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Desert Table WiP


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Me and my friend Seb are building this...we liked the idea or the modular thing, so we worked it out and cranked out a plan for the sizes







the plan is modular parts that fit in the table to be able to move them around as we please:




this is a sand dune in progress...just building it up will eventually shape it up proper with a more wavvy look






Seb working on some walls...we poured a couple...a monument base, a well, and some random things





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Were gonna add some buildings with some pipelines and I'm gonna build some sort of awesome boiler.


Here is an idea of the kind of buildings we will be doing.









well some more progress, not as much because half the stuff was still drying....we will be getting a hot wire cutter soon...because that would make our building lives 37891274988792394849832 times easier!!!


For future reference


Builder: Seb

Ideas/finishing work: Alex


thats why most of the pics for now will be him building stuff hahahaha



Seb working on the belltower...yes the bell is large, possibly a bit too large...however it is functional :wub:






heres a table shot:




a plan for the strip club(this is a desert wasteland, so bunch of naughty things happen :P)




and heres a shot of the pipeline...it will connect to two buildings and one will have a nice big boiler






the guess range thing isnt as big of a deal really...not many things have guess range and guess range isnt really anything special anyways however it can affect the am i in range aspect...but its a sacrifice(i myself prefer built in tables but..)


as for open ground, we will make a few extra pieces to exchange, but generally we like terrain, open ground is boring and less restrictive


one 2x2 is the dune, it will be softened so its ssentially open ground...then the other 2x2 will have room to manouvre but still cover...theres a bunch of roads...the 12x18 is a landing pad which will again have space for movement...and as mentioned we can always create some stand ins that are a bit more open if we find in the end its a bit too crowded






its pretty fun so far, but i havent got to do much cuz im useless at building things nicely...my work only begins to look nice when its closer to the end so it would make for ugly WIP pics :)


as for the nicely arranged mech sisters...that would be Sebs army! i decided to unload my mech crimson fists upon completion as he has mech sisters, my friend has mech death korp...so.....too many vehicles!!


you guys just need to get on his case about painting his damn armies now hahahah




assassins creed was the inspiration along with star wars actually...i like the whole concept of star wars universe, the world more than the movies,, movies were cool but the universe is awesome


i like the tech they have, backwater yet advanced in ways


Seb just liked the style from assassins creed


ironically neither of his armies are desert themed...but the spare necron army is..while my bike army is as well

assassins creed was the inspiration along with star wars actually...i like the whole concept of star wars universe, the world more than the movies,, movies were cool but the universe is awesome


i like the tech they have, backwater yet advanced in ways


Seb just liked the style from assassins creed


ironically neither of his armies are desert themed...but the spare necron army is..while my bike army is as well


Bonus points if your strip club/bar plays the Cantena music from 'SW: A New Hope' ;)


And may I suggest rugs/carpets hanging down the walls of the buildings?

AHHHHH rugs and carpets thats what i was thinking...excellent, now im gonna spend hours freehanding on the terrain.....









Maybe you won't need to- Why not just find some online images of Persian carpets, shrink the image to the scale required, print it out, mount it on cardboard or actual strips of thin fabric, then arrange as needed on/in/around the buildings? Easy and won't melt your eyeballs from painting all those details (Your models NEED your eyeballs, as who else can paint as good in Ottawa? :cuss ) and you can print up a whole sheet of rugs/carpets in mere moments...

i could do that in theory, but my quality bones wont let me...the scenery may not be top notch in the end, but i want it to look quality


plus it will gimme some sculpting practice and freehand practice, i havent done much freehand of more complex designs so

heres a tut by fellow team mate:




we may not be building them as bricks or atleast a final layer of bricks, we might have a "plaster coat" over and do bricks under like the other buildings


the benefit to plaster walls is you can add more damage and detail to them, foamboard is great for quick buildings but it prevent you from doing that nice detail damage or bullet holes, or brickwork and so forth

Interesting and very nicely done, but it seems a bunch of work? What about Linka molds?


You can do damage and brick showing through on foamboard if you want. I can't find the link now, but I have it at home...


You can also, if you don't care about the texture, glue paper with bricks printed onto it.


Here's an example, in 15mm, of what I'm talking about: http://share.shutterfly.com/action/picture...4505cc&pg=6

Interesting and very nicely done, but it seems a bunch of work? What about Linka molds?


You can do damage and brick showing through on foamboard if you want. I can't find the link now, but I have it at home...


You can also, if you don't care about the texture, glue paper with bricks printed onto it.


Here's an example, in 15mm, of what I'm talking about: http://share.shutterfly.com/action/picture...4505cc&pg=6



works comes with the job...id much rather make my own than spend extra money on stuff pre made, thats not gonna suit my needs 9/10 times anyways


as for the foamcore, it doesnt handle the same kinda or level of detail...because you cant engrave into it, it shreds or tears, plaster scrapes


i do have plasticard with patterned bricks in, for things(and if you look you will see they were used on one of the buildings Seb made) but in general it doesnt look as nice or as crisp


oh and the pic you linked doesnt work


the issue isnt time or work, its simply the goals im after, he wants nice terrain i wanna practice and explore some things, materials, tools



not overly interested in speed..as its easier to spend the time to make good scenery than rush it end up with crap you will want to replace in a couple months hahah




That's cool. Wish I had your time! :)



Here's the link to the Linka mold website just in case you can find something that meets your standards... http://www.linkaworld.com/


I think the other link for the foamboard ruins went away. He did have some pretty good detail in it.


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