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Collector going gaming, WIP army


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So since the new edition is coming out and the new codex too, as I am also moving city. I planned to start playing the game, since I was only collecting all kind of random stuff I didn't have any army. So I did a couple test scheme and they were far too complicated and way to long to paint. So here's what I came up with the first picture is my test marine, I like him a lot so I might as well use it later on after I have painted everything I have to see what my army is going to look alike. NEW city, new rules, new form of the hobby here I come. Tell me what you think so far. And if you have any advice for making a first army. I also traded some of my ogres for 6 bikes and 1 dread on Bartertown, can't wait to receive these, I really like bikes. Have people had any problem with having the codexes, rules in english in their respective country where people don't all speak english. I also need help to find a name for my chapter, I plan on using the black templar icon.






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Nice scheme, that's a really good looking green there... Care to share the recipe? And when you say the Black Templar Icon, will you be painting it in a colour of your choice, or will you be using the standard black one, coz I get the feeling a Black Icon won't look to great on green armour like that...


And on the name front... Ooh, I dunno... But can't be Mantis Warriors! They already exist, and have paler (think goblin) green armour...


First army advice is simple: Get a Commander, and Two 10 man Tactical Squads. All told that will be near 400pts. Then add your dread which will pull you up to about 500pts. Work in 500pt chunks, that way you won't go and overburden yourself by buying ten gazillion models...


And remember, although the Force Organisation Chart is a sensibel thing to follow, feel free to buy whatever you like, and then you can swap units between games, meaning you can practice with various styles of combat and such...

Nice scheme, that's a really good looking green there... Care to share the recipe? And when you say the Black Templar Icon, will you be painting it in a colour of your choice, or will you be using the standard black one, coz I get the feeling a Black Icon won't look to great on green armour like that...


And on the name front... Ooh, I dunno... But can't be Mantis Warriors! They already exist, and have paler (think goblin) green armour...


First army advice is simple: Get a Commander, and Two 10 man Tactical Squads. All told that will be near 400pts. Then add your dread which will pull you up to about 500pts. Work in 500pt chunks, that way you won't go and overburden yourself by buying ten gazillion models...


And remember, although the Force Organisation Chart is a sensibel thing to follow, feel free to buy whatever you like, and then you can swap units between games, meaning you can practice with various styles of combat and such...


Thanks for your advices, for the green it is only snot green on a white undercoat, thraka green (wash) for shades and different ratio of goblin/snot green for highlights. For the mantis warrior, I like the idea, I just got to find a way to do a mantis freehand that's not to hard for me, I guess I'll work on that.

Hi Cl4d, the logo looks good, I would add another colour to the back pack to break it up a bit, and this is just a personal thing, I would drop the stripes on the CS I have never liked these industrial stripes and have never understood why they are used, it is a weapon not a power tool on a work site, I can imagine the unit OH&S officer going around inspecting the weapons for stripes "paint some stripes on that chainsword marine, we don't want any accidents, the office of work and safety will come and close us down" looking good so far.
Hi Cl4d, the logo looks good, I would add another colour to the back pack to break it up a bit, and this is just a personal thing, I would drop the stripes on the CS I have never liked these industrial stripes and have never understood why they are used, it is a weapon not a power tool on a work site, I can imagine the unit OH&S officer going around inspecting the weapons for stripes "paint some stripes on that chainsword marine, we don't want any accidents, the office of work and safety will come and close us down" looking good so far.



What part of the backpack would you suggest to color?

For the backpack, i'd make sure all the grills are metallic, and those four small vents on the side could be all metallic. At a stretch, you could even paint the big, main vents silver.


On the logo front, looks good, but I think it might be advisable to either change the colour of the logo so it shows up on your dark green armour, or do the traditional yellow circle with logo on top.


Edit: I've just noticed that the soft , ribbed armour on the back of his knees is green like everything else. I'd suggest painting these black, or metal, as they are not the same as the main armour plates. Once again this will help to break up the green.

  • 2 weeks later...
I really like the Mantis Warriors background Cl4d, so I naturally believe you picked an awesome army. Fairly simple color scheme, and you've done a good job with it. Nice freehand on the test Sergeant figure too! :) What do plan to have in your force?


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