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Objective Markers


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Since we play alot of Apoc around where I play, I made an objective marker to match my army. Since I play Plague Lords I used the Maccrage model, portraying him as a scientist that found an antidote against one of the Nurgle plagues, but then he defected to us, while escaping his plane got shot down. Then I send in the marines to save him ^^


As said, feel free to post all of your own (objective) markers.





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Neat! Here's mine. I made five markers for 5th ed games. They're put together fast and haven't been afforded any particular attention to detail.




From left to right you have

1. A bunch of bolters, combat knives, lasguns and frags that represent a weapons cache.

2. An Ultramarines flag supported by an empty helmet, which can't be seen in the picture.

3. A spare teleport homer

4. A vox caster (I think) and an empty guardsman's helm

5. A Khorne symbol resting in a pool blood, with a PVA glue layer to create a wet effect that doesn't come out in the picture


The picture's been post-brightened a bit.

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This is Tank Commander Bob, whose tank was critically damaged yet he survived.








Obviously we (The Imperium Players around here) would be trying to rescue him...I'm thinking of writing up rules where he can shoot his sidearm and sling obscenities at the enemy.

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These are the objective counters that team Blood Angel Blues brought to the 2008 Adepticon Team Tournament. :)




Each counter laments something that the Blood Angels lost in the new Blood Angels codex.




- The dead Bezerker represents the loss of furious charge as a standard Blood Angel ability. An ability that the World Eaters seem to have inherited.


- The book symbolizes the loss of psychic powers that are actually useful (e.g. Fear of the Darkness, Fury of the Ancients, etc.).


- The force weapon represents the fact that if a Blood Angel Librarian uses Wings of Sanguinus to keep up with the rest of the Assault Marines in the army (not an uncommon occurrence or an unreasonable request), he can no longer use his force weapon to inflict instant death upon an opponent on that same turn (see more on this below).




- The dead Sanguinary Priest symbolizes the loss of the Sanguinary High Priest as a unique HQ choice for the Blood Angels.


- The grail in the priest's dead hand represents the loss of the Grail, an artifact that granted a 2d6" consolidation move.




- The Scout symbolizes the fact that by moving our once beloved Blood Angel Scouts from Troops to Elites, very few Blood Angel players field Scouts anymore. Which is ironic because now that scout shotguns are S4 and that Blood Angel Scouts armed with sniper rifles no longer have to worry about raging, if Blood Angel Scouts had remained a Troop choice they would have enjoyed widespread continued use, despite the loss of furious charge. Instead, our scouts now spend the majority of their time upon shelves, collecting dust.


- The teleport homer represents the fact that the Blood Angels are now the only Space Marine Chapter that does not have access to a teleport homer. Which again is ironic, because now that Blood Angel players don't have to worry about losing expensive Terminators to the Death Company, Blood Angel Terminators have become a more attractive option. Too bad those Terminators have to teleport into battle unaided by teleport homers. :(




- This counter is a collection of equipment that the Blood Angels no longer have access too: familiars, purity seals, bionics, an auspex, and a flamer as an option for Blood Angel Assault Marines.


- The blue jump pack symbolizes the loss of a jump pack as an option for a Blood Angel Librarian. Of course our Blood do have the Wings of Sanguinus psychic power which lets a Librarian move as if equipped with a jump pack, but this psychic power turns out to be more a hindrance than a help. For starters, if a Librarian relies on this psychic power to move into close combat, the only place where his psychic powers do any good now that all of our shooting psychic powers have been stripped from us, he cannot use his close combat psychic powers (i.e. Might of Heroes or his force weapon) on the turn of the assault. Also, whereas an Blood Angel Librarian equipped with a jump pack once had a reliable source of locomotion to allow him to keep up with his jump pack equipped brethren, he now has to worry about a psyker equipped with a psychic hood or the runes of warding reducing him to a 6" move. Even worse, a Blood Angel Librarian now has to worry about suffering the Perils of the Warp every time he wants to move more than 6" in the movement phase, sans an expensive bike.


The Iron Halo on the jump pack is no longer an option for Blood Angel Librarians either.


Don't even get me started on the lack of generic LD 10 Librarians in the Blood Angels codex. :)



Okay, rant over. Enjoy the counters. :lol:

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This is Tank Commander Bob, whose tank was critically damaged yet he survived.


Obviously we (The Imperium Players around here) would be trying to rescue him...I'm thinking of writing up rules where he can shoot his sidearm and sling obscenities at the enemy.


He looks like he's made of plastic because of the stiffness of his body... oh wait that's what he's made of.

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lol... just lying there, rather ridged.


hmm I must paint mine....



This is Tank Commander Bob, whose tank was critically damaged yet he survived.


Obviously we (The Imperium Players around here) would be trying to rescue him...I'm thinking of writing up rules where he can shoot his sidearm and sling obscenities at the enemy.


He looks like he's made of plastic because of the stiffness of his body... oh wait that's what he's made of.


Ok I get it - he's rigid.


Considering he was made from a spare Tank Commander and some treads I'm not really that concerned about it. <_<

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These are the objective counters that team Blood Angel Blues brought to the 2008 Adepticon Team Tournament. :P




Each counter laments something that the Blood Angels lost in the new Blood Angels codex.




- The dead Bezerker represents the loss of furious charge as a standard Blood Angel ability. An ability that the World Eaters seem to have inherited.


- The book symbolizes the loss of psychic powers that are actually useful (e.g. Fear of the Darkness, Fury of the Ancients, etc.).


- The force weapon represents the fact that if a Blood Angel Librarian uses Wings of Sanguinus to keep up with the rest of the Assault Marines in the army (not an uncommon occurrence or an unreasonable request), he can no longer use his force weapon to inflict instant death upon an opponent on that same turn (see more on this below).




- The dead Sanguinary Priest symbolizes the loss of the Sanguinary High Priest as a unique HQ choice for the Blood Angels.


- The grail in the priest's dead hand represents the loss of the Grail, an artifact that granted a 2d6" consolidation move.




- The Scout symbolizes the fact that by moving our once beloved Blood Angel Scouts from Troops to Elites, very few Blood Angel players field Scouts anymore. Which is ironic because now that scout shotguns are S4 and that Blood Angel Scouts armed with sniper rifles no longer have to worry about raging, if Blood Angel Scouts had remained a Troop choice they would have enjoyed widespread continued use, despite the loss of furious charge. Instead, our scouts now spend the majority of their time upon shelves, collecting dust.


- The teleport homer represents the fact that the Blood Angels are now the only Space Marine Chapter that does not have access to a teleport homer. Which again is ironic, because now that Blood Angel players don't have to worry about losing expensive Terminators to the Death Company, Blood Angel Terminators have become a more attractive option. Too bad those Terminators have to teleport into battle unaided by teleport homers. :P




- This counter is a collection of equipment that the Blood Angels no longer have access too: familiars, purity seals, bionics, an auspex, and a flamer as an option for Blood Angel Assault Marines.


- The blue jump pack symbolizes the loss of a jump pack as an option for a Blood Angel Librarian. Of course our Blood do have the Wings of Sanguinus psychic power which lets a Librarian move as if equipped with a jump pack, but this psychic power turns out to be more a hindrance than a help. For starters, if a Librarian relies on this psychic power to move into close combat, the only place where his psychic powers do any good now that all of our shooting psychic powers have been stripped from us, he cannot use his close combat psychic powers (i.e. Might of Heroes or his force weapon) on the turn of the assault. Also, whereas an Blood Angel Librarian equipped with a jump pack once had a reliable source of locomotion to allow him to keep up with his jump pack equipped brethren, he now has to worry about a psyker equipped with a psychic hood or the runes of warding reducing him to a 6" move. Even worse, a Blood Angel Librarian now has to worry about suffering the Perils of the Warp every time he wants to move more than 6" in the movement phase, sans an expensive bike.


The Iron Halo on the jump pack is no longer an option for Blood Angel Librarians either.


Don't even get me started on the lack of generic LD 10 Librarians in the Blood Angels codex. <_<



Okay, rant over. Enjoy the counters. :lol:


Brilliant in both form and function.

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Koyote, you're a bit misinformed. Space Wolves don't have the use of a teleport homer.


I guess that makes sense, though, considering Space Wolf Terminators can't teleport...


ah yes but space wolf terminators don't have the teleport homer or teleport, at the moment. they however will have a codex (at some stage) which will probably not be published as an addendum to an isssue of white dwarf.


both these arguments pale into comparison when you consider that the dark angels terminators can't teleport on turn one by homing in on a teleport homer attached to a bike which has just moved a ridiculous number of inches from the deployment zone.......oh wait, they can.......

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So far I have two objective markers completed for Fifth edition, both for the Sisters of the Steadfast Heart. Enjoy!





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I'm in love with these markers...



These are the objective counters that team Blood Angel Blues brought to the 2008 Adepticon Team Tournament. :)




Each counter laments something that the Blood Angels lost in the new Blood Angels codex.




- The dead Bezerker represents the loss of furious charge as a standard Blood Angel ability. An ability that the World Eaters seem to have inherited.


- The book symbolizes the loss of psychic powers that are actually useful (e.g. Fear of the Darkness, Fury of the Ancients, etc.).


- The force weapon represents the fact that if a Blood Angel Librarian uses Wings of Sanguinus to keep up with the rest of the Assault Marines in the army (not an uncommon occurrence or an unreasonable request), he can no longer use his force weapon to inflict instant death upon an opponent on that same turn (see more on this below).




- The dead Sanguinary Priest symbolizes the loss of the Sanguinary High Priest as a unique HQ choice for the Blood Angels.


- The grail in the priest's dead hand represents the loss of the Grail, an artifact that granted a 2d6" consolidation move.




- The Scout symbolizes the fact that by moving our once beloved Blood Angel Scouts from Troops to Elites, very few Blood Angel players field Scouts anymore. Which is ironic because now that scout shotguns are S4 and that Blood Angel Scouts armed with sniper rifles no longer have to worry about raging, if Blood Angel Scouts had remained a Troop choice they would have enjoyed widespread continued use, despite the loss of furious charge. Instead, our scouts now spend the majority of their time upon shelves, collecting dust.


- The teleport homer represents the fact that the Blood Angels are now the only Space Marine Chapter that does not have access to a teleport homer. Which again is ironic, because now that Blood Angel players don't have to worry about losing expensive Terminators to the Death Company, Blood Angel Terminators have become a more attractive option. Too bad those Terminators have to teleport into battle unaided by teleport homers. :(




- This counter is a collection of equipment that the Blood Angels no longer have access too: familiars, purity seals, bionics, an auspex, and a flamer as an option for Blood Angel Assault Marines.


- The blue jump pack symbolizes the loss of a jump pack as an option for a Blood Angel Librarian. Of course our Blood do have the Wings of Sanguinus psychic power which lets a Librarian move as if equipped with a jump pack, but this psychic power turns out to be more a hindrance than a help. For starters, if a Librarian relies on this psychic power to move into close combat, the only place where his psychic powers do any good now that all of our shooting psychic powers have been stripped from us, he cannot use his close combat psychic powers (i.e. Might of Heroes or his force weapon) on the turn of the assault. Also, whereas an Blood Angel Librarian equipped with a jump pack once had a reliable source of locomotion to allow him to keep up with his jump pack equipped brethren, he now has to worry about a psyker equipped with a psychic hood or the runes of warding reducing him to a 6" move. Even worse, a Blood Angel Librarian now has to worry about suffering the Perils of the Warp every time he wants to move more than 6" in the movement phase, sans an expensive bike.


The Iron Halo on the jump pack is no longer an option for Blood Angel Librarians either.


Don't even get me started on the lack of generic LD 10 Librarians in the Blood Angels codex. ;)



Okay, rant over. Enjoy the counters. :D

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First of several. Smallest rose I could find, but it works. If you've read The Dark Tower series you'll understand ;)


i have wanted an =][= retinue based on Roland and his ka-tet for a while. this is just the inspiration i need to spur me onward :D


long days and pleasant nights Rindaris :)

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First of several. Smallest rose I could find, but it works. If you've read The Dark Tower series you'll understand ;)

What other Dark Tower themed markers have you planned?

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