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My Blood Ravens


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Hey folks,

I've been posting questions, etc. for a while and wanted to show off some of my Blood Ravens. These guys are the first army I've painted (I've only been painting a few months as I get time), so I am still learning a lot from reading here and from the folks down at GW. Keep in mind that as I get more painting done that I go back for a little touch-up work here and there and the decaling and flocking are not done yet, but I hope you all will enjoy them.


My Assault Cannon Termi




Another Termi



My Heavy Bolter Trooper




Melta Trooper


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Ok, here is a picture of the backpack of my heavy bolter trooper. It's very similar to the detailing devastators article on the GW website. If it's not clear enough, I can ask my wife to take the pic, she's more of a shutterbug than I am.



I used a black primer and painted Mechrite Red over that. After the Mechrite dried and I got any thin spots I used the Baal Red wash over the entire model and let that dry. I then took a ratted out flat dry brush from GW and highlighted with Gore Red. Touched up the black armor points with Chaos black including the vents for the backpack, applied skull white over the aquila, purity seal parchment, and shoulder pads. Bleached bone over the skull white (2 coats on average) except for the parchment, I used Kommando Khaki for that. I hit the aquila and the parchment in Delvan Mud to bring out the details and darken up the parchment, the shoulder pads were left alone but I did use the Delvan Mud for shadow areas (backpack grill, boot bends, knee pad joins and armor detail) to give depth. Dark Angels green on the eyes and purity seal wax and then Snot green over those areas. I think that's it, from memory.


The mold lines on these guys don't bother me as much since they are my line troops, trust me when I say that I fussed over them on my senior librarian.


We all know that the Magnus the Red rumor is purely from detractors that are jealous of my beloved BRs :devil:

Nice work, but I'd suggest drilling out the weapons. Also, Chronowraith is correct about the mold lines. Still, the painting is really really good.


Love the Terminators and can't wait to see a full army shot!


seconded about those barrels...

they would look 100% cooler with the barrels drilled out

if you don't own a pin dril just go down GW and use theirs lol

LOL! Ok, Ok! I'll go down and get a file for the helmets. Since these are a play army, I didn't really think much about the mold lines since they would be mainly on the table and just figured that I would go the extra mile on my termi librarian. I'll file down the lines on my subsequent troops while I figure out what to do about the already painted pieces. I don't own a pin drill, so that will have to wait until I can make it down to GW for an afternoon.


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