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Box magazine bolters


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Hey all, having seen the new sternguard veterans, my favourite parts were the box ammo feeds on the bolters. So, as a Dark Angels player, I have been inspired to change some of my company veterans to this style. I don't have any pics as of yet (not sure how to post them), and only two models are completed (I need more terminator parts to do more ;)), but I thought I would stick up a post about my idea, and add pics to it later.


Basicly, this involves cutting off part of the sickle magazines, just until they appear to extend straight from down from the bolter. Then, I took a terminator storm bolter and cut off the ammo box, then cut this in half, from top to bottom (fairly difficult to do, had to use a swiss army knife as I broke my stanley knife in the process!). Once this was done, I filed everying thing down neatly, attached to the front of the remaining sickle magazine with plastic glue and then used green stuff to cover the join and match up the edges, fill any holes etc.


If somebody could explain how to post photos on the forum, I'd be happy to post them :cuss



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Personally I use facebook (though others use flikr or similar).


Upload a pic onto your chosen sight, right click on the picture, go into properties and grab the address/URL of the pic.


Now come beck here, and click 5th tab accross on the message panel (the tab that looks like a little picture), it may flash up a warning, click to agree to it, then click the tab again.


Paste your copied address/URL into the box that appears, click OK and your done!

Thanks for the help, here's the pics. Please note the paint job is nowhere near finished on these, had only base coated the robes and undercoated the armour when I decided to do the conversion. This is pretty much my first conversion using GS, though I tried to keep it too a minimal (the only other work I've done is a berret for a Kasrkin Sarge in the Kasrkin I got to accompany the Limited Edition Inquisitor I've got.

Normal Company Veteran for comparison







What do you think?

EDIT: To fix picture links. Sorry if I haven't done this right, I'm kinda new to the picture posting scene :unsure:


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