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Tamiya makes some tank storage kits I believe that have 3 or 4 barrells of around the same size in them. I also wouldn't be surprised if you could find a box of just oil barrels. Nipples, you need to get some painted pictures from the client, I want to see these gribblies colored.
I'll paint them. :geek:

LOL if I cant afford for Mr. N to paint them MFV im sure your outta my range as well.

But both u 2 have to keep me in mind when u start casting your abilities are SICK and well I dont know why they havent picked up on u guys over at GW theyve got to browse these boards and see the talent sometimes I wonder how awesome this game could be if they would take a little more interest in what the gamers community screams for and not just keep cranking out all these lame models...

BTW you should post your Grinder pics its going to take me a while to build up another nest egg for Mr. N to start mine LOL but he will build it eventually soon as i find the end of the rainbow....

Pics soon as I get the models oh and base coat with black or white primer on these fellas? and whats the deal with the gooey bases im assuming these are to not be primed ? never had much experience with the ooze stuff not that talented...

Word. Thanks mate, everyone on the board will be notified when we get some stuff casted and for sale. As for painting those beasties, with nurgle I'm a big fan of the black undercoat, it gives a darker feel to models, nurgle shouldn't be bright and happy, it should be dark and depressing, bleak and miserable. Shadow grey highlighted with rotting flesh makes for a nice rotten skin tone, If you want more of a fleshy vibe, mix some dark flesh into the shadow grey before mixing in the rotting flesh and it will yield a slightly more fleshy look. As for the grinder from Mr. N, my prices are much cheaper. ;)


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