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Declates Crusade Crimson Fist

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Hi all - I must say that I was very suprised to see several Crimson Fist come back to the forum as WIPs.

I just started to beef up my Templar and wanted to add a little something to the color. I found the Declates crusade where the Fist were having a little trouble with the orks in the area and Templar came to assist. Fluff goes on to say that they worked together so well (go figure they are from the same legion) that they would form squads together and swap icons and stuff.

I like the concept so I am running with it. Not sure how I will work with the rules yet, just waiting to see what the new SM codex will provide.

Let me know what you think.



You can see more in my gallery.

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  • 2 months later...

Alright...thanks for the comments..

Here is the dev squad mostly complete. I want to put a few crusade marks on them and I forgot the inside leg of one of the meltas...oops. It is amazing what pics can show. I run up a quick total of what this squad is worth ...220pts bam! Not sure I would ever field them except for big games.


Questions, comments, and cheap shots are always welcome.

nice and clean, more than enough for the table top.


I would recommend a dark wash/ink to blacken the recesses. The great thing about inks/washes is that they take no time at all.


once you've give the models a good wash over with ink/wash just make a slightly lighter blue that the one yo've got and dry brush them.


Get almost all the paint of the brush and you'll pick up the edges brilliantly

Thanks for the comment Rottimus - problem for me was the blue ink really made the sgt dark and shiny, it took a few coats to bring him back close to the same color as the rest of the squad. I will try a dark wash instead.

This WIP was just after the ink wash....arrrgh!


This pic really shows the ink in the sgt's knee joint, the regal and ultra blue are really obvious.


A few more washes and mayhap a glaze before I just scrub and redo.


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