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So there was a report released by the local news yesterday that said a study showed that drinking "moderate" amounts of alcohol actually helped to improve the heart and overall health of the test subjects, and also that STOPPING drinking actually led to a decline in the health of the subjects, leading to depression and decreased cognitive capacity.


So there you have it! Actual, documented proof as to where space wolves derive our overwhelming superiority over any other space marine chapter: the ale. So drink deep my brothers and ask Russ to bless our Brew Priests, for they are truly the life givers of the chapter, enabling us to exceed the already astonishing skills and fortitude associated with the Astartes. And ask the Emperor to watch over the souls of those poor chapters who value their misguided pride over the nectar of the gods, and pray that their mental capacity isnt too hindered to do His work...



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I think with our MOTC in apoc, we should have: Master of the Brewery. confers +1 toughness or something to packs within 12in (everyone's too drunk to feel the pain!)


Then what about just giving them Feel No Pain :P


It would have to be like, + Feel no Pain, -1 WS and BS since they are so hammered

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