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The Shadow Chapel

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I've been reading these forums for a while and have really enjoyed the work done here. Only recently have I started sculpting on my own however and these are the results. I had the good fortune to be able to attend a sculpting tutorial with James Craig and I learned a lot of basic techniques that I have been trying in my own limited fashion to work with and then build upon.

My entire chapter will be chaplain themed. I love the death masks that chaplains wear and I think an army of them would look quite imposing. I realize I've set myself a monumental task but hopefully as my skills improve so will my speed. So far I've completed two models and started a third, and I've spent a week converting and sculpting. At this rate I may be finished some time in 2045.

In terms of fluff the Shadow Chapel's core belief is that the Emperor has long recovered from his wounds, and rather than safeguarding his health and extending his life the machines into which he has been plugged are in fact a prison, and the psykers sacrificed daily in the name of fuelling his radiant power are instead used as fuel to constrain his might. The Shadow Chapel believes that if the Emperor were to be freed then the enemies of the Imperium would fall before him light wheat to a scythe, and an age of peace would reign. Because peace would shatter the status quo, shake the Imperium's political structure to its very core the High Lords of Terra fear losing the status they have gained and the power they wield. The Shadow Chapel works secretly, converting chaplains from other space marine chapters to their cause, surreptitiously spreading the belief in the Emperor's imprisonment to the soldiers of the Adeptus Astartes. It is their hope that one day the Space Marines will gather together their strength and turn it inwards, tear down the walls of the Emperor's gaol and bring him once again into the light.

Now for some models:


My first terminator chaplain, pics of almost completed model





Second terminator chaplain, completed model






Third terminator chaplain, uncompleted, better ribcage on this one than the first. Already my skills improve!




I hope you enjoy. Comments and criticisms will be welcomed.

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Nice sculpts. I like the posing of the first.

My one criticism is that the skulls are too small to contain a Marine head. Especially the head ont he first Marine. His jaw ticking out like that leaves about a grapefruit sized space in the skull helm for an actual head. Perhaps some larger skulls, a converted Chaos head, or a sculpted/converted loyalist head would work better?

Race Bannon, that crozius is dead simple. Chop the wings off of the little winged icon that comes with the Space Marine commander kit, then chop the heads off a thunder hammer and paste the wings on in their place. Haven't found a bit for bigger wings yet, though.

And yeah, the fluff's a bit heretical... or is it? Dun dun dun.


And I just realized I didn't clean the mould lines on those wings (smacks face with palm). Back to the table...

NemFX, not to be contentious but how exactly do you get the intimation from the fluff I wrote that they are luddites? Just because they think the Emperor is imprisoned doesn't mean they revile technology nor fear it. They simply think that they are being lied to about his true condition. The proper term would be "conspiracy theorists" or "paranoid". If they were luddites I'd have grabbed a kit of bretonnians and done something with them, not put them in power armour.


And as to the assertion that English is my second language, I'll simply say "huh?". I use words like assertion, contentious, gaol, and surreptitiously, and I use them correctly. My grammar -although I am prone to using far too many commas as breaks in a sentence rather than let the reader insert those breaks themselves- is nigh impeccable. You are right about one thing, however. I do speak two languages; English and Bad English, like Bruce Willis. You've not seen my Bad English yet.


*shakes head* English not my first language... while I appreciate the compliment that you'd like to see more of my army you couldn't have said something more insulting to me. I pride myself on my command of the English language. I used to read the freaking dictionary for fun. I get mad when people presume to tell me that irregardless is a word.


Though I wonder if the reason you think that is all the extra U's in some of my words. Easy explanation. I'm Canadian. We don't pronounce our U's, but we insert them everywhere.


And I'm sorry, Midas, I had no idea! If I'd realized I'd have accredited you. It's possible I saw one of your posts, got the inspiration and totally forgot. My bad!


Anyway, my one complaint is that the first chaplain in messed up a bit, his ribcage could be redone if you're up to it, the head needs to be replaced, sorry but that is the truth, also the left hand needs to be replaced, you might be able to get hold of the terminator captain sword and convert that but I do not like that left hand.



Also, irregardless is a word lol.

Maxiumus, nah, they're just going to look like chaplains, for the most part. Chaplain #2 for instance is just a close combat terminator with thunder hammer and storm shield, but his thunder hammer happens to look like a crozius.



And as for the first one's ribcage, Nugz, well, you're right, 100%... but at the same time I'd like to keep it the way it is, as a marker to show where I started. I do like Chaplain #1's hand, though... I have mixed feelings about his head. I'll probably stick with him the way he is and work on improving my techniques with future models. Maybe one day I'll go back and rework it.

Also *shakes fist* I'll show you irregardless!

They do have large heads, and I've considered them. Problem is that most of the heads have helmets on, and while this problem is not insurmountable it becomes a pain in the behind to file off a pot helmet every time I want to use a skull. Still, I'm thinking about it.

Your best bet, even though tedious, is to file off the front of standard helmets and the backs of skulls and merge the two pieces for each marine's head. One time-saver option, although a bit of a hit on the wallet, is to make 3-4 good heads that you are pleased with, and then cast enough for your use using resin.


Further thought about casting suggests you could file off the backs of skulls and mount them to a flat piece of heavy gauge plasticard, and cast multiples this way so you have a flat back. Do the same with various marine helmets, but filing off the fronts and mounting the filed fronts to another chunk of plasticard and cast up enough helmet backs. Then, all that is required is selecting a helmet back you like, and glueing a skull front to it and emplacing on the model (a bit of white milputty or greenstuff to hide the seams, and you are 'golden').


Just my thoughts,




P.S. Such casting, for your own use and not for resale, is NOT against GW's trademarks or copyrights. If falls under the same laws that cover making a personal use copy of something (such as making an MP3 of a song from a CD and listening to it on your Ipod). You are not in violation of law, until and unless you copy an item and sell it for monetary gain or some other form of trade-in-value, so destroy your molds or lock 'em up when finished molding your heads for your army.

  • 4 weeks later...

Update: Haven't had a lot of time for more sculpting, but I did spend my free time in the last week or so painting a standard termie chaplain. I'm very pleased with the results as it came out light years ahead in terms of quality compared with any other miniature I've painted. I owe the success of this paint job to the people here at B+C since I've garnered so many tips and tricks from the forums here and have seen so many beautiful paint jobs that I gained a lot of insight and inspiration into the hobby. Thanks again!

Without further ado, some pics!








C+C welcome.

The dark purple contrasts soooo well with the pink head...Dreamy.


The only thing that I'd reconsider is the edging of the base. I'd go for either a standard black, or another like dark color, or maybe even pick out some of the color from the sand. It just looks to "matchy-matchy" for me. Otherwise, Kudos.

well as beauty, so does heresy lies into the eye of the beholder :D


some greenstuff work looks rather "chunky" and without clearly defined outlines while on other parts it looks very smooth.

It's obvious that you have the skill...so keep up the good work

NOO, the Chaplain is the Joker!

Seriously though, theres only three things about the chaplain i dont like;

1. his Joker-Face

2. The skin-ish colour on the partchment

3. the orange in the barrels

Other than that, hes amazing, makes me want to start on my first company....


Also i like the Chaplain-theme of the army, and your conversions, keep up the good work


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