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Masters of Mechanicus (PIC HVY)


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Time for a first WIP project to go online. The main reason have been the lack of a good computer and camera, But now I'm all geared up thanks to an anonymous expressdelivery from some person named Adeptus Mechanicus... Wierd, nice guy I have to say.


Enough with the ranting. Iv'e been playing Marines for quitea while back now and decided I make something out of a pair of models I orderd way back and never did anything with. Mainly because I had other projects already in progress. The Army I'm building them for already have basically everything you can put in a SM-list, tanks, terminators, heavyweapons, Assaullt etc and it is a very heavy and well equipped army with bits from all sorts of boxes. So these two models can get the Commander treatment without any regrets. My Goal is to make them playable in 5:th edition but I'm open to suggestions with their equipment. The idéa here was to making them look badass and have you comming up with idéas of how to create them. Details and everything, hopefully with a good discussion for the reasons of why and why not the different combinations of bitz will work together.


So, I just love Techmarines (Yes, i Love them :P ) and uniqe-looking equipment to combine to make your models look individual. The Chapter I play I neither Loyal´or Chaos. They wage their war for their own believes and their crusade won't stop til Mankind have a new (living) Emperor to lead them. It's made up by mostly robed DarkAngel models with smaller units of Blacktemplars, Chaos and some of the Inquisition.


I have dug around a bit in the bitbox and found some different weapons to jumpstart your engines, most of them are Closecombat and made for Termies but I had an idea to make one with Teminator setup and the other as Artificer Armor and normal equipment like a Modified Plasmapistol. If there is one or more weapon configs you'd like to suggest the just go ahead and post it, I'll see if I have it and what I can do. Same goes for Pictures, if you want another angle or similar I'll give it a new try.


Now.. I only have the Body and I already have two Techmarines in servoharnes plus a bunch of normal ones, so they can't become Techmarines because I do have to many of them. B) (Just wanted to clarify that.) ^_^


Here are the examples as promised.






This is only for fun so don't take it to serious. I might even bring them to Gamesday Nottingham now in September as entries if they turn out good. ;) Hope you like the idea! I'll try to chack back in a while just so you know. So don't you go and mess my bitbox up while I'm away. :lol:

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I've been playing with the idea of magnetizing their arms, I have an entirely magnetized Tau army on standby but no marine models magnetized. I feel that I have enough models to go around anyway, I'm not really a compedative person and for me the weapon combo when playing is not really the most important thing, as long as I'm satisfied with the model I'll be using it in some battles. The more uniqe the better.


Looking at the models I think that The Lightningclaws dont really fit right? They seem a bit to big and cumbersome for the suit. Powerfists and chainfists on the other hand, fit really good IMO! ;)

I do have some weapons I like more than others but I'll hold back to say which before I get some more posts.


Here's what I figured I could to make them differ from each other. Not only because they are so similar but also because they both lack a powerplant.

For the Artificer Armor I figured I could modify a Chaos Backpack (see the top image).


For the Other i thought maybe some exhausts on the backwould kick ass. Or maybe a mantle?


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