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The Storm Bears


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hi everybody, figured i'd start up a thread for the DIY chapter im making. as of now i have 37 models over at my table calling to me, so i should have some progress very soon. but to start off, here the color scheme, the chapter symbol is a lightning bolt with a pawprint over it but i cant get the url for it so i cant upload it here.


im going to have them be ultramarines sucsessors, but im not sure how that will work out, i might have to change that aroun a bit once i get a bit more background going. the chapter master is Acerbus Ursar, and im going for a powerfist heavy army, having kind of like paws. and then mainly missiles and lascannons on vehicles. also i havent ever won a match of 40k. im sad because of this. its probably due to my refusal of getting tanks and most of my friends being all to happy to have them, but any good tactics or strategy that works well would be appreciated. Right now i have a terminator master, 6 veterans, 2 tactical squads, and a devastator squad, all pretty much unassembled other than the veterans so weapon choices would help too. comments are appreciated alot!

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thanks for the replies everybody. im using space wolves grey, and a multitude of other blueish colors i just got, so it may turn out a bit darker, but i think it should still look fine. i wanted to do a paint scheme that i would need to put thought into, instead of aving my normal half-assed attempts. i also want to actually finish this army and play alot with them, instead of switching a bunch.

hey all, sorry for not posting sooner, video games are distracting things... nayway finished my veteran sergeant, i think it came out pretty good



tell me what ya think!

I'd say he's looking pretty good. My first impression of him is that there wasn't enough blue on the figure because he doesn't have a helmet (I'm still really digging your blue), but that should taken care of when you stick him with some regular troopers.


It's not clear from the pics, but did you ink the metal bits? They look a little bright to me and I think given your scheme, you don't want the metal bits to be real bright or flashy. It will detract from the overall impact of your scheme. So I would suggest keeping your metallics very subdued looking.


Excellent start and I'm looking forward to seeing a regular trooper.


Keep up the good work!

thanks, the picture makes the metal look brighter than it is, and there is more blue on the marine that the pictures don't show. also im wondering whether i should make all the models i have. with the new codex coming out i dont wanna make them and then see a new option in the codex that i want. however i have calculated that by the time the codex xcomes out i will have about 180$ to splurge on them so it's all good i guees. but i'd like to know what you guys think.
And about the army, just build the basic troopers and wait untill the new codex comes out, before deciding to stick weapons on your guys.


Agree. In 5th you want quite of few tactical squads anyway, so focus on them, add a few chainswords and bolt pistol holsters for character and you'll be good. Also, you can decide whether or not you want heavy weapons (like one per squad) and what type of special weapons you are going to field.


I'm a melta kind of guy, so I've done up a few of those. I also like flamers and they will have value in 5th, so you won't go wrong with them either.


Once you get be bulk done, then you can add missile launchers, etc. as one offs to tailor your force.

Hey Acerbus, very nice model and colour scheme you got goin.


Great use of the UK games day figure, really need to crack on with mine :P


I think you should just make a combat squad (5 man squad) just to show and see how they would turn out


Keep it up


Cpt X :)

thanks for the replies everyone. should have some more veterans up shortly. also for making an background page for my chapter, is there a certain format, i mean i see people were they have headers for, name, background, battlecry, etc. is there somewhere on the site i can find that?

sorry for not updating in so long, very sorry. i did get all my models built and two more vets painted;



and the built but not painted models;






and here is my new chaplain, based after an old model i did a long time ago. even though it was old, it was probably my best unit on the field. once he survived almost two ten man squads of marine's shots, two tanks and a few more things. and he killed maybe 15-20 guys by himself in my last game. sufficient to say i needed to make his new incarnation cool. i think it worked:



tell me what you think so far.


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