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Doom Reavers renegades


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Just painted up a test mini for my chaos renegade warband. I've been dabbling around with painting an army based on one of the core chaos legions, but the style of the new chaos codex doesn't have the same 'feel' of the legions as the old 3.5 codex did. So...I decided to do my own chapter of renegades...


The mini isn't quite done yet. It still needs some inking, highlighting, and a few details finished.

I'm wondering if I could get some advice and criticisms on the color scheme and how I could make it stand out.


Here's the color concept done using the B&C chaos painter.

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Hey there mate!


Really like the colour scheme. Especially with the bone on the helmet, one thing i am not too keen on though is the gray parts of armour, only because it looks very close to the base colour it starts off as.

Maybe a darker/lighter shade would look better? or maybe even a metallic?


- Danny


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