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Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai WIP


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Greetings Battle-Brothers,

I've decided to try and update Mr Asmodai for my current Dark Angels project, as I felt that the original model was a lot smaller in scale to the new robed plastic marines. As he will be leading a unit of Company Vet, he'd definately look out of place. I contemplated building him out of plastics, but came up with this instead:



Theres still some GS work to do at the waist, mainly to slightly extend the robes so they meet up with the rope belt. Then I'll add any other periphery that fits in with the character of the model. Obviously, the original Asmodai had a Power Sword and Crozius, but that was for 2nd Ed. These days, its just not viable, or allowed, so a Plasma Pistol it is.

I'm more than likely going to add the skull pack from the DA vet sprue, and give him his original Banner from Codex: Angels of Death.

Let me know what you think so far. Will update pics as I go.



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Well, I've filled in the gaps at the waist with Green Stuff, and have sculpted it to match the rest of the robes. Also started adding some of the detail. Have gone for the closed book of names approach. Still needs a bit of tidying, and a bit more bling, but getting there:




As always, C&C appreciated.



Thats the centre of one of the RW sprue vehicle plates i take it? It's a little bit long (i.e. looks ot be stabbing himin the foot) but a cracking idea. Maybe take a tiny amount of the end of the blade just to give a bit of ankle room?


Coming on nicely.


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