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13th Scouting Attatchement

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Hi - here's my 1500pts space marines army WIP thread.


The roster:

HQ - captain wiht terminator armour



5 CC termies

5 Shoota termies

1 Dreadnaught



2 whirlwinds



2x5 sniper scouts

2x5-10 CC scouts


Building - first up is heavy:


Thursday night - starting to build:



Friday morning, finished:

This picture should be self explainatory, anyways - the smoke launchers are permanently mounted(glued), the rest of extras/options is using magnets for quick swaps. I carved a bit off the pintle mounted SB so that it fits inside the cabin, when I don't use it but the hatch at the bottom of it.. B)



Still a few details missing, mainly battle damage and ornaments. Paint will happen later, pressed with time I'll focus on building first. I have to do something about the big skull on the rear access points, decorate it wildly... it kinda sticks out now. Suggestions are welcome :)

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Elites, Dreadnaught:

Watched "Todd Sweney" yesterday, found time inbetween all throathslittings to build my dreaded dreadnaught... :wub:


Here it is:



Magnets used inside his "shoulders" to make it possible to attatch searchligths (or a hunter killer missile for fun, though not allowed ruleswize)


Smoke launchers glued on permanently yet again...


In addition to the original dreadnaught base, I've used a leftover half hatch from the whirlwindssprue and a chaos marine head from the 40K basing kit.


Weapons/arms not glued and interchangeable with the other two options.


Chapter markings/insignia, battle damage a bit more basing around the CM head remains.

Small update, if I decide on making this a chapter of its own, this will be the chapter iconography:


The blue is the background color of the SMs/tanks etc


The banner says "SCOUTI VINDICI" - should mean something like "The Scouts will vindicate us" (ref Deo Vindici).


I'll try to make one in GS as well, then use GS moulding techniques to reproduce it... maybe ;)

Waking up early sunday morning after a wet night, my hands were to shakey to build miniatures...


All the mess in my workspace had me moving my whirlwinds around all the time to get room to do stuff:



After putting the whirlwinds back into their box, a thought struck - ideas came into my head:



The idea was to stiffen the box with foamcard walls on the inside, then use it as diorama for my new SM army:



My Chaplain needs hes own place of praying etc.. Hence this altar:


You might recognize the buildingmaterials; optional bitz from the fortified manor sprues, a rhino top hatch, two coloumns and a top stone from the archane ruins sprue. The statue is the founder of my chapter (or something). More details (like candle lights from dwarf miners sprue etc)will be added later. The mid square on the top will be used to hold my chapter symbol, the four leafed clover, with a thirteen and banner stating "Scouti Vindici". (previous post). Not decided on PC printout or 3d modelled yet... THe coloumns are magnetized to stick to the walls (as I have to paint it later I can't glue it to the walls). This makes it possible to hang trophies, crusade shields or other magnetized items on them :whoops:


Here's the planning process to get the miniatures organized inside the box:


25mm black bases are CC scouts, colored are teleport homers. 40mm is the chaplain(if in termie armour)and 5 termies. The magnetizing wall project prototype here shows were I can put my spare parts (like the hunter killer missile)


This is as far as I got before going to see a movie:


3 walls magnetized, patterned plasticcard for floor(even mosaique if I bother to paint it that way).


I made a 3d model of the Niffleheim badge to hang on the coloumns - bretonnia shield with GS banner and marked planet&moon(niffleheim)


Another workspace area photo:



My plan is to build a helipad(landspeader), office(HQ Captain) and guard tower(snipers) above the rest of the box.


One can wonder if this is correct focus when trying to paint a whole new army.. At least it's fun to build, and I should have some time as my gaming group are starting a tale of X gamers (inspired by WD) in septembre. 300 points each month should be a fair deal, even if I build this monstrum of a building.. And it's not for display, the plan is to be able to use it in games as well, as a building ;)

I've done som GS molding since last - to mass produce (one by one..) my chapter symbol..


Here's the molds I made (insida a 25mm base):


On the left I took an inprint of a plastic card& GS model of the symbol, to the right I used a pointy tool to write 13's backwards.

EDIT: Eerhp... The 13s on the right is upside down actually... was a bit quick there, aranging the bases for the photoshoot..


To get the symbol onto shoulderpads I had to take it while it was still "wet", It was a bit difficult to work with it without leaving fingerprints or destroying the four leafed clover, but I managed in the end.. Only 40'ish shoulderpads to go... :D


I've also built my first terminator, a heavy weapons guy w/power fist:



His right arm is magnetised, a magnet was glued inside his body when building it(two parts). Used two different magnets on the two different weapons cause I was out of the smallest one. Liked the bigger best though, as it holds the arm a bit better to the body:



I've also made the chapter symbol on the altar, using florist wire, plastic card and a 13 casted by the mold(top picture):



Here's my dreadnaught and his to left arm choises, both with the chapter symbol attatched:



Hopefully the paintjob will make the chapter symbols look better, as the 13's look a bit crappy right now..


After seeing this, any suggestions for a chapter name?


That's it for now, stay tuned :lol:

@Profound: Thanx

@Tigris: Jepp, thanx, thought it's not that big a deal IRL :P It's left over super glue that shines in the blitz, but I'm def(..)ly gong to tidy up a bit. I might even mess it up a bit with a file, battledamagewize ;) At least the GS on the upper arm needs a cut underneath the banner..

@NealSmith: thanx - glad it does ;) Ideas are important kickstarters of any project ;)



Another point - the termies have they're squad markings on their left arm and chapter on their right (from the box) opposite to all other SM's. It's probably supposed to be like that, but I decided to swap them over since I'll only use one left arm and two right arms on most termies - hence less GS Chapter Symbols to make :)

The current progress of the headquarter:


Ground floor:


A ladder, platform and staricase up to 1.st floor.


1st floor:


A landing/service platform for my landspeeder on the right, commanders office on the left, shootie termies platform up front.. There will be a guardtower somewhere as well, on top of the office I presume, for my snipers..


Any ideas for how I build the landing/service platform for my landspeeder? (maybe some sort of magnetic docking clamps -as fielded on the Thunderhawk Transporter?)


The complete building:



With the lid from a monolith box and the lid from the SM suppression force box I'll get one big box for all of it :)


Think this building will play a part in necromunda as HQ for my Enforcers "gang" as well :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Painting in progress (PIP)


Barely started my dreadnaught as a color scheme testfig...

I'll use white for contrast later on.

Very PIP still, but at least I'm doing something :blink:





  • 3 weeks later...

First 300 pts done

I've painted my first 300 points of this army:

"Thunder", here with Castellan missiles:


Castellan produce permanent minefields with large blast size


"Vesuv", here with Vengeance missiles:




"Mike", here with TL lascannon, CCWpn and Heavy flamer:



Here's a picture of all my magnetized parts - as there's a few weapons etc that can be swapped/replaced:



The white badge on the whirlwind sides is our "Niffleheim Crusade" badge. The four leafed clover with a 13 my chapter symbol, and that's about it.. The color's are enchanted blue, over ultramarines blu and blue ink on a white undercoat.


Pictures taken for my first update in our Norwegian Team Anarchy forum, in the En fortelling om X spillere competition we're running inspired by WD "a tale of fout gamers".


THe next 300 points I believe will be a small unit worth lot's of points (i.e. cpt w termie cmd sqd), as I have a lot of other stuff happening befor the last of september...


C&C welcomed :D

  • 4 weeks later...

Long time, no update :) Well, here's my september post for our tale of X gamers thread on team anarchy.


First, heres a collective picture of the five terminators - they're Captain John Anderson and his commandsquad, worth 385pts roughly (depends on the finally tweaked list):


All the loose parts are parts magnetized for swapping weapons etc


So the closeups, first up is the cpt :P :



Here's the command squad sgt, he might even get a promotion as the cpt miniature is tiny compared to his commandsquad... :




Cyclone missile launcher:



Termie with SB:



Heavy w AC, or possibly a heavy flamer:



A few possible HF implementations, though some might battle the extra arm... ;) :



And lastly, my HQ so far in the prosess (i.e. 2xwhirl, 1xdread and 5xtermies painted, scouts unpainted..)



Feel free to comment :) I'm not the best painter of white cloth in the world...

  • 4 weeks later...

Scratch built Drop Pod (finished):

Had to build a drop pod after the SM codex release... Used the pictures in the codex as reference. The finished product will not be as detailed as the fantastic gw sprue, but will do for gaming.


Buildt the thing in 4-5 hours, used foamcard, some jackofoam, toothpicks, PVA glue, plasticcard, one 25mm round base, a piece of a superglue tube/cork, GS and some apoxie putty. After the build, the Pod was left over night for the putty to dry up.


The WIP picture collage:



Day two:

Used 3,5 hours to paint it and half an hour to edit the pictures as well as writin this post :)


The finished product collage:


Few details in the paint job, but maybe I'll add som kill markers after a few battles as the ML inside it kills off units... :)


Feel free to tell me what kind a details I should otherwize add :)


For scale, the thing is about 6-7 inches tall, and 4-5 inches wide at the fattest.

Thanx for those kind words :D


The name of this chapter has become "Scouti Vindici". They're a second founding chapter, formerly being a part of the ultramarines legion (before they were divided into several chapters)...


We'll see for how long I'll be using termies with them, as they more than not do no good... Maybe in combo with a land raider...


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