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This could take some time....


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Hi there,

It's been probably the best part of a year since I last did any modelling or painting. As the british summer yet again failed to materialise I thought I might do some kit bashing and GS and possible even some painting.

So here goes, a new chapter....

(literally) The Unnamed

Test mini


Im looking to do a pale high contrast scheme. The core of the army will be predominently scout based.

Some Scouts




A Couple a Marine Vet Sargs


Some marines



And in true rolf style - can you guess wjhat it is yet?

As of last night....

The Captain


With some more progress today.....





There's now so much gs on the captain I'm leaving him to set for the next couple of hours before adding his missing thumb :tu:

Naming suggestions and feedback is very welcome.

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Ok...I tell from the photos these PROBABLY look incredible in RL. On screen, not so. The flash seems to have dimmed the colors, and the texture looks almost..grainy, like sand.

Still, I love the color scheme, and the Captain and Vet Sargs look like awesome incarnate.

Finish dat thumb an' paint dem critturs! ^_^

The Captains complete just needs a paint job now....





Updated pics of a sample scout



And that multi melta



The vets torsos are from the black templar squad upgrade sprue and I agree the top of the sword is a little small - I'll rummage through my bits and see if there's an alternative....

i disagree DarKHaZZ13, i think the off white/green combo works really well


makes me think of the front cover of Galaxy in Flames.


but the gold, i dunno. but then i'm biased

cos i'm jealous, those models are awesome


if only i had the skills/patience

i disagree DarKHaZZ13, i think the off white/green combo works really well


makes me think of the front cover of Galaxy in Flames.


but the gold, i dunno. but then i'm biased

cos i'm jealous, those models are awesome


if only i had the skills/patience


each to their own <_<


I take it you don't dissagree that the GS work is awsome lol

Thanks for the feedback, I've got to stop painting for a couple of weeks - my hobby room is being knocked down ;) I may try some conversions if I can find some space amoungst the dust and chaos.


Its 0.5mm plasticard for the neck guard, patience and alot of swearing when patience runs out.


The Captains torso is a modified terminator with plasticard spacers and a chaos warrior cloak.


Why the termi base?


I also like the green casing - it seems more military...

  • 9 months later...

Been a while....

Lots of life getting in the way of painting and converting still started again after a bit of time off:

Some vangaurd conversions




And some marines for the sarg to lead....


All very work in progress, I'll post more pictures as I finish these off.....

Other than some tidying up a couple of the squad are done..... Lost my PVA glue somewhere in the house :) so can't finish the bases tonight, they will have to wait for a trip to the DIY store

Some of the shading / weathering isn't coming out in the photos perhaps I need to make it a little more extreme or work out how to take decent photos :P




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