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This could take some time....


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Other than some tidying up a couple of the squad are done..... Lost my PVA glue somewhere in the house :rolleyes: so can't finish the bases tonight, they will have to wait for a trip to the DIY store

Some of the shading / weathering isn't coming out in the photos perhaps I need to make it a little more extreme or work out how to take decent photos -_-


I like what you did with the Plasma coils, simple but effective, probably easier to pull off than the glow...

They look a bit like pre-Heresy Deathguard FWIW.

They look great!

I especially like the crisp white. How do you achieve that?

....by not painting white :P It's astronomicon grey (or whatever) then washed with very watered down black ink then highlighted with Ghost Grey. I bought a cheap airbrush and compressor to do basecoats, that and really cleaning the model helps get a smooth finish.

@ sword brethren thanks mate not really the effect I was going for ("a quick punt up the thames what oh" ) but you made me smile so thanks :D

Perhaps a different perspective (notice the base in perfect focus :huh: ^_^ )


No wait thats even worse.... lol

and another vanguard, I'm not happy with the arm but I'm not sure what's wrong with it....


Four squad members pretty much finished


and a few more should be finished tommorow


A shot of the whole squad


And finally reinforcements are coming...


Been a little distracted by a side project which is starting to wind me up (more on that at the end)

WIP Rhino 1st Tactical Sqaud 4th Company. Still got some weathering to do and then highlighting.



On reflection I may have gone a little ott on the GS, I'll tone it down on the next one. (Although there is another to be painted up which has even more mud :D )

Also base coated the start of the second squad.


And the distraction.... This :cuss model fell on the :cuss floor and I had to strip and start from scratch. Its got to be finished by friday as it's a present.... I've pretty much started painting anything else to avoid finishing it :D


I'm kinda just painting, I'll organise squads later.


I've got enough minis built to make 3 10 man squads for certain, each with a different mix of heavy and special weapons and transports. Fast attack is pretty much there with 10 vanguard (5 kit bashed, 5 scratch built) some bikes and a land speeder all needing painting.


The goal is to have the 4th company all present and correct along with the chapter master, honour guard and a detachment of scouts, terminators and heavy support (predators and land raiders).

  • 2 weeks later...


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