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Just got pictures in.....



i will take full responsibility for this army because i was the one who sold my buddy on the idea.


it isn't fullypainted yet, but here is how it breaks down at 1,850


GKGM, psycannon, grimor, incense, hammerhand


X2 "naked" iquisitorial storm trooper squads


X2 10 man GKT squads with 1 psycannon per


X3 TLLC/incinerator/DCCW dreads with extra armor, blessed hull.


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Performance wise the army has been very successful. winning more than 2/3 of the games it has been used in...especially whe he remembers to use the shrouding ;)

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nice pics :tu:


this idea is very interesting and would like to try it but do you think you could do a few bat reps or perhaps the tactics you used with each battle


a thought came into my head: this is probably the lowest count of minis on the table for a 40k game :D

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actually it's not my deathwing army has less.


the difference is i don't have stuff competing for the slots like GKs do so i have alot more mechanised units.



he has fought this army in a KP game-



and he beat me.


it's all about following the deathwing style combat tactics. pick your fights, focus and overwhelm. in the game we played he killed 2 of 3 dreads, a terminator squad, 2 drop pods and a land raider crusader. he kille the crusader early and my "command squad" unit had to walk, they got jumped by one of his dreads and locked in CC till the end of the game since i only had a hammer to beat on him with. i only managed to kill both his GKT squads and 2 dreads. it was a hard fought close game giving him 6 VP to my 4. he kept his squishy storm troopers at range and then hid them when i got to close.


you don't even wana know what 20 GK terminators did to the left flank of an ork mob army. :devil:



On the flip side i beat him with my tau, but hey he was still learning the army, he spread himself out to much and chose the wrong target. he could have easily punched out my right flank and made me react, but instead he dropped in right in front of all my plasma and heavy guns on the left flank hoping to make me run from shooting casualties.

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Definitely curious on tactics, and wouldn't it be better to lose the blessed hull and snag some plasma for the stormtroopers so they aren't just entirely useless?


How does it fair vs tau or eldar, or anyone with a hefty dose of AP2 weaponry?


Sounds like a fun list though, i may have to try a variation myself, though i don't have enough termies to field.

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I'd like to know a lot more about this army. Especially seeing it across the table from a wider spectrum of enemies. Do the GKTs usually deep strike, or are they footslogging?


I just can't believe it's that difficult to kill 10 measly ISTs, no matter what else is available. That's all it would take to force this army into fighting for draws at best. I mean, that's what I would do if I were opposing it. I'd totally be willing to take a licking at the hands of 21 GKTs if it means I can guarantee myself, at worst, a draw. Eking out a victory would probably be relatively easy.


It's a handsome force, no doubt. Can't wait to see it painted up. Along with more batreps and tactics. ;)

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Does he DS them or footslog ?

Depends on who he is fighting. against ork hordes he likes to sit back and get extra shooting in, against marines he needs to get close to get them intoCC where he is more effective.



Definitely curious on tactics, and wouldn't it be better to lose the blessed hull and snag some plasma for the stormtroopers so they aren't just entirely useless?


How does it fair vs tau or eldar, or anyone with a hefty dose of AP2 weaponry?


The blessed hull has saved him many times against chaos armies, granted it only works against chaos, but when your fighting 1ksons and your dreads count as having a psychic hood and tank hunter against demon possesed vehicles it is a wonderful thing indeed.


VS tau or eldar it's really a deplyment issue, knowing which units to go for first and where on the table you need to concentrait force.



I just can't believe it's that difficult to kill 10 measly ISTs, no matter what else is available. That's all it would take to force this army into fighting for draws at best. I mean, that's what I would do if I were opposing it. I'd totally be willing to take a licking at the hands of 21 GKTs if it means I can guarantee myself, at worst, a draw. Eking out a victory would probably be relatively easy.


the thing is the ISTs usually hang back with the dreads to help protect them from counter charge and add a little ranged fire. if it looks like they will not be useful for a turn he hides them so they don't die. with 21 terminators roaming the field it usually leaves little time or concern to worry about a few IST.


Its also not that easy to get a draw because the GKTs tend to kill anything they contact. in larger games he adds more ISTs with special wepaons to give him some more objective grabbers for when your busy dealing with the GKTs.

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  Pyriel said:
So in a deathwing army, what is better, more termies or including a bunch of dreads?

Well the big problem for DW now is they limited our squad sizes to 5 and acess to heavy weapons to 1. we almost have to go mechanised to makeup the firepower, they have also totaly removed any kind of dedicated transports for terminators for DAs so we walk, hitch a ride in a raider, or deepstrike. overall it seems to be the best build. either with 3-5 terminator squads with land raiders in support or a combination with dreads. dreads i already loved, now that the damage chart is nicer to vehicles and i can both drop pod as well as make mine venerable they are well worth the points.


Soulmage and i have both done well with a mechanised list. his uses more terminator squads and mine uses more dreads. although i think we both run with 2 land raiders.


The thing is to try and counterbalance your force. my vehicles do most of my shooting so i have the terminators set up to deal with CC. and in most cases they do the job well, although our required HQ is nowhere near as good as a GKGM. in fact some DW armies have started using a GKGM as an allied second HQ with a full retinue of GKTs to help our list out.

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