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The Storm Bears


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This seems kind of silly to ask, but if it's in your thread I must have missed it. Anyway, what is your chapter symbol? One of my next projects will be a Death watch squad and I like your colors enough to want to have a representative.



Race bannon, yup its a GK termie weapon. and honda i'd be honored if you used my colors. the symbol is a lightning bolt with a paw over it. if you want the exact thing, here:


hope to have more guys painted soon, and maybe start on the dread.

Hey Acerbus


I think you DIY chapret is great. But i do think that if they are going to be the 'storm bears' they may need a little bit of a more feral feel.

Or pssibly a few pelts of fur here and there. You chaplain model would really benefit, i think, from having a fur cape instead of a plain one.


but you can just ignor me all together seeing as they are your models.


Great work so far, keep it up :P



Ctp X :P

time for an update. only two more veterans this time, ive been playing a bunch more matches recently, and planning out what to buy when the new codex is out. probably some vanguard/honour guard, another dreadnought, and my chpater master. but here's what i've been painting;



tell me what you think.

Hubernator: the odd head on vet model #2 is how that model is. never has been a favorite of mine. One of the tyranic war vets (mohawk) is MUCH worse...


Acerbus: great color scheme. you might want to paint the blue "Scratches" a bit longer and messier - it's easy to cover them with black and create the shape that way, end result will be crisper and all that. same with the red eyes- paint them, then go back with black, THEN the blue face. try to leave a thin line of black for definition.


some of the blue looks thin on the knees of the first model, more layers, more watered down, and take your time building it up. might want to try adeptus battelgrey as a foundation over the black for the blue.


nice to see the limited ed. bolter/PF marine painted up in a DIY scheme.


as for the gene seed chapter - ultras are always super safe, can't go wrong there. might want to consider space wolves (bears and wolves seem somewhat interchangable) or crimson/imperial fists (stubborn with cantor would seem appropriate, and the paw/fist thing...)


keep it up, I can't wait to see more.

and now for something i like to call....SKETCHES TIME!


and on that note, here is that last veteran.



who should i paint next? the dread or the chappy?


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