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discovered a 0-1 Limit on Daemonhunter Terminators

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So i was formulating my pure DH army list the other night and found something I was unaware of previously. In the Heavy Support section there is an "Important Note" box that basically limits the use of DH Crusaders and Dreadnoughts unless the army has a GK Hero with it. Ok, fair enough. I have both of those things in my list so I went to the Hero entry in the HQ section. Now, both Hero entrys have a 0-1 limit but, ignoring the Grandmaster the other Hero is a Brother Captain who has the same stat line as the Brother Captain under the Terminator entry. Since you are required to have a Brother Captain lead your Terminators I assume he also counts as a Hero as well? Unless I've missed it I cant find where it says that the 2 types of Brother Captain are different. And if that is true then you cant have another Hero/Brother Captain in your army, and I cant find any other way to lead a DH terminator squad, so it basically back door 0-1 limits the number of DH Terminator squads you can field.







Someone pointed out to me the other day that the DH Assault Cannon has different stats then the other Space Marine Assault Cannon does. This also angers me. :huh:



I am glad to say that you are wrong. The 0-1 HQ option is there to prevent gamers from taking 2 Grand Masters in a single army (given that GMs are one of the toughest HQ choices in any Imperial/Loyalist army).You can for instance take (HQ) Grand Master (with retinue if so desired); and up to 3 Terminator Squads (Elites) if you so wished.


With regards to the assault cannon, I am not sure if this has been FAQ'd... when I game my opponents are happy for me to use the assault cannon as Heavy 4 rending. Unfortunately, it is one of many current annoyances with the outdated/defunct DH codex that players have.





Apparently there is no faq for your outdated Assault Cannon, in the reference sheets in the back of the 5th edition book(they have everything there) it says Heavy 3 while space marine assault cannons are heavy 4 rending... sucks for DH players lol


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