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Wounds in 5th edition?


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Ok. After reading the rules several times again still i don't really know some things that, as far as i understood the text in the rulebook, are not described


The example given is a bit to easy for me, see pages regarding wounds and comples units in the rulebook (don't know if the pages in all languages are the same but its p. 24-25 in mine)


When i distributed one wound to every unit, do i have to keep the order or can i assign the wounds in any order i want (until all units have the same number of wounds)?

I assume i have to assign all shots/hits of one weapon type before i switch to the next type (correct me if i am wrong)


for example a squad with 5 men: 1 Sgt 1 (S),1 heavy weapon(H), 3 Marines (M), take 4 wounds with a allowing a save (+) and 2 that do not (-, for the same weapon type though):

I start with the normal wounds now...

M +

M +

M +

H +

S The Sgt has not wound taken yet so he would have to take the first unsaveable...


M +

M +

M +

H +

S - now do i have to assign the wound to a marine or can i start in any order, so i could assign it to the Sgt who is doomed anyway?


M +

M +

M +

H +

S - - would this be valid or would the one that took the first wound ?


Second part... same distribution


Again i am not sure about this one, the rulebook seems to split the unit up into "mini" units - those seem to me like the whole unit acted in the 5th edition.

so... (ill use the same example as above; but in this case the unsaveables come form two different weapon types - to avoid the question above, if it is not possible...)

3 Marines, 1 Heavy, 1 Sgt the shots are distributed for the first wound:

3 Marines ++- / Sgt + / H + (i grouped them on purpose to symbolyze that i see them as a group each)

the 2. unsaveable is again distributed to the normal marines...

3 Marines ++-- / Sgt + / H + so 2 Marines are taken out without any save and the remaining one has to take 2 savings is that right... even if i would distribute in the same way i did about assinging the unsaveable wound to one marine?

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Ok. After reading the rules several times again still i don't really know some things that, as far as i understood the text in the rulebook, are not described


The example given is a bit to easy for me, see pages regarding wounds and comples units in the rulebook (don't know if the pages in all languages are the same but its p. 24-25 in mine)


When i distributed one wound to every unit, do i have to keep the order or can i assign the wounds in any order i want (until all units have the same number of wounds)?

I assume i have to assign all shots/hits of one weapon type before i switch to the next type (correct me if i am wrong)


for example a squad with 5 men: 1 Sgt 1 (S),1 heavy weapon(H), 3 Marines (M), take 4 wounds with a allowing a save (+) and 2 that do not (-, for the same weapon type though):

I start with the normal wounds now...

M +

M +

M +

H +

S The Sgt has not wound taken yet so he would have to take the first unsaveable...


M +

M +

M +

H +

S - now do i have to assign the wound to a marine or can i start in any order, so i could assign it to the Sgt who is doomed anyway?


M +

M +

M +

H +

S - - would this be valid or would the one that took the first wound ?

You may give the second unsaved wound to the sgt. once all models have 1 wound, the remaining wounds can be distributed however you want until each model has 2 wounds alloted, and on and on until all wounds are allotted to models. There is no required sequence to this allotment at all.

Second part... same distribution


Again i am not sure about this one, the rulebook seems to split the unit up into "mini" units - those seem to me like the whole unit acted in the 5th edition.

so... (ill use the same example as above; but in this case the unsaveables come form two different weapon types - to avoid the question above, if it is not possible...)

3 Marines, 1 Heavy, 1 Sgt the shots are distributed for the first wound:

3 Marines ++- / Sgt + / H + (i grouped them on purpose to symbolyze that i see them as a group each)

the 2. unsaveable is again distributed to the normal marines...

3 Marines ++-- / Sgt + / H + so 2 Marines are taken out without any save and the remaining one has to take 2 savings is that right... even if i would distribute in the same way i did about assinging the unsaveable wound to one marine?

mini units, as in models that are the same in gaming terms - 3 bolter marines are effectively identical, and take saves as a group. you seem to have this correct, too. remember, if a 3 model "mini-unit" (not a correct phrase but I like it) was allotted 3 unsaveable wounds, they would all die, you cannot stack these as 2 to one model, and one to the other, even if each had 2+ wounds allotted.

"mini-unit" (not a correct phrase but I like it)

I had no idea how to call them - unsing the german rulebook i have no idea what the used in the english versions, i am glad enough that the page numbers seem to be the same, that at least some less confusion. :teehee:


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