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My Blood Angel Army


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G'day, Well the plans to get this done for a tornie Failed big time, like really big (alto i don't think anyone would even remember this thread at all <_< ). Still haven't gotten much done, only recently have i started to paint anything so figured i might as well resurrect this tread to post some pics and get some comments and criticism as i go. Anyway the old pics will still be here and will add others as (more like if) i get them done.

Mephiston, alto i am still wondering weather he is worth it in 5th ed will have to have more games to find out. (he does work but its very much more a glass cannon, and hard to fit when Dante is technically better)


The Chappy to control the slightly insane ones


And a test Tactical dude


Atm i am trying to get through the first Tactical squad will post pics when i get around to it.

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Well its just his force weapon got nerfed so it now counts as instant kill, yeah i knew it was coming but still, so he can't hunt bugs and daemon princes like he used too. That and Feel no Pain got a nerf too so he can now die alot easier which is not good for someone so expensive. But he does look so cool and the fluff behind him is sweet too, the reason i started using him, so i will see what happens.
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I am loving the paint job! 2K should be easy to pull with your style. <_<


Personally, putting him on that base will be a disadvantage to you competitively. But if you like it then rock on.


And as an aside, if you want a librarian alternative, well there isn't one. He is still a god in 5th (compared to other Space Marine librarians. :D)

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The storm bolter is to bash the Deathcompany over the head to keep them in-line, honestly tho i didn't want to field 2 special characters and decided i might as well give him a storm bolter because i love storm bolter's. As for Mephistons base well i did that pre 5th where it didn't come into it, sadly it does now but o well i like modeling too. As for it being easy to paint a 2000 point army in this way is well rather off, for me at least its a real pain and slow process it would seem.
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oh I see, his hight....



I run the rule called don't be a twat, that basicaly says if your going to say that that model is taller because he has a rock, Ill beat your brains out of your head.




if anyone says: oh noes! he's tall so I can see's him,' no court would ever persicute you for impaling their head on one of theose sharp gothic bulidings.

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Well i figure i might show you how much i got done in the 2 weeks before making this, and reason why i figured i need something to help speed me up.


As you can see i managed to get the first coat of red on 6 guys, talk about speed demon :) . So basically after i finish typing this i should start painting but i reckon i will get side tracked with a game of some sort. Will post more when i actually get something done.

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  • 1 year later...

Well i have starting dabbling in the arts of threadomancy, but since its my topic i think its fine. Basically just recently i have grabbed my brush again and got into some painting, just finishing the squad i did a tiny bit of work on ages ago. Anyway here are some pics of the squad, all done baring the heavy weapon dude.


And the sarge on his own, my god did he take way to long to paint.


And i figure i might as well add in my Shrike counts as for when i decide to use the normal SM codex, some of you will of seen this already so you can injoy it again lol.



Anyway thats the stuff my brush has hit lately, any comments and criticism are encouraged, after all the best way to learn is get others to give tips on how to improve :P .

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Hi mate, love what you've done so far and the paint job is brilliant my only consern is if you know that our codex doesn't allow our sergeants to have bolters or combi weapons. It is stupid and I've modelled some of mine to have bolters but when I came to writing my list I noticed that we only have the option to change our bolt pistol for a plasma pistol. We repleace our bolter for CC weapons. It still looks great mate :D
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Yeah i know the BA dex doesn't allow it but the normal sm one does, so thats why i magnetised his gun arm :D . I use both dex's depending on my mood.


Edit: wow i never knew they couldn't have a bolter, seems odd. O well it can counts as a bolt pistol, if anyone wants to argue i probally don't want to play them anyway.

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