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Well, I certainly failed this thread. The good news is, I've simplified the scheme a bit. The bad news is, that necessitated repainting. The other good news is, the new scheme is easier and faster, so I should make more progress. I'll post some pics when I get home tonight.


Oh yes, and they're still orange!


Edit: Pics as promised





You can see the old, more complicated, paint scheme in the squad behind the new guys. I'm going to attempt to repaint them as is. Just go over the deneb stone with orange.

Edited by CarbonBased

Here's a few of the old guys touched up to remove the deneb stone color. I think they look good. I kinda like the grey on the backpack. I think I'll carry that over to the rest of the troops. I'm torn on the grey boots however.



I like it.


I agree w/ leaving the grey on the backpack... I'm doing something similar w/ my DIY (black and red instead of red and grey), I like the way it breaks up the backpack.


All together, very nicely painted, I especially like the crispness of the orange and yellow on the rhino.

Did some weathering on the rhino.





Edited by CarbonBased

wow thats a bright rhino! :Troops: the weathering looks pretty good so far, can i suggest


- a panel of choice to be grey to tie in more with the troops

- a bit of dust/grime build up on the rear yellow side panels (with the vents)

- some dings and scrapes in the front yellow panels (facing forward)

- also a bit of carbon build up around the exhaust stacks would look quite effective




Edited by Dominar_Mortis
wow thats a bright rhino! ^_^ the weathering looks pretty good so far, can i suggest


- a panel of choice to be grey to tie in more with the troops

- a bit of dust/grime build up on the rear yellow side panels (with the vents)

- some dings and scrapes in the front yellow panels (facing forward)

- also a bit of carbon build up around the exhaust stacks would look quite effective





All great suggestions. I'll give those a shot tonight. Thanks!




Nice painting job.. but I must say this army looks like they are made of Legos.. and there guns would shoot bubbles. Not saying its bad.. I am just saying its childish o.o; Heh.. don't hate me please.


- Drexsun


I actually laughed out loud.

Thanks Cap! I have a few small things to go on the rhino before I seal it. Then it's Rhino #2 followed by the PF sarg's squad. My plan is to have 3 rhinos and 3 tac squads done by the end of my weeks vacation. Not likely, but it's good to have goals :tu:


I'm trying to decide whether to do the yellow helmet stripe for Sergeants and the helmet wings for vets, or vice versa. Vet Sgts get both.



Ha.. good to hear you thought it was funny and not hateful. That's just the first thing that popped into my head when I saw it. Its still nice, I'm just saying.


- Drexsun


No worries, I know my paint scheme isn't for everyone. It's enough that it's for me. :D Besides, how sad would it be to get angry over someone not liking the color I choose to paint my toys? ;)

Almost finished with the rhino. Did the plow last night. It's magnetized in case I don't run it. It still needs weathering/chipping. Then it's the tense moment of gloss varnish to seal it and dullcote to knock down the shine. I'd really hate the gloss to botch it up after all this work.




Well lets just say this.. your painting is better then mine.. and I would be glad to fight by your army.. my troops would just make fun of yours on the battle line. But then yours would come back like "HA your just primed.."
so its all good.


- Drexsun

Well the clear coat on the first rhino went well, so I primed some more models.




Still 2 marines in the first squad that need orange over the deneb stone. Need to paint the standard bearer and special weapons guys in the 2nd squad. 2 whole squads, 3 rhinos, the chapter master, and a mess of weapons/arms to go as well.


I'm so slow :rolleyes:

Edited by CarbonBased
the rhino reminds me of a construction vehicle :HQ: i like it :P


Thanks, got the second rhino base coated this morning, but the wife took the camera so no pics yet. My son is in basic training in South Carolina and he asked for some pictures, so she's getting some printed.


I think I'm going to finish rhino 2 and squad 2, then do the chapter master figure. That will give me my very first fully painted, field-able army.

Does your chapter master have wings? :geek:


Found some close-ups of it. Please excuse the blue-tac :)




Edited by CarbonBased

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