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if i was starting an iron warriors army, what should i get?


Dpend on your style of play & your buget/£££. You could get the Chaos Space Marine battle force, give you 10 Chaos Marines, a small unit of 5, some Bezerker (IW use to get 0-1 unit them in the Index days <_< ). Then you got some Possessed (in future case you can alway convert these guys to have Bionics to fit in more with IW's). Then try to make a Lord (or alway convret one from the battle force). This should give you a small 500pts force to try gaming


IW, if you want a theme IW list.






Mainly your Heavy Support -_- I know people have went for Close Combat heavy IW's as though they where a seige breach force.


Also you should check out Mail order for Iron Warriors metal shoulder pads (just look cool) & there a conversion pack with IW bits (heads, bodies, a few weapons). Again you don't really need them as such but if you got the money then I would as it just look cool.


Hope this helps



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That should be good.

As time goes on you could go for 2-3 10 mansquads with 2x plasma each or so.

A large or two smaller Havoc Squads.

1-2 Predators.

1-2 Vindicators.

3 Obliterators.

If you envision your force as mobile, add in a couple of Rhino's.


Basically if you play IW's go for heavy weaponry and vehicles.

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If I was to start Iron warriors I'd go for

Plastic chaos lord

2xBoxes of chaos marines

and then if you wanted order a few Iron warrior bits from GW




then later whatever you want, I'd start with a box of terminators and a Predator as my first expansion

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Heres what i currently have for myn:


Chaos Lord (using the loyalist techmarine.)

Chaos Sorceror (using the techpriest enginseer model).

20 Chaos space marines.

8 khorne berzerkers (i know it dosent fit with IW but with the right paint scheme they do!).


5 possesed.

5 terminators.


And i have a daemon prince which ill swap for the sorceror if i need the extra muscle.


(there all still in boxes though ;p)

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yah, i might get 2 boxes of chaos, a squad of havocs, a predator, the conversion pack, and a enginseer to use as sorcerer/warsmith, to convert him i will just give him a chaos backpack., my HQ is a chaos lord with a bolt pistol+chainsword., im thinkin no demons, i also don't like them
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@ Karganeth: Iron warriors have khorne dedicated troops, once they breach something they send those lads in (novel storm of iron)


@emperor's chosen: that sounds very good mate.

Iron warriors don't really use daemons, well some of them will but they are not daemon heavy like black legion or word bearers..

You might consider a daemonweapon on your lord, altough model wise he can easily have a daemon possessed chainsword.. (like marduk in 'dark apostle')

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Heres what i currently have for myn:


Chaos Lord (using the loyalist techmarine.)

Chaos Sorceror (using the techpriest enginseer model).

20 Chaos space marines.

8 khorne berzerkers (i know it dosent fit with IW but with the right paint scheme they do!).


5 possesed.

5 terminators.


And i have a daemon prince which ill swap for the sorceror if i need the extra muscle.


(there all still in boxes though ;p)


That's probably the most awesome idea I've encountered on this board. I came up with this idea for cc servitors as possessed. Personally I would use the GW Techpriest model to represent my chaos lord.

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Ju'kosian - Yeah i know, im halfway through reading Storm of Iron ;) i just dont think they fit in with there armour red like normal bezerkers, Im gonna swap there heads or cut the "bunny ears" off the helmets and then paint the helmets a glossy black, to make them look like Iron Warrior assault specialists :angry:


The emperors chosen - i havent converted him yet, he's still in a blister pack, but ill probably have to steal your idea of using a chaos backpack on it and then using an IW colour scheme, nobody would guess he was once a loyalist!


Jarulek - Thanks :angry: im not sure what im gonna use the servitors as yet.. although im sure they'll fit in a tank or a IG sentinel hehe, i thought the enginseer would look better as a sorceror with the cloak and the sort of techy-staff hes holding.


Who wouldnt want a techmarine as there Warsmith?



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you could say that the servitors are obliterators that just got the disease, and are still turning into them., yah, i'll give him the backpack, keep the staff thingy, and paint his cloak grey, and his machine parts the black and yellow strips, and now i have a servo arm for one of my troops -_-
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Jarulek - Thanks :D im not sure what im gonna use the servitors as yet.. although im sure they'll fit in a tank or a IG sentinel hehe, i thought the enginseer would look better as a sorceror with the cloak and the sort of techy-staff hes holding.


Who wouldnt want a techmarine as there Warsmith?


I'm sorry, I meant to say Warsmith instead of Techpriest. The Techpriest as sorceror was the part I thought was awesome :D

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Well, just been glueing the enginseer together, and a problem is using a chaos or loyalist backpack dosent fit because it wont fit on properly as the back of his hood is in the way, so you'll either have to file down the back of his hood or cut the bump off his back and glue the backpack further down, im thinking of keeping the stock backpack, it looks pretty cool anyway with a servo arm and all.
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