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Daemonhunters stuff


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Some finished DH stuff, C&C welcome.


Gun Servitors




An Inquisitor's ride



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The land raider is nice but it looks like the blue is a little too thin, it looks a bit splotchy with the black undercoat showing throguh soo much.

I like ther left gun servitor, nice idea (I might need to filch that), the middile one doesn't look like it belongs to DH, those legs look too much like xeno tech.. thats the sort of thing that'll get you shot around the =][=.


Can we get a close up pic of the 3rd please?


Other than that, crisp painting for the most part, I like the colour scheme on the LR, good work.

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I actually ran out of black primer when I built the landraider so the undercoat is gray. The basecoat is midnight blue, with a black ink filter, a regal blue overbrush, a enchanted blue drybrush/highlighting, and boltgun metal for weathering.


pictures of the third with the Inquisitor that goes with all three, and some WIP psykers in the background.


The servitor is crushing a bloodletter horn in case it's difficult to tell.



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Thanks, that is indeed the effect I was going for, the armor of the Inquisitor it belongs to looks almost identical. I was a bit worried when I put the midnight blue basecoat on since midnight blue dries to a dark purple, but once I added the filter to darken it up and then the regal blue overbrushing, it came out to the midnight sky effect you mentioned.
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Double post, but the WIP psykers in the background are now done, except that as I'm posting this I realize I havn't painted the scroll on the purity seal. On the bases the ashen waste didn't turn out as well as it has with other models, what would people think about adding the charred stump of a tree or something like it?


The twins


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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished pics of a second Inquisitor I have been working on. I think this model turned out really sloppy, which is frustrating given the amount of time I put into it. The Daemon doesn't look at all like it naturally is part of the model. I really need to work on making my bases look more like an interactive part of the model. And she does have a backpack, but it got lost in the painting process, I will find it eventually...hopefully. Also taking better pictures, the new daylight bulb seems a bit to bright, maybe a white backdrop. C&C as always, oh and I will re upload the pictures for my mystics, sorry.









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  • 6 months later...


Finished another Land Raider, this one is meant to look like it's taken a bit of a beating.


Also I'm posting a side by side that I've already posted over in the Inquisition forum. I would appreciate people's opions on which color scheme they prefer.







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Lovely conversion here!

I don't know why, but your red inquisitor/retinue look radical, while the blue one look puritan!

for your GK, i prefer the right one. And as someone as mentionned in the inquisition subforum, i think too that you should use a different colour for the stormbolter.

Maybe some red-gore?

Anyway, this few models make for a promising army! i'm looking forward to see more of it!


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  • 1 month later...

So I have two finished terminators, each with a different style of NFW, all of the rest are done (sans NFW blades), but I'd like some opinion on which style people prefer. The incinerator wielder is done using a cheap imitation of Kroots Magoo's method for modeling lightening, the other is painted on with white and then two layers of wash over the top. I'll post pictures of the squad and some individual pics when they're all finished; hopefully tomorrow if I get enough feedback on the weapons.



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Pics of the finished squad, sorry about the crappy photog skills.









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I like both of the lightening effects on your Terminator NFW. Could you please share your recipe for "the other" Terminator. I usually don't like the lightening effect but your use of white over normal metal looks very nice. Just wondering on the specifics... particularly what colour wash.


Cheers, Messanger

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  • 1 year later...

Man it has been a long time. Finally managed to pull some time together to sit down and get some more things done.


First off I updated the highlights on the original termies as so many suggested



The finished GM + Retinue. The GM has actually undergone some subsequent repairs due to a horrendous act of destruction accidentally visited upon it by a large textbook.








Lone pics of the GM







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Very well done! I am totally in love with your power weapons, both the blue lightning style and the metal ones! Please write a guide! ;)

Your servitors are awesome aswell, really unique and combat-servitor like!


What I don't like is that you don't do much with the bases. Especially with the servitors it seems obvious. They're just very plain, give it a little love and it'll turn out awesome!


White Knights isn't right in my book, but that is a taste thing - I think some of your personal heraldries stick out just a tad too much, like all three guys on the fourth picture in the post above this one. The sharp colours just don't work with the very toned armor, in my oppinion.


Keep it up and keep posting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update. More done. CLearly I'm not that great of a photographer.




Changed up heraldry and blacklined recesses on hair




Grey Knights! The only half decent picture I took!





Sigh, one day I'll figure this whole picture shooty thing out.




Who likes unintentional blue filter?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha! yeah that pic is about two years old. You can see the land raider with touchups and varnish in these finished pics.


So, I'm finished! Mostly, display board still needs some work, but whatever. After two years of start and stop and some serious changes in my painting style, this damn almost all metal behemoth is finally done. I will probably be unable to resist adding things as time goes on and the new codex comes out, but it feels really good to have this whole army done for the first time.








A picture from my first round. GKTs vs. Shrike and TH/SS terminators.


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