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Hi guys,


Just a quick question, is Ramming limited to Tanks or can any vehicle with an AV (exc. Walkers) take part in the fun?


Apologies if it's obvious, but I've read through a few posts on other boards and either I don't understand it or the

Original Posters didn't!




Edit: Yes, I WILL sort my signature block out...

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The rules for ramming appear under the rules for Tanks. They specifically refer to Tanks, not vehicles. Further, they are a type of tank shock.


Only tanks can ram.

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The +1 for "being a tank" is there to calculate the strenght with which the ramming tank was hit by the rammed vehicle - which need not be a tank.

Like the others said - TANKS ONLY can ram.


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The +1 for "being a tank" is there to calculate the strenght with which the ramming tank was hit by the rammed vehicle - which need not be a tank.

Like the others said - TANKS ONLY can ram.


Ahh, you see, as I indicated in my OP, people are misunderstanding this. I've read a number of Battle Reports with which include Ramming

with vehicles, particularly Ork Trukks, but I couldn't find anything in the Rules which allowed vehicles to Ram.



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There is no need to misunderstand this. The entry that it list all these details on is clearly labeled "Tanks". So, I concur with Borys.


It is to represent the fact that a tank ramming a tank will receive more damage than a tank ramming an unarmored truck.

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LandRaider moves 6" - rams Trukk - +4 for VA14, +1 for Tank, +2 for move = S7

Trukk hits back - +0 for AV10, +0 for non-Tank, +2 for LR move = S2


Land Raider moves 6" - rams Predator on side - +4 for VA14, +1 for Tank, +2 for move = S7

Predator hits back - +1 for AV11, +1 for Tank, +2 for LR move = S4


Trying to help ...


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Ahh, you see, as I indicated in my OP, people are misunderstanding this. I've read a number of Battle Reports with which include Ramming

with vehicles, particularly Ork Trukks, but I couldn't find anything in the Rules which allowed vehicles to Ram.


Don't quote me on this, but I think I recall an Ork vehicle upgrade that allows Ork vehicles to tank shock. So if Ramming is instead of tank shock, then possibly that would explain Ork Trukks ramming...?

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Bystrom - you are correct - Reinforced Ram -

"A vehicle with Reinforced Ram can Tank Shock, .. "


Codex Orks, page 93. So, indeed, Trukks and other paper-thin Ork vehicles can Ram.


However, with Frontal AV 10, I'd not recommend basing one's strategy on this tactic.



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Here's one to be seriously aware of.


I dropped into GW world last weekend to check out what was going on this weekend and the subject of ramming came up. General concensus was that anything can ram and that the only difference between vehicles and tanks is that tanks get the +1.


Now considering this there is a very nasty tactic that will become a game winner for Eldar. With this rule Vypers have effectively become guided missiles which could pretty effectively destroy any vehicle on the table and then move on again.


I'm guessing that this might be one of the rules which gets thoroughly debated but as it stands and from what I've heard ramming can be done by any vehicle.


The studio staff are attending the release at GW world at the weekend and this is something that I'm gonna ask about for clarification so watch this space.

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Now considering this there is a very nasty tactic that will become a game winner for Eldar. With this rule Vypers have effectively become guided missiles which could pretty effectively destroy any vehicle on the table and then move on again.

Bleh. Aside from the issue of Vypers being able to Ram at all - which I don't think they can - what can S5 hits achieve?

Good luck to anybody who tries to tell me his Vyper moved EXACTLY 18 inches - so a 15+ inch move is the most the Eldar can expect to achive. So, S5 for the Ram distance.

And I've never heard of S5 weapons being partcularly good destroyers of vehicles.

Not to mention the Vyper suffering same S5 hit - nothing draamtic, but still a threat to the flimsy anti-grav.


A Falcon/Waveserpent, on the other hand, can churn out a much more respectable +2 +5 +1 = S8 hit. With 4+ chance of suffering a Glance, and 5+ chance of suffering a Penetration in return.


IMO very far fom gamewinner.

Or have I missed something very important?


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It's +1 strength per three inches of movement, right? If you read the rules for skimmers carefully, you'll note that, even though All Out speed is is only 18" for ground vehicles, it's 24" for skimmers. While you're correct in noting that a skimmer moving exactly 24" in a straight line to your tank is very unlikely, you can still reasonably expect to get strength 7 from a Vyper (were it allowed to ram, which it pretty clearly isn't).


That would still be a bad expenditure of a Vyper, though, really--and the Vyper would be much harder-pressed to survive than almost any conceivable target.

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I don´t know where you get you numbers but if a falcon really wants to ram something:

He won´t ever get to travel 24, but 21 is a very good distance still so distance alone would be: strength 7

He gets +1 for being a tank

He gets +2 for front armor over 10

Totaling for a whooping strength 10 hit.

And if he is also using star engines he could go up to 36”.

So calculated for 33: strength 11

He gets +1 for being a tank

He gets +2 for front armor over 10

Meaning a strength 14 hit.

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I believe the movement from the Star Engines occurs during the shooting phase, not the movement phase. So we can be spared the Str 15 ramming hits.


Also, would a ramming skimmer tank get the benefit of the all out move cover save? I would seem illogical, but would depend on the wording I suppose.

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If your only shot is a pintle storm-bolter, then your ram is often going to be better, yes. =P


Ramming is for Rhinos and Devilfish--not Land Raiders and Predators (unless, of course, those Raiders and Preds have lost their guns).

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Im still wondering if it would be worth it - ramming or shooting???


If the Land Raider has lost both lascannons and the HB, Ramming is about all you have left. If you only have defensive weapons left (i.e. just the storm bolter) and nothing in range to take out the enemy vehicle reliably, a good ramming run is about the only option available.


Plus it will take a lot of us a while to get used to the fact that a tank can run flat out at us I think.


I'm with Borys, my interpretation is that only tanks can actually ram (Falcon yes, Vyper No) - anything with "Type: Tank" in the profile.


Now I'm getting images of Baneblades ramming Rhinos!

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Im still wondering if it would be worth it - ramming or shooting???


If the Land Raider has lost both lascannons and the HB, Ramming is about all you have left. If you only have defensive weapons left (i.e. just the storm bolter) and nothing in range to take out the enemy vehicle reliably, a good ramming run is about the only option available.


Plus it will take a lot of us a while to get used to the fact that a tank can run flat out at us I think.


I'm with Borys, my interpretation is that only tanks can actually ram (Falcon yes, Vyper No) - anything with "Type: Tank" in the profile.


Now I'm getting images of Baneblades ramming Rhinos!


Which goes back to the question if that is the case why do tanks get a +1? Like I said, it's something I'm going to be asking the studio staff tomorrow for clarification.

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Tanks get a +1 because, when a vehicle is hit by a Ram, it does a hit back to the vehicle ramming it. The presence of that bonus is not, in any way, sufficient to indicate that any vehicle can ram--since any vehicle can do ramming damage to a tank simply by being rammed.


So, when a Rhino hits a Trukk after nine inches, the Trukk takes a strength: 5 hit (+3 for distance, +1 for AV:11 and +1 for the Rhino's being a tank) while the Rhino only takes a strength: 3 hit (+3 for distance, none for AV and no tank bonus).

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