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Clousseau pattern scratchbuild Rhino

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I don't post much, but I recently got back into the hobby after a college-long hiatus. I've managed to make some headway on a project I started ages ago.


Details to come soon, just thought I'd tease with some photos.


Can You tell what it is?







I don't post much, but I recently got back into the hobby after a college-long hiatus. I've managed to make some headway on a project I started ages ago.


Details to come soon, just thought I'd tease with some photos.


Can You tell what it is?


The undulating, ichor encrusted, bulbous nether regions of the ancient star beast Yub Shugratoth after invoking the Seven Hundred and Eighty Three Primordial Subprinciples of Elation as it devours whole civilizations into its xenomorphic, non-euclidian womb!

The undulating, ichor encrusted, bulbous nether regions of the ancient star beast Yub Shugratoth after invoking the Seven Hundred and Eighty Three Primordial Subprinciples of Elation as it devours whole civilizations into its xenomorphic, non-euclidian womb!

I was going to say the exact same thing :pinch:

The undulating, ichor encrusted, bulbous nether regions of the ancient star beast Yub Shugratoth after invoking the Seven Hundred and Eighty Three Primordial Subprinciples of Elation as it devours whole civilizations into its xenomorphic, non-euclidian womb!


So you are the guy that has been following me around, eh?


But seriously, I must apologize. I deliberately posted a pic without scale references. Here are a couple with a GK and my Inquisition Land Raider.








This is my attempt at the Clousseau Pattern Rhino I have only ever seen sketchy plans for.

This will be part of a SM force I plan on extensively modifying. I already have plans for the Heavy weapons troopers, and the entire infantry force will be true-scaled.

I thought umbrella was a particularly good guess, actually!


And yeah, I don't know why its Clousseau, the sketch/partial template I found was labeled that. I'm not trying to steal whoever's concept it was, just make it a reality.


I am modifying the design of the sketch however, to include a rear ramp. Its footprint is barely bigger then a normal rhino, but I want to make sure its WYSIWIG, as far as hatches and access points. No sense giving WYSIWIG nazis ammo eh?

Oh yup', saw those template on a yahoo group once.

I have to say that I like it more than the regular rhino. It'ts more similar to the LR, obviously, but looking cool anyway, I can't remember if it would work with the various patterns though, pred', vindicator, etc.


(Oh oh, found the pictures but obviously they're corrupted from a previous bootsector crash)

Response to scale> It is gonna end up a little bigger then a stock rhino, but I still think it will be a far cry from a real true-scale rhino. We all know vehicles aren't quite on the same scale as infantry, so i'm settling with a little bigger then normal, but not so much as to give it issues being used in a game.


The red on the Land Raider looks even better in person, I've never been able to get a pic to do it justice.

Basecoat of Scab Red with Red Gore and Blood red on top of that. Then do a light drybrush of Skull White(trust me) you want some visible streaks and specks. Then do about 3 or 4 washes in Red Ink. It will end up looking wet with those skull white lines now tinted red like they are ten feet deep into the color (which they are!) It takes a while, especially on a vehicle the size of a land raider, but you won't be disappointed!

About to finish out major construction with the top armor plate, but i want some feedback on the layout, here is a blue-tacced mockup of where I have everything planned for atm.






I wanted the top hatches off set so the guy in the back wouldn't be shooting the guy in the front in the event you were to fire from inside.


The back hatch opens al la the front of the Land Raider, ie top opens up and bottom down. (don't worry I planned on leaving space at the bottom of the rear hull for exhaust ports.)


Once I get the top plate lined out, I can begin the arduous task of detailing, and making tracks. :( Unfortunate thing about upscaling is the GW track spares I have laying about to too small!


Woe is the life of a true-scaler!

  • 1 month later...

Update Imminent.






After a long period of not doing a damn thing I made a run of it yesterday.




Sorry for crap lighting btw, my rechargeable batteries only hold about 3 mins of power atm.

Clouseau was the nickname of the guy who designed the model several years ago. He had templates and a schemaitc of the Rhino on his website and he sold a CD with some of his modeling articles on it. He also did an enlarged Terminator that looked quite impressive. I've got the CD somewhere but can't find it right now. I do have the pics he had on his now extinct website. He pretty much dropped off the map several years ago.



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