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Edit: 30 August 2012


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Got some terminator work done. Also pledged in the Path to Redemption DA painting challenge. I can always use some motivation.


Apologies for some of the older broken picture links. Lost the photobucket album they were connected to.


Here's a link to my army album Dawnbringers

Edited by CarbonBased

Well, got some touch up done and started highlighting. The 4 in the foreground are set for highlights, the ones in back still need sky gray highlights over the neutral gray.


Click the small photo for the big version. The highlights get lost in the picture I guess, but the yellows got a highlight as well.




I'm so glad it's the weekend. I want to make some real progress on these guys. Thanks for your comments, they're greatly appreciated.


You can see the next squad behind them, primed and inked.

Edited by CarbonBased
Got more painting done this weekend. Glossed the shoulderpads and kneepad to prep for decals. I put one of the assault squad decals on this morning. I'm pretty pleased with it so far. I'll post pics when I get home from work. I've decided to make these guys second squad. The custom decals I made have a small roman numeral in the squad marking. I'm putting off the squad leader for now, since I'm not sure what changes the new 'dex will bring. Next up is to finish the swappable arms for the special and heavy weapons.

I agree, this is a very interesting scheme, perhaps a tad busy, but still very nice looking. I think if it were up to me, and I know it's not, I would consider softening the yellow and orange. You could glaze over them with something like Bleached Bone or Bubonic Brown to soften the contrast. Then the colors themselves aren't lost, but neither are their contrasts so stark. But then, I tend to like softer contrasts, regardless of the colors involved.


Excellent job so far. Keep up the good work!

I've currently got 6 tac squads, 2 assault squads, 2 devs, 6 rhinos, 3 vindis, and the ability to field 2 of the rhinos as preds, 2 as whirlwinds, and 2 as razorbacks. (I love magnets). I've got about 35 terminators a LRC and a LR. 6 bikes, 3 landspeeders and 2 atk bikes. I've only got 1 lonely dread, so I'm looking to catch a deal on those. I put a deposit down on black reach, and I'm hoping to trade an orc player for his marine sprues. Not yet assembled is a box of vets I won at gamesday. I've been playing against my friends orcs with DA rules, but I'll probably go with a different chapter when the new 'dex arrives. They're just a bit bright for DA :D


I honestly don't have a favorite unit yet, as I really haven't played them enough to get a handle on how everything shakes down. I've magnetized the Sgt, special, and heavy weap troop for each squad, so I have some flexibility there.


Fluff-wise, they're all about scourging darkness, so I see them using a lot of fire and plasma. Chaos and demons would be obvious choices for a preferred enemy. I really haven't gotten any background solidified.

Edited by CarbonBased

those are really well painted. not colors I would have ever thought to use (very andy warhol...) but they are laid on beautifully and really work well. I dig "the first light..." tagline, too.


Glad to see someone else using the two-color shoulders, too.


bravo. keep posting!

  • 2 weeks later...

Got the decals set, working on bases now. Still need another coat of dullcote, they're still a touch shiny.




I'm debating putting the company number on the left knee. Thoughts?

Edited by CarbonBased

I think the colors match up to the concept really well, and you have done a superb job with them. Truly.


However, your choice of colors is... a little avant garde. It took til the last post before I realized I liked them, but my knee-jerk reaction in a game store as a chaos player is 'aw, dang, man, I GOTTA get me a piece of that army, it's a moral imperative.'

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