


image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr


image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr


image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr


image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr


image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr

A better shot of the torso


image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here´re the pics of Thagmata Mourndark




The Thanatar is not shown on the group pic so here he is.

Thanatar Siege-Engine Maniple Omicron-Rho 2

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  • 3 weeks later...

As I'm starting a Great Crusade World Eaters Army I thought I would she my Hq.

So here is my contribution to this thread.


Lets start with the main man Khârn



Next up my HQ
Legion Praetor






Standard Bearer

Close up of he banner


And my take on Shabran Darr




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I'd bump this with some Emperor's Children; the Masque of Paragons.
[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-214] “The King in Palatine” (Rembrancer’s note: subject, presumably Milo Sagetelian, appears to have surgically removed own face for ritual reasons)

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-215] “The Phantom of Truth” (Rembrancer’s note: subject’s identity is unknown, but equipment and heraldry suggests membership of the III Legion Chaplaincy)


[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-216] “Thale” (Rembrancer’s note: subject is tentatively identified as Nero Skeuopoios.)

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-217] “Naotalba” (Rembrancer’s note: subject, tentatively identified as Cassius Diadumerian, wields an exotic sonic weapon, suggesting membership of Kakophoni sect)

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-218] “Casilda” Rembrancer’s note: subject is probably Varus Gabrielian of the Phoenix Guard)

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-219] “Aldones” Rembrancer’s note: subject is probably Konstantin Agapetes)

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-220] “Uoht” (Rembrancer’s note: subject’s identity is unknown.)



[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-221] "The Masque of Paragons", some time during the Aldebaran Violation

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My first super heavy completed. Quite a fun model to paint, but the tracks were an annoyance.


And yes one side has the chevrons the wrong way on the door, but that will have to do till FW releases some IW legion doors!


30k Iron Warrior Typhon Done Front

WP 20140925 002

WP 20140925 005

WP 20140925 006

EdT: Those are some epic and very creepy EC models.
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Let me rephrase then, pretty pictures with good detail of the pretty models. My best attempts always look like this:




Which is less than useful.

how hard was it to remove the head?
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