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Pat's true-scale log

Patrick O)))

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Hello hellooooo


I was well into the hobby (as in 'all my pocket money every issue of white dwarf box upon box of unpainted sprues in a bigger box gathering dust in my dads attic' into the hobby) in my early teens but fell out of it as other things, primarily music and money, got in the way. I've since rediscovered it in my early 20s as a means to relax. What better way to unwind at the end of the day than to make model soldiers?


Even when I was first into it, my interest was almost completely in the making of the models, not so much army construction or games. And that is where my interest lies still.


Having been browsing and commenting upon topics on this forum for a while and not being particularly prolific I figured it was time to post some of my efforts :) uni-stuff has to take priority, so progress will be slow, but I don't mind.


These are intended to be used for my DIY chapter the Iron Knights, an Iron Hands successor chapter founded upon a feudal world. They are white armoured, and when I finally get to painting them I plan to paint them similarly to Desert Eagle's Desert Eagles. The idea behind the chapter's character is that the feudal medieval society has interred itself within the chapter's identity and structure; the lower levels are looked down upon and progress within the chapter, career-wise, is limited if you are not of blue-blood. Anywhos.


For the power armoured guys I was using Doghouse's tutorial, but he only got so far as the legs before he (seems to have) left :( so waist upwards will be improvised.


For the terminator true scale, it was a tutorial on a french site which unfortunately doesn't seem to be up any more :(


Apart from the upper body of the PA guys and the stylistic decisions of the armour (DIY chapter) I don't wish to take any credit for the methods used :)


On with the pics!


The power armoured guys:















I'm pretty pleased with my green stuffing here :) just took my time with it. Not sure if, for the future, I should remove the hip-armour plates. I kinda regret taking them off the set of legs on the base, but then I left them on on the other pair and they make getting the armour smooth a real ball ache. Suggestions?


Apart from that, I'm well chuffed with the torso. It's the standard back plate plus a termie-front plate with the big loop bit cut off ^-^





Bits used













I forgot to take pics of the bits all trimmed down, but you get the idea. It's the PA breastplate minus the pipes, and the top 'hoop' from a Termie breastplate (the rest of the termie part I used for the true-scale PA torso).


With plasticard, 0.5mm thick




(on it's side on a desk. I rotated the picture, not glue it to the wall like the picture looks)





Pretty much just different parts bashed together so far. Happy with it though :) even if, until the plasticard is sufficiently GS'd on the breastplate he's got looks like he has boobies =/




There are more pics here: http://s524.photobucket.com/albums/cc322/IronKnights/


Essentially more of the same but I didn't post them because they were a bit blurry etc. Nothing that's not shown above.


And importantly, I think, I've only used 2 kits. A plastic termie box and a tactical squad box have so far used each others bits, so hopefully I can get at least 10 guys out of them for not the silly money I feared





C&C very much appreciated, thank you :)




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Thank you :)


I trimmed down the plasti-card on the Termie torso to the right shape after I took the pics above, so I'll put up pics of it now later today. I also played around with the PA torso by sitting it on a pair of legs with a blob of GS in between, looks about right :)


Hopefully more GSing today, more pics later on


Thanks for the comments guys :)

As promised, pictures of the trimmed down plasticard.






I have now done some primary GSing on the gap between the grey and the plasticard. For the most part it is fine, and this stage is complete, but in a couple of places smearing the GS over the gap has highlighted irregularities in the cuts I made on the plasticard. Filing this smooth is the next step.






I've also done a quick semi-assembly of the TS PA guy. This is just a blob of GS between the legs and upper torso to illustrate how they will sit together, and also to provide a scale shot. Bare in mind he is not on a base as the regular PA guy is, but he should end up a very imposing 2 heads taller than a standard marine! I also really like the termie front plate on the PA torso, it looks a lot more squared-off and bulkier (my idea, that one! :D)








I've got some guitar string cut off's to provide the pipes across the abdomen for this guy. I might not get round to doing that today, but that is the next step for him, as well as finishing GSing the legs. What do you think? Does leaving on the hip-armour work for a PA guy?





300+ views, 2 comments? Come on guys :)

It looks like nice clean work,


The reason for few comments could be the millions of photos with nothing happening, same piece taken from different angles on huge size photos. I almost had the urge to close the window aswell, but curiousity kills the cat. It would be nice if you could cut the massive photos into little ones with only what we need to see (not your hand!) and more progress in less photos :rolleyes:


Do continue though, it looks promising so far.

you're definatly off to a good start .

the gs looks good and i like the use of the termie chest , nice and beefy .


i think you want a bit more of a gap between waist and chest though . at the moment he looks like he's got his trousers pulled up to far .


i say loose the hip armour and replace them with plasticard ones that look less "terminatory" , same with the butt plate

They are looking fantastic so far mate, really impressive stuff!

Great job on the torso and the GS work is spot on as well!

Definately be watching this one! :tu:


For the power armoured guys I was using Doghouse's tutorial, but he only got so far as the legs before he (seems to have) left :( so waist upwards will be improvised.


Why does everyone suddenly think I've left? ^_^

I've been supporting B&C since the Ez-board days and will still be around for a long time to come yet...I hope. ;)

I will have to borrow that Terminator idea if you don't mind :tu:

Good stuff so far, a little offtopic but how did you get that smooth white on the scale model?


It's also good to see that the king of converting is still around too (I'm lookin' at you Doghouse!) ^_^

Oh, i'm flattered you'll paint your guys up similar to my Desert Eagles. Cheers for that! ;) As for the convertions they seem to get really big and meanacing. I always appriciate people embarking on these kind of true scale projects. A lot of effort, but the reward is a massive evil force of heretic slaying bad asses. I can't give much crit pushing you forward with the building as i haven't been near trying to convert a marine into true scale myself, but i'll be eagerly keeping an eye on this thread. As for the hip guard, i'd say loose it for future ones, but you could try just sticking a few ammo pouches over that one and see how that works. Or something. I also second cutting the images in photoshop as that would make the pics easier to veiw.

Thanks guys ^_^


Yeah, I apologise for the picture sizes. Uni work has to be done so the project's being done in my breaks and I wanted to get stuff up as soon as poss =[


Shouldn't be too hard to remove the hip plates on the one I'm already doing :devil: and I see what you mean about making more of a gap; up he goes!


Good stuff so far, a little offtopic but how did you get that smooth white on the scale model?


Layer upon layer of lighter greys :P took DAAAAAAAYS. Still not finished :( I think I'll get him done though, I'm very proud of him. There's a few more pics here (just links this time :P)


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/jes...r/sergeant1.jpg ['grey' shot, showing off mad GS skillz]

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry1439699 [wip thread, showing off mad paint skillz]



Desert Eagle: yours look too good not to draw inspiration from! :P the PA guys are going to have been recruited from the proletariat of the chapter's home planet. As all the best stuff is restricted to those of the upper classes (a small 1st company) their armour will be all beat up and their augmentations (being Iron Hands successors) will be fairly rustic and unsterile-looking.

Did some more light GS work yesterday, filling in and smoothing out the termie torso.






Also tried reducing the size of the pics ;)




Here's a scale shot. These are not the design of the legs I'm going to use, these are just the most complete set and are at the right sort of height. I'm leaving the big bulb thing at the top of the termie legs when it comes to assembling him as it will give him a pretty decent sized mid-section. When I come to do his legs I'm going to do what I have done to these, filling in all the pits, but then use plasticard to repeat the terminator leg armour struts and greaves over the top. If you get me. You'll see :P The legs might end up a little bit taller though, as I'm going to put spacers in each joint, not just a layer up the thigh. Anyway. SCALE SHOT! Good brother Mors will oblige once again by looking tiny next to his superior.



I've been thinking about this; until I have enough to form a playable army (in time for 7th ed. Possibly.) I intend to play 'counts as' Death Wing. In that:


TS PA guys will play as termie's


This TS termie will play as Force commander in artificer armour.


Any TS scouts I may/may not attempt can count as Tactical squads


A TS Razorback would be a fairly decent 'counts as' Land Raider.




Then once I have enough I'll play them as they are intended, pa as pa, termies as termies.


Lit up like Christmas trees they may well be, but I very much doubt these guys will ever see a gaming table. Sad I know, but I'm not much of a gamer ^_^


And even if they do, I'm sure my tactical genius will see my boys through :lol: Besides, aren't Space Marines supposed to be hulking great behemoths? The whole point of them is that they SHOULD be able to shrug off all but the most persistent and unrelenting punishment.


And that's what TS is all about really :) for me, at least.


EDIT: Admittedly all this depends upon the willingness of the potential opponent to go along with my ideas, but I'm not too concerned about that.


Kill-team/space hulk type games, or Arena of Death are very much feasible though

Very nice work, that terminator is huge! Is he having normal style shoulder pads, or fancy ones?


looks cool and all but do you really want youre marines taler? since 5th ed they will be a sitting duck ;)


The rulebook says to use common sense, so personal projects are still feasible. Count them as normal height or something.

I'm not sure now, y'know. I was just going to do them normal, but a little bigger, but the space-wolves thread around here has left me wanting huge half-barrels on him :FA: but it wouldn't be particularly in-keeping with the Iron Knights I have in my head.


As an aside, I've since found a couple of Iron Knights listings on things like Lexicanum, 40k Wiki etc. Please be aware that these listings are lies, fabrications and complete propaganda. These Iron Knights are the true chapter. >_>




  • 3 weeks later...



This is him as he stands so far. He has plasticard layers under his feet and at the top of his leg before the hip joint. Also, his greaves have been thickened by approx 0.5mm




Couple of scale shots :( good Brother Mors is back from his trip to the hospital and he can now stab people like he used to





(^^^ check out his Etnies)






Next stage is to gubbins-up his waist and add fill the gap there. Then do some nive arms for him and then start on a head! I'm seeing him as some kind of commander which, in keeping with the DIY chapter fluff, should be incredibly ugly and battle scarred, and yet adorned with angelic, glorious, flawless iconography. The truth vs the Imperial ideal of him :P


C&c? Scale ok? What do you guys think?

  • 3 weeks later...

Wee update :)


as far as I'm concerned the marine's bodies are now BUILT! ;) all that remains is to re-apply all the details and add any others I wish.



Scale shot




I have also started on a head for one of them :) He looks very commanderish so far, so I'm thinking he'll be the termie, but then I've put a lot of work into him and don't want to shroud him in armour :( But also, I'm happier with the termie armour so far, and I don't want to stick a really good head on a pretty average body.. His awesome facial hair begets a heavier figure also, so..... termie? What do you guys think?




C&C please :P


Thank you

Certainly is ^-^


It's actually finished now, I'll post a pic in the morning. I've managed, through careful coaxing of soft gs, to ensure a proper 'stache presides over is top lip B-)


I'll also do a dry-run of the head on each body, see which suits best


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