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The Mourning Sons


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Hello, Looks like I just began an army! I always struggle to get stuff like that done, but I'm realy pushing myslef this time! I've made the 1000pts I have already bought, so thats realy good!


First off, a bit of background, yes?


The 'ghost chapter' (name hasn't been considered yet) are a chapter of marines who where ambushed by a chaos chapter, and took severe losses. the chapter espcaped by rapidly withdrawing to the chapter ship (forgoten the stupid name of it) and stopped the chaos force following them by entering the warp. whilst in the warp they (and the dead) where infected by a warp virus, the virus reterned the corpses to life, but also appeared to stip any living tissue from the marines, this affect is only truely visable to outsiders from the chapter, an odd side affect from the infection. The chapter now a mockery went into hiding. the virus also allowed the chapter to become much like ghosts, choosing to pass through objects etc. originaly the chapter awnsered cries for help, saving many worlds, armies and other chapters, appearing like ghosts, then disappearing after the battle is fought. Now the chapter is slowly making its way to Terra, to bow before the Emperor and repent for their failing against chaos, and weakness to the warp. they hope then their forgiveness will come, either in death, or resserection of thier dead and healing of their living.


blah blah :D


I have finished the command sqaud (bar a sarge) and a leading chaplain: http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/Vession/ghosts003.jpg

yes, they are metallic purple!


I have also started a captain for later use, This was also my first attempts at green stuff sculpting (I've always been using milliput so far) I do like its waxy feel, and its easy to move and shape.




Painting isn't something that comes naturaly to me, and I realy have to push myself to make models look alright. I'd rather never paint and only convert, but a painted army realy is the best thing to see, so I'm going to push myself and go for a table top quality minium rule for this army, no rushing!


oh and as we all know, the camera lies, they look much better in natural light, the banner doesn't have banner colour showing through the blue, and the top point is metal, its just reflecting the bone colour... honest!


Any ideas for names? I'm thinking Mourning Sons or something of that lark.

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i like the background for your army, reminds me a little of Legion of the Damned, which has always been a fascination with me.

i like the color scheme as well, the first thing i noticed was definately the water drop/ tear, on the banners, i think it's just fantastic.

it's all fitting together really well in my opinion, can't wait to see more!!!

(wishes i was home to bring my LotD WIPs back to the light of day)

Why thanks heretic! I'm using the Lotd rules (+5pts (10 for veihcle) for 6+ invun and a special set up rule) so it needed a bit of simularties. I thought they would all mourn the damages done to the chapter, some marines put tear drops on their armour too. I've used a few Death Company minis to reflect that.


JetFireUK: You think they are good? yey!they need basing realy...

Here you go:



My painting style is quite grim, grimy and messy...


I don't realy think the photos help, when I paint some more, I'll borrow a good camera, and try to find a nice location.

I won... sort of. I only had 1 scoring unit left. I must say those 3+invun saves are realy helpful, my vindicator near exploded from a rending assault cannon shot! 6+ to the rescue!!!


I've chosen to alter the scheme for rank and file troopers, and using the bone as trim.


That is all :blush:

  • 2 weeks later...

Some new fellows for the army, I like to have lots of options.


Librarian and his little friend: http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/Vession/ghosts003-1.jpg

I love most of the space marine range, but that guy had no hood! So I sculpted one.


Jump Chaplain: http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/Vession/ghosts001.jpg

He uses the raptors pack, it looks way more ornate!


Terminator captain : http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/Vession/ghosts002.jpg

Uses the free snap fit guy, with a front I found in my bits box (not painted by me, phew, I'm not good, but gosh, those terminators where rubbish).


Powerfist captain: http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/Vession/ghosts004-1.jpg


I wanted his to have the same appearance as the older editons, so I made him a bit snobbish (thus why he's holding his cape)


I have another captain, with plasma pistol and power sword, but he really need paint stripping, half of him is pre painted, badly!


Any comments?

Oh I'm working on my fluff, its be scrawled in a note pad at the moment.

why thank you!


yeah, that version is pretty similar, I've added on to mine, it was bought on to their chapter by a great unclean one, and they only appear like bones to uninfected sentinent beings, unlike hte lotd where they are stuck being all withered etc. They can also recruit more marines, but the infection resides in the geneseed, so the new rercruits will suffer the same fate.

It's an interesting idea and the color scheme has promise but right now it just seems to be a lot of purple. I like purple but it needs something to break up the vast expanses of the color. Maybe bone kneepads to stay with the palette already in use. Perhaps a skull decal (or freehand) on the kneepad. A little more picking out of detail would help. The soft armor at the joints could be a color that stands out a little against the surrounding armor, perhaps a medium to pale gray. You've got a nice start.


The teardrop design immediately brought to mind a short list of potential names for the chapter:


Emperor's Tears

Tears of the Emperor

Imperial Tears

Tears of the Imperium

thanks to all.


Yeah, most anti-chaos people would jump them, but I think with appearing like ghosts blah blah, they could appear like warp ghost, like the LOTD, and no one whines when their arses are being saved by the LOTD!


I'm thinking Mourning Sons for a name, but yours are being put on the list :D

  • 1 month later...

Dear Journal:

I'm not dead... yet... The closure of my local store is taking its toll.


I have been doing stuff, its just I don't have a camera for now (sad face)


I have about 2500 points completed (asides from an awaiting FW order, leaving bare legs for a tactical squad) and have even been painting!


Supplies are running low, paint and brushes are sparse, we're considering using our urine as a wash. If someone finds my journal, all is lost, tell my fishes hello.


- I'll try and get mahself a camera soon! promise!


--- OH I found this online, the finished vindicator:


only ze front I'm afraid!

  • 2 months later...

wow, lets blow off the dust then!

shall I add some new things?--- the only camera working in the house was my phone, so they may be a bit poor, I was struggling with the levels, but the last few are closer to life.

the new and improved captain, now without short-man-syndrome, Ajini: gallery_24561_2763_62319.jpg

The new librarian, based on the AOBR Captain: gallery_24561_2763_1361.jpg (the colour really doesn't show up too well :nuke:)



a few general marines (the more, wounded ones)


I hope these are good enough, I'll work on my mobile phone photographing skills, my daylight bulb just get replaced, so that makes the pictures oh-so-much worse.

with youre old fluff (no current one to go off of) Is that sopposed to be like Pirates of the carabian number 1? to every one eles there just bones, but to themselfs they look fine?


im intersted in how youre going to do this, because although i dont belive the LOTD are so much skelitons as they are bones... preaty much anything you try to do like that is just that, its like the LOTD.


id like to see how its pulled off


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