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Shrike's Wing

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This post is for me to show you my idea.


With the Upcoming Assultfor Black Reach my friend and i decided to buy it and split the models. He would get Orks and I would get the Space marines.


this led to a dillema as i didnt know what Chapter to make and after discovering i had the Shrike model and reading up on the raven guard i desided to make a themedarmy bassed on them.


The theme for my army is going to be the forces that were stuck with Shrike behind enemy lines for the two years.


Im currently working on a tactical squad which I have modeled battle damage onto and a Razzorback to which I've done the same.


so tell me you thoughts and photos of the models will follow shortly.


Unit sugestions as well as deviation choices are welcome and any painting tips you have would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

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I think they would look commando ish, performing hit and run attacks on supply lines, HQs etc. So with battle damage, dirt, dulled down metal. As for the units, knowing raven guard, quick in-and-out assault squads with meltabombs, scout snipers, few tactical squads with varying weapons. Not sure about heavy support.
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