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New Painter - first minis

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Hey everyone. I'm a long time 40k player and I've always wanted to paint my own force but I either haven't had the time or the effort, so I've usually relied on buying painted armies from friends or getting commissions. In any case I've started practicing ways to get a semi-decent table top quality army that wasn't too time consuming but still looked decent. This is what I've got so far - basically I'm wondering if these are even close to decent looking are still pretty crappy and what steps I can take to move them toward decent or semi-decent. I know thanks to the flash there are some spots I missed completely.



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These are really good for first time models,you gotta love those new washes.

To spruce it up

Paint all cables,grill,anything that will be metal black


Take a light green paint the upper half of the eye

Do skulls dhenb stone base with devlin brown not black

then paint the metal(boltgun barrel,blade handle,belt buckle ring)


For an easy blood splatter make a wash with blood red,dark flesh,red/brown ink and dip a toothbrush in it

and flick the brush where you want splatter

Great start, much better than my first minis!


I'd recommend perhaps introducing a contrast colour to the main colour, if you picked out some of the details on the armour then they would look a lot more impressive. Personally I'm a big fan of a black undercoat but it just goes to show that you can produce some really interesting effects with white. You really need to go back and fill in the small areas where the wash has not covered.


One thing I did notice is that the sword arm of the marine with helmet is glued a bit low, looks a bit like it's been dislocated! Just something to bear in mind when you're building your next batch.


Good stuff though, keep at it! :P


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