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DoW and Reserves


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Since 5th ed. came out I've read numerous batreps where players in a DoW scenario place their allowed HQ and Troop choices and then roll for the rest as if they were reserves starting on turn 1. I seem to read the rule quite a bit differently. The rule states that other than those 'declared' by the player as reserves, all other units must enter on turn 1. The moving in from reserve wording I think refers to how you have to enter play on turn 1 (ie. using the 'Arriving from reserve' method on page 94). I don't see you having to role for any units coming in unless you've declared them as reserves. Anbody else play or see it this way?
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You can keep as many of your units in reserve as you desire, irrespective of the mission you play. You begin rolling for them on turn 2.


In DoW deployment, any units not deployed on the field or kept in reserve arrive off of your table edge on turn 1. You cannot roll for your reserves on turn 1.


Also, note that a transport counts as a unit as well. And, it counts for the same FOC as the unit as it's dedicated to. So, a troop choice with a transport counts as 2 troop units. As such, that's the only troop you can deploy. Also, this means that an HQ's transport counts as an HQ unit, which means you can't start with an HQ unit that has a dedicated transport on the field.


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