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Scout Squad


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UPDATE 10/08 - scroll down for the latest updates




A bunch of scouts isn't much to go on about, is it? Well, because I haven't painted a squad of them in two years, I think, I have a great deal of expectations. So here they are, just basecoated yesterday.




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I don't like the scout models that much. There's something about the poses that bugs me and something about the anatomy that scares the screaming willies out of me. I did my best with the four basic bobs, but for the sergeant I wanted to do something special. After an afternoon of feverish thinking I came up with that the next day. The less you look at his feet the better he looks. I'd also like to note that all the dark areas in the picture are very exaggerated and don't look like the dark pits and deepest abysses that they do in the pictures.


I'm still in the process of working out what colours I'll use for the cloth. For the rest of the colour scheme, check the DIY idea gathering-thread in Liber (here's a link. *cough* shameless advertising *cough*)


I'll update pics as updates become necessary. C+C welcome.


Regards, PJ

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I don't really use grenades or any other belt accessories, because IMO they make the belt area look crowded and I can never find a proper place for them. Though once I did this marine and strapped all the grenades in the Tactical Squad boxed set on him. He look funny. And green.
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I don't really use grenades or any other belt accessories, because IMO they make the belt area look crowded and I can never find a proper place for them. Though once I did this marine and strapped all the grenades in the Tactical Squad boxed set on him. He look funny. And green.


lol.. ( tried it with, purity seals..)


outside of leg?

right side on chest..


but yeah i will look crowded..

but love the overal feel of your sqaud..


cheers atin

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The problem here really is the cloth. I don't want to do the normal whitish colour because half of the scheme is so pale, but I don't want to do black either, partially because I'm doing black leather. Now considering a pale brown.


EDIT: OK, the current plan is as follows for the cloth: going for the same desert camo colour as eg. the US uses currently in desert ops. I'm gonna go with Khemri Brown foundation paint, followed by a Devlan Mud wash, followed by drybrush with Bleached Bone

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OK, here goes. First update.




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Here's the first scout, though he's not ready. There's still cleaning up to be done, detail work, highlighting, etc. I wanted to post him to give a general idea of what to expect for the rest of the squad. The leather came out really well, as did the armour. The combat pants I'm not entirely satisfied with. My bleached bone is very thin, or 'wet', (factory defect) meaning drybrushing is nigh impossible. That's why I had to go with very precise painting and abusing washes. I was also too late to notice the too-thick paint on the combat knife.

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  • 3 weeks later...

10/08 Update


OK, three scouts finished, two to go.










Scout One

Scout Two

Scout Three


Included pics of the first guy again with all details (I could remember) done. Fourth guy, with the other shotgun, underway, after which I get to work on good' ol sarge. I'm saving him for last so I get all the experience I can from the other four, making him the neatest paint job. After he's done, basing and decals. Oh, joy. It'll be tough to think up a colour for the tyranid who's getting squished by sarge. Maybe something that contrasts with the Chapter scheme. Colour wheel, here I come.


Anyway, C+C welcome as always.


Regards, PJ

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