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{SCULPT}The Great Unclean One

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Updates. almost finished.







Fixed the leg brace made it more, like a brace. added arms and hands. Hes going to be holding a barbedwire wrapped jumble of corpses and nurglings.

This guy is massive! Emperor help a SM trying to bring him down ;) Brilliant work sir :blush:



he would have to be launching from a very tall rock outcropping and doing the "BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" thing from the PG version of the 300 trailer on youtube.

This guy is massive! Emperor help a SM trying to bring him down ;) Brilliant work sir ;)



he would have to be launching from a very tall rock outcropping and doing the "BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" thing from the PG version of the 300 trailer on youtube.



Oh god. That was hilarious. Sadly I can't seem to find it anymore.

Well sparing a sack of corpses tied up with barbed wire to add to the base. This S.O.B is done, this model ruined my index finger, and also got me sick. Its a bastard, thankfully its nearing the end of its construction. The single horn was later opted for instead of the bull style as the customer wanted the epidemus and GUO to look similar, so thats why the horns vary from the concepts.






Want to bump this for Mr. N not enough compliments on it yet and hes reshaping the pose for me so hopefully theyll be some finished pics tonight Oh and I wanted to ask all that have had a look at these models and ask your opinions about the main skin color my fluff will have a strong background tied in with the whole Garden of Nurgle bit so it will have many vibrant colors as for the GUO and Epidemis models they will be painted somewht similar due to the interchanging of them as HQ for a CSM army and my demon army which should be heavily converted with very little GW models...

Alas sorry ive not been able to add pics of my armies I just moved and cannot find the charger for my GFs camera so I can get any new pics but I do promise they will be here soon....

Final updates. Redid the right arm and had him holding the sword instead of standing showing it off. The Base has a ball of nurgly goodness in the same style as the epidemus so it fits with the whole theme of the army, its also got some barbed wire action goin on . The Finished, the model is separate from the base, for shipping. a few little tweaks for the base, but overall this is complete. Woot.







Advice welcome on this guy as well was going to go with a greyish and purple skin tone to be alittle like Grimace but well thats what MFVs skin is looking like and well dont wanna borrow his colors not sure tho; what do u all think about a red GUO too Khornate ? Im just wanting these all to pop and fit into the fluff I write up which will be linked to the Garden of Nurgle lots of vegetation and vibrant flowery colors dont hate lol just tired of seeing all this green on nurgle reminds me too much of Orks and I cant stand them theyve been lame ever since the clans fell apart....


Oh and whats the verdict on the new pose everyone yea or nay?

I'm a big fan of the sword over the shoulder, good stuff. As for the painting on this guy, I mentioned it in the Epidemius thread, I have no qualms with you borrowing the colors, its just shadow grey mixed with rotting flesh and some liche purple here and there, if you would like some differentiation between my tones and yours then you could add a little dark flesh or scorched brown to give it a little bit of a fleshy tone. I have also found that some washes of liche purple, camo green and ultramarine blue sparingly gives it a nice rotten flesh tone. If you are going for some fluff from nurgles garden, google overtly ripe fruits and try and match your colors to those, bright and shiny but rotten and disgusting. my 2 cents


Dude, this honestly is the best GUO ever.

His facial expression is perfect, the dimensions of the body is just right, it's just sheer awesome.

Is the commission for RottenBob yeah? I really couldn't sculpt something like this and sell it away, would upset me too much. :P


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