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Imperial Fists Command Squad WIP


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Hey guys. I finally got a cam that works properly, so I snapped a few shots of my WIP Imperial Fists Second Company.

As you probably know, I'm a sucker for converting so they are mostly conversions. There will be more soon.


Here's my Captain. He's based on the Hellbrecht body. I drilled out his head and added a new one, gave him new arms and a scratch-built thunder hammer. The backpack is also scratch-built from different bits. It was hell to get rid of the left ar especially, and it left some bits that were really difficult to hide, even with green stuff, so I added a couple of wavy bits taken from a High Elf musician.

He's about 40% finished, and I'm taking it slowly. I'm quite pleased with him so far.



This is the Veteran Sergeant from my Captain's command squad. He is fairly straightforward. Not really any conversion work done, just a lot of different bits put together.



This is my Company Champion. He is slightly more converted than the sergeant. I used a regular sergeant torso, and ground down the 'speaker' bit to make a Fist icon. The left arm is a chainsword arm with an old Power Axe attached. I put a spiky bit from the Chaos sprue on the axe to give it more balance, along with a few purity seals. The shield is from the standard WFB shield sprue with an eagle from the IG tank sprue added, along with a trimmed-down Fist icon from Forge World.



More to come soon. Let me know what you think. C&C welcome! :tu:

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