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Vehicle Plasma Cannon


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I've ran into a bit of disagreement on the plasma's gets hot rule for vehicles. I alway roll for gets hot and if I roll a 1 I don't fire but ignore the damage. Some other folks seem to think that the wording is that a vehicle ingores the rule altogether and just blasts away with plamsa. As much as I would enjoy the template rampage I believe that it is only the self damage that we ignore. any ideas??
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Well, it says:

[...] are not affected by this rule.

The bold is just to point out that the word rule should refer to the Gets Hot! rule; since the Gets Hot! and blast weapons section is part of the general Gets Hot! rule, and since vehicles aren't affected by it, plasma cannons on vehicles don't need to roll for overheating.

indeed. vehicles do not overheat. it even goes on to say that this is because vehicles mount extra colling systems etc as a bit of fluff for it. so plasma cannons on vehicles are now absurd as they are always going SOMEWHERE



Unlike just about every other blast weapon in the game.


Oh, hang on a sec......

Unlike just about every other blast weapon in the game.


Oh, hang on a sec......


ur comment actually confuses me. waht exactly are you trying to say? what i was getting at was that ordicarily plasma cannons have a chance to not fire as overheating prevents it. on a vehicle this doesnt ever occur.

He's right Cyber_wulf, just a little sarcasm. No offence (or confusion) intended.


Simply refering to the idea that vehicle mounted plasma cannons are absurd as the shot will always land somewhere, whereas the infantry version does not fire if it overheats. Well that just turns it into a normal blast weapon then, surely?

@ SeattleDV8: Plamsa cannons never roll to hit?


Is that a new rule in new 40k? Sorry Im waiting for the box set (so not seen rule book :P ). This seems a little tooo good??


I don't know about the new edition, but in the 'old' one, vehicle mounted plasma cannons dont over heat.

@ SeattleDV8: Plamsa cannons never roll to hit?


Is that a new rule in new 40k? Sorry Im waiting for the box set (so not seen rule book :P ). This seems a little tooo good??


I don't know about the new edition, but in the 'old' one, vehicle mounted plasma cannons dont over heat.


course not, blast marker and 2D6 - BS scatter

if you land on em they get hit

if you don't it don't


vehcile mounted wont overheat

internal coolling systems


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