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  • 1 year later...

Gone, but not forgotten.


I've just started playing again after a long hiatus for various reasons. Through a bit of serendipity, it turns out almost all my close friends had a 40k army of one kind or another put away. So we've all taken to getting together on Sunday evenings and getting in a game or two.


This has given me renewed motivation to start painting again in earnest.


Here's some progress from last night. I'll post up a whole army shot tonight, so you can see how much I have painted (and how much more I don't) My biggest hold up currently is that until it gets nicer out, I don't have a good place to prime.






Me likey, *POP!*. Would like to see some more models though, as the old links aren't working. :)


Ask and ye shall receive.


Here's an almost whole army shot. Not shown are my unpainted terminators, 2 landraiders, 2 vindis, my bikes, and a few other odds and ends. They're all at my buddies house from last weekend.




If you'd like to see some close up, here's a link. Dawnbringers photos


I don't want to spam the forum with dozens of pics.


Thanks for the critique and the interest, I really appreciate it!

Edited by CarbonBased

Got some work done on a landspeeder last night. It's gesso primed (which I can do indoors and in wet weather) The gesso is a bit thick, but it's not as bad on a vehicle as there's much less detail to obscure. I'll get it posted tonight.


Anyone have a line on yellow ink like GW used to sell before washes? I do like the washes for many applications, but yellow ink on white primer is a fantastic one-coat job for my yellow. The problem is, I'm running low on ink.

Here's the landspeeder, as promised.






I did some looking and it seems there's a brand of ink made by PH Martin's that might work. I'll post about it once I get a bottle and give it a try.

Edited by CarbonBased

Got the decals on my 4th and 5th squad standard bearers. I'm in the process of painting over them. I use them as a guide since there's no way I could totally freehand them.


4th Squad




5th Squad


Got some more work done on banners. Not award winning work, to be sure, but I'm happy. Have a lot more to do as each squad has it's own unique banner.







No new update today, as I'm going out. Tomorrow is actual 40k playing day (incredible, I know!) but I might get some painting in between games.


Thanks for looking, and don't be shy. Post up suggestions, critiques, praise, or outright slander!

This is one of those color schemes I'd sooner shoot myself than try to attempt (I hate working off of white basecoats). Much praise to you good sir for not only pursuing it, but actually making it work. It actually reminds me of the Fire Lords (Fire Angels? Fire Gods? I dunno, too much fire in 40k) posted recently by another painter. The one thing which strikes me as "off" is the shoulder emblem on the dreadnought.
This is one of those color schemes I'd sooner shoot myself than try to attempt (I hate working off of white basecoats). Much praise to you good sir for not only pursuing it, but actually making it work. It actually reminds me of the Fire Lords (Fire Angels? Fire Gods? I dunno, too much fire in 40k) posted recently by another painter. The one thing which strikes me as "off" is the shoulder emblem on the dreadnought.


Thanks for posting!


On the dread, do you mean the Tac symbol, or the chapter symbol? I'm assuming the chapter symbol since it's not painted in yet. They don't look so "There's a sticker on my dread" once they're painted.

  • 2 weeks later...

Almost done kitting out my terminators. Ran out of magnets though. I need to convert a few more Cyclone launchers, but I'm out of ancient rhino headlights. I'm hoping to prime what I do have tomorrow.



  • 1 year later...

Finally back to work on these guys.


Belial almost done



Chaplain still in progress



Libby in progress (what a terrible model)



Assault Termy Sgt almost complete



THSS Termy Almost complete


Hurray to seeing these guys again and for the use of Orange! :huh: They're looking great Carbon Based the orange is fantastic! Just need to fix up the mould lines on these boys and they'll soon look sublime!



Yes, mould lines are the bane of my existence. I'm trying to clean up the ones I haven't base-coated yet. But the one's already base-coated will have to wait until I've got everything else at least table top. If I keep going back, I never move forward.


Thanks for the kind words, it really does help keep me motivated.

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