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IA: Falcon Guard


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  • 2 years later...
Some good news from the weekend, I entered the local 'One-Day Deamon' painting contest in the GW Manchester Arndale centre and managed to come away with a win for the best 40k model and best overall model for the day for my rust infested Necron Lord model. I decided to treat myself (and therefore the Falcon Guard) to a box of Sanquinary Guard, which will be converted up to be 1st company veterans. Looks like this one is back off the ground!
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Homeworld: Aesalon

Master: Ardosia

Specialism: Airborne Assault


A, a, a...when will we get to...


Geneseed: Blood Angels


Ah, there it is.


Waitaminnit, there's another bloody 'a'.


Oh, and specialism isn't a word.


Prior to the inclusion of the Iron Snakes in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade in 755.M41, it was decreed that a specialist rapid assault marine chapter was required to assist in the protection of the Reef Stars from the Slaver raids of the Primuls and to strengthen imperial defences in the sector against the growing threat of the Greenskins.


Why do the Iron Snakes matter in all this?


The task of building and training this Chapter was bestowed upon Captain Ardosia of the Blood Angels 8th Company.


The geneseed of the BA has fallen into disuse since it turned out that they're all loony. Thus, it's very improbable that there would be a BA Chapter founded in the 26th founding.


* * *


It's not bad, but it lacks heart. What's the core of the Chapter - the point of their character that you mention first when talking about them?

Hey Octavulg,


Cheers for the feedback, I get what you're saying about all the A's. In honesty the chosen words were cribbed from the Latin for various Falcon species, though there is something to be said for 'A'lliteration!


Why do the Iron Snakes matter in all this?

  1. Borrowed authority, giving the Chapter some grounding in the known 40k universe.
  2. I wanted to make the Falcons main enemies the Dark Eldar and tbh wasn't sure of any other areas of the universe they occupied other than the Reef Stars.
  3. My second army is IS and I wanted to be able to have some context to use them as a 'crusade' army.

The geneseed of the BA has fallen into disuse since it turned out that they're all loony. Thus, it's very improbable that there would be a BA Chapter founded in the 26th founding.

Damn, that's going to make it tricky to fit them into the timeframe I was looking at for the Sabbatt Crusade. Should I go down the route of a BA successor or dispense with the BA geneseed completely? I really wanted to use the BA rules in game as I want a totally airborne force, but didn't want to just exterminate their flaws while cherry picking their rules.


It's not bad, but it lacks heart. What's the core of the Chapter - the point of their character that you mention first when talking about them?

For me I've been carrying the idea around in my head since I was quite young of doing a totally airborne SM strike force. I've always seen the Falcons as a zealous and determined chapter which is used as a line-breaking force. Though I guess the same can be said of any Space Marine chapter.

I was thinking about throwing some Shamanic practices into their religion and incorporating mysticism into the chapter somehow as I can see what you mean, there is a lot of description of what they do but not so much on who they are. Then again I didn't necessarily want to narrow their character down to a IF style 'stubborn' one-worder, I want them to be similar to the Space Wolves in that they are wild and aggressive but also focussed, not beer swilling space vikings!

1. Borrowed authority, giving the Chapter some grounding in the known 40k universe.


I'm going to quote myself on this one:


"Do not piggyback on the official

Your deep and abiding affection for Logan Grimnar and Dante is understandable. However, they did not personally drag your Chapter Master's wounded body from the fray after he saved their lives. Nor was Calgar your Chapter Master's mentor, or his secret godfather. Your chapter should stand on its own - dragging in official characters so your chapter can show off only makes it seem like you can't write interesting and exciting characters without relying on someone else's work. "


While that's not entirely what you're doing here, the point remains - your Chapter should stand on its own. Being Space Marines already grounds them in the 40K universe.


2. I wanted to make the Falcons main enemies the Dark Eldar and tbh wasn't sure of any other areas of the universe they occupied other than the Reef Stars.


The Dark Eldar end up...pretty much everywhere. Also, the 5e BRB has a map of their attacks, IIRC.


3. My second army is IS and I wanted to be able to have some context to use them as a 'crusade' army.


You don't need a written excuse for that.


Damn, that's going to make it tricky to fit them into the timeframe I was looking at for the Sabbatt Crusade. Should I go down the route of a BA successor or dispense with the BA geneseed completely? I really wanted to use the BA rules in game as I want a totally airborne force, but didn't want to just exterminate their flaws while cherry picking their rules.


Considering the BA players complained for ages about getting an updated Codex for free, which then got updated into an even nicer Codex, I am having a hard time not telling you to go for it (try being the Dark Angels, you ungrateful little...gah).


But I'm digressing.


I'd dispense with the BA geneseed - but remember what I said about avoiding officialdom as much as possible. Fit in the cracks.


For me I've been carrying the idea around in my head since I was quite young of doing a totally airborne SM strike force. I've always seen the Falcons as a zealous and determined chapter which is used as a line-breaking force. Though I guess the same can be said of any Space Marine chapter.


You see the problem here, then.


Being totally airborne can be interesting if you can come up with an interesting reason why they are.


I was thinking about throwing some Shamanic practices into their religion and incorporating mysticism into the chapter somehow as I can see what you mean, there is a lot of description of what they do but not so much on who they are. Then again I didn't necessarily want to narrow their character down to a IF style 'stubborn' one-worder, I want them to be similar to the Space Wolves in that they are wild and aggressive but also focussed, not beer swilling space vikings!


You could rip off the Jade Falcons. That never hurts. Seriously, I'm a big fan of it.


And the IF are stubborn siegemasters or stubborn, self-flagellating siegemasters. Don't oversimplify. :)


The advantage of having a fairly 'concrete' (read: simple) characterization is that it gives the Chapter a clearly visible core identity that you can then develop in all kinds of ways. The Space Wolves are flawed by a lack of development and nuance, rather than by the basic idea that they're Space Vikings. Indeed, the basic idea that they're Space Vikings is what keeps them distinct from other Chapters. A chapter without something of this nature ends up being forgettable.


That said, being all-airborne might be interesting enough to work if you gave them an interesting enough reason why they are all-airborne.

That said, being all-airborne might be interesting enough to work if you gave them an interesting enough reason why they are all-airborne.

That's an absolutely fantastic point.


I've been racking my brains and the best I came up with is a technology exchange of some sort, which would help to explain why they have loads of assault packs and speeders but no heavy support. This again would need a reason and I'm trying to think of a way to relate it to their religious beliefs and emulation of the falcon in war.


The other option could be a significant engagement where the other equipment was destroyed or captured, though in those circumstances I'm sure the equipment would be replaced over time.


Having read through your points about the geneseed of the chapter and their placement in the Reef Stars, I have to concur on all points. I'm going to give it a really thorough re-write and probably have them as a Hawk Lords successor and put them somewhere on the eastern tip of the Segmentum Obscuris as there seems to be a lot of DE activity in that sector.


Thanks very much for the feedback again.

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...


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