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vulkan almost over...


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Very nice work, my friend! I'm afraid I have to say that a few things drag it down in my eyes, the first being the bug eyes, and the second being the GIGUNDOUS head on the right arm. It looks super cool, but it seems way to huge.
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I love your primarch converts Reg, and on the whole I do really like this guy. I think that the eyes just look bad from the angle of the photo, and probably make more sense "at eye level" :tu:

Loving the mix of green yellow and orange too.

I would have gone for a darker skin tone, but it's your vision of him so it's all cool ;)

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Non Metallic, or Non Metallic Metal (nmm) its a painting technique that uses light sourcing (seeing where the light would go be relected on the mini) to paint metal without metallic paints, so for gold you would use reds, oranges and yellows.


I think in this case though, it means something I don't get :P

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there was a film when i was young.. called '' the goonies'' and there was a deformed man called super slought or something like that... he had the same face of your vulcan 8|





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

That is a truly awesome model. I just started adding some Salamander allies to my Ultramarine army, so I've got questions:

Where did you get the lizards that you painted with that orange scheme?

That's a Dark Elf Corsair Cloak as his tabbard, right?

Is there a rear shot?

Vulkan doesn't have the black skin of the other Salamanders? Where does the fluff say that they have black skin now, anyway?


ps: w*f is 'NM'?

I've got the appropriate heritage, so I guess I can comment on that, but I won't define what the "N" stands for in order not to violate the B&C Forum Rules around "No derogatory terms (particularly those dealing with ethnicity)". It's from an episode of the Boondocks, a show written by a black guy that deals almost exclusively with his positive and negative commentary on current African American culture.

Quotes from the episode in question, one word has been replaced with a capital "N":

"Webster defines the "N moment" as a moment when ignorance overwhelms the mind of an otherwise logical Negro male. Causing him to act in an illogical, self-destructive manner... i.e. like a N."

"That's the difference between private N moments and public N moments: a private N moment shames you, a public N moment shames the whole race!"


All McGruder aside, though, if your Vulkan is making that face instead of just having that face, it does look like he's about to whup some ass.

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A nice piece of work mate, I do aggree the eyes are a little odd but nothing too major. A quick question about the banner, is a it a custom sculpt or an existing bit, also the left shoulder what is this bit or is that custom too?


Great work.



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