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LunchBox's WIP's


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What are washes? ;)


I guess essentially the same as glazes but using watered down acrylics (GW paints) instead of dedicated glazes?



Patrick: I posted a link to a glazing tutorial where I showed the paint straight out of the bottle, thinned to a wash, and thinned to a glaze. There is no precise mixture, but generally washes are watered down less than glazes. Go check it out, and see if that helps.

Excellent work on the chappy! I also have this mini (and it's the very first metal mini that I bought so I even used the also oversized boltpistol right arm :D ) and love it, though would be some time before I get back to him (after doing my version of Lemartes =] )

Here's the Chaplain finished. All total it took just over 6 hours. I tried to touch up the stupid "freehand" on the right shoulder, but without stripping the pad and starting over, all I could really do was make it a tiny bit less goofy. I like him though...not bad for speed painting.



Not bad, but it needs more self-deprecation.

:huh: Research time.... :huh:


Self-depreciation (also self-deprecation) is a form of humor in which people or comedians make jokes about themselves, their shortcomings, or their culture, usually without being guided by any underlying self-esteem issues.


The boundaries for this kind of humor are often more relaxed than for other kinds of humor. For example, whereas a Jewish joke told by a non-Jew may be considered anti-semitic and offensive, the same joke told by a Jew may be taken in good humor. The ability to laugh at oneself and the absurdities in one's own culture is often considered a good character trait.


A chaplain with a sense of humor? That'd be... strange, yet fitting.


But what does it have to do with the painting? :huh:




{The quote is strait out of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that has forwarded the general publics knowledge for years. I salute you Wiki!}

I think the guy was being sarcastic. As in: The model is absolutely gorgeous, but LB needs to bag on himself some more because he is really his harshest critic.


Again, I remember when LB started painting, and I would say he and I were equals. However, and this is to everyone, he just shows how hard work, persistance, research, dedication, and not settling for mediocrity is truly the way to better yourself. Congrats LunchBox.

Well, with the school year cranking up again, I have been busy setting up my classroom, and of course the first week of screwl is brutal...but, I have gotten some painting done.


I was burning through this one so fast, I never even took any WIP shots:



yeah the legs just seem to almost disappear in shadow

as starks says it may well be the photos

but i think the axe and helmet and backpack are to a higher standard than say the legs, although legs are less detailed i suppose

dont listen to me ramble on to myself im trying to explain myself and its failing lol!!

2 things are happening on the legs: One, the lighting was a bit off. I use a combo of natural light and overheads for pics. We were having strange weather, and the lighting was spotty through the clouds and thus through the windows. Second, the mini gets progressively darker as you go from top to bottom. I'm trying to learn to exaggerate my zenithal lighting.


I'll have to fix the picture later, it was linked from CMON, but they screwed up the auction part, so I had to delete and repost.


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