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Mk 9 armour and Modified Bolters.


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Well having seen the thread about the Mk 9 armour, I decided to fish out my unfinished suit that I'd tried to convert before. Reason for it being unfinished is that I ran out of ideas on how to make it "better", I.e appear to offer better protection to the wearer.


Starting with the knee pads, I shaved them off completely, then added the design from the (IIRC) Mk 4 armour but extended to guard the sides of the knee, before adding the Mk 7/8 Knee pad over the top so it would give protection even if he bent his knee.




Sorry for the slightly dodgy picture, and slightly dogier sculpting, I'll fix that when I get the chance, and get a new clearer picture when I recharge my batteries. But hopefully you get the picture.


For the body, I added the raised armour at the front but connected it to the corresponding piece at the back so it formed a complete circle. Again dodgy picture, will rectify ASAP.




I also filled in the front of the stomach area with green stuff. For the head I filed it down, purely to make it look different, at the top and at the sides and mouth to make it fit better in the body. It still isn't perfect, but he won't get shot through the neck at any rate ;) Finally I added some detail to the front so he could speak. :P




Again sorry for the picture it was taken quickly before my camera died on me. Will replace it aswell.


So there's what I've got so far, but I'm stuck for ideas now. The only other thoughts I've had are chainmail for some of the harder joints to put plate armour on, and I'd like to do something to the shoulder pads... If I ever get to them.


So C&C much desired, would quite like to get working on this project again.


Note: Some of the areas appear slightly shiny, you'll see better when I get a proper shot of the knee pad up. This is because I covered it with a thin layer of super glue in certain areas. If you want smooth green stuff plates and you find it difficult (Like me :P) then a thin (Very thin) layer of superglue when it's set a bit can get you a very smooth finish, without much effort.


Part 2: The weapons.


For my defining chapter trait, I decided to have the marines granted a certain amount of time each day to modify their own weaponry to their own tastes. Other chapters may apply litanies to their armour, and mine personalise their weapons :). They all count as bolters in game though.

I've been taking inspiration from whereever I can get it and so far have come up with this:


Chainsaw Bayonet (Gears of War)



Just a bolter and chainsword stuck together, with a bit of cutting to make room for the hand, some green stuff to tidy up, and the magazine moved to the back and on the side (Just cos I thought it looked cool ;)).


Modified shotgun (N/a)



A shotgun with the scout hand filed off the front, the end clipped off, and a spare scout sniper rifle stock and bolter magazine added.


Bolter attached to arm (Idea came from the internet, guns built into armour)



Took the arm from the tank accessories sprue because it held one of those sticks with a trigger on top, filed the bottom of it a bit, filed the top of the bolter, glued them together, removed the actual trigger/grip, and added a second magazine for less reloading, more firing. ;)


Spare bits / experimental plasma cannon. (N/a)



Take a regular bolter and cut the out the top of it as far down as the bit where the empty shells come out of (forget the technical term) and make the other cut (Horizontal) just above the grip (the part where the supporting hand usually goes). I took another bolter, which I'd stolen the Magazine from, and cut the entire grip out of that, and took another mutilated bolter, and cut that so that only the grip and the front section as far as the sight on the end goes (should be a rough L shape), and glued them all together in order. Then I added the end piece of the chaos tank accessory sprue heavy flamer, with a bit of filing. Finally the legs from the scount heavy bolter, and a pair of binoculars (Like a double sight :)) finished it off. When painted added a green pole thingymabob from the necron sprue and glue it in securly. (Don't glue it in until after painting though).


Other ideas in the works I have are grenade launchers and possibly a sniper/bolter combo. Again C&C welcome, would love any ideas you've got for exotic bolter type weapons and/or special/heavy weapons. Feel free to steal my ideas, I'd love to see other people's takes on them aswell. Tomorrow when my camera is charged I'll update those pics. Hopefully over time, I'll get most of an army on here, but I really need to wait till that new codex comes out, because that's supposed to screw things up bit. Still can't go wrong with bolter armed marines, gonna need them, and can do the more exciting stuff when I get my mits on that 'dex.





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I'm liking the underslung bolter, and the chainsword-bayonet. The shotgun's stock seems misaligned with the barrel though. And the experimental plasma cannon is way too out there for me, but keep it up!


I'm working on a bullpup/carbine bolter at the moment as well, and a few underslung grenade launchers (since auxilliary grenade launchers will be back in come October).


The armour looks cool, though the grill-face on the helmet doesn't jive with the smooth look of the rest of it.

i tried the conversions, i made the bullpup and the MK9 armour (rounded collar too :))





My apologies for not posting more pics, life has kept me busy (aided by alcohol). Tomorrow I will work for at least 6 or so hours, because I've had to move all my warhammer stuff from one room to another but it's all done now so work can resume. Huzaah! :tu:


Anyways as promised at least 6 hours of work tomorrow with some new pieces I discovered earlier, and all will be photographed. Fantastic work on all the pictures I've seen, I like the combi weapons very much (Might give some a go tomorrow) and it's great to see someone trying the bullpup and collar.


Just out of interest has anyone compared the new Sergeant Chronus and the Master of the Armoury? They have similar armour, except the helmets, I'm looking at the back of the legs. Could this be Mk9 armour that just hasn't been labelled by GW? Hope not else I have to make Mk10 :(. Oh well maybe I can get a bit of inspiration from them. Esinhorn, I might do, the only problem is they only ever fight in single squads, loaned out to other imperial armies as such, but maybe I could just do it anyway, they could send out a small battleforce I suppose, were other imperial forces unavailable. In fact that settles it, you never really see Mentor armies so it could be fun. Thanks :)


And Thanks to everyone who's posted I'll get pictures as soon as I can. :)

Ok I lied. I said I'd post but things kept getting away from me. Sorry :(


But I was just down at bromley and got AOBR, a devestator squad and masters of the chapter. I still have more updates will put on them on sometime over the weekend. Just saw the gubbins on the Devestator sprue and nearly wet myself. Also got a few hours on my own with the new codex (GW: If you read this, stop trying to ruin my jeans!) and made myself up a new army list for 1000 points. And I have some fluff written up for the chapter (If I go for a DIY chapter). But updates soon. ;)

  • 1 month later...

Updateage! (Albeit rather late :P )


A bit of Chapter Fluff - What dya think?


General information – The chapter is known for heavily modifying its standard weaponry. Each marine is granted a section of the day with which he is permitted to work on his weapons or armour, modifying them as they see fit. Many aim for an increase in effectiveness, however many also like to decorate their weaponry. As a result the chapter has a truly amazing armoury, larger than many other chapters. There have been rumours that in their pursuit of perfecting their weaponry, marines have dabbled with xenos technology, but as of the present time there has been no evidence to support this. Each company fights independently, using their own unique style and tactics, however sometimes they “borrow” squads from companies who aren’t engaged in battle, where their situation requires specialist squads that they don’t have access to, or just more men to press forward. Company colours are always denoted on the right knee pad, with the numbers painted in black (Or white in the case of the 5th company).


First Company – White – Elite strike force – Led by the Chapter Master – Employs the use of powerful shock troops to overwhelm the enemy in short order.


Second Company – Gold – Standard balanced force – Led by The Master of the Watch – Prides itself on having the troops to tackle any situation.


Third Company – Red – Siege specialists – Led by The Master of the Armoury – Force focuses on city based urban warfare, and are experienced at breaching fortifications.


Fourth Company – Green – Arial assault specialists – Led by The Master of the Fleet – As benefits the company led by the Master of the Fleet, the force often opts to attack with drop pods and jump pack armed troops to knock out serious enemy threats and disrupt the enemy firing line, allowing the ground based force to advance unhindered.


Fifth Company – Black – Standard balanced force – Led by The Master of the Marches – Uses a higher number of heavy weapons to attack the enemy from afar. Has a large numbers of heavy vehicles, particularly Predators. Scouts and small squads of marines with bolters, flamers and melta-guns secure and take objectives, slow down the enemy advance and take out the enemy long ranged weapons. Assault squads are also used to disrupt the enemy line.


Sixth Company – Orange – Standard balanced force – Led by The Master of the Rites – Force fights making use of large numbers of transports in order to get their heavy weapons to strategic locations, from where they can provide support, while the assault squads and marines with short range weaponry press forward into the enemy.


Seventh Company – Purple – Assault specialists – Led by The Master of the Keep – The force attacks with devastating close range weaponry and close combat troops, leaving the enemy reeling, before withdrawing and attacking again or letting other imperial forces mop up.


Eighth Company – Grey – Heavy infantry force – Led by The Master of the Dead – Company makes use of terminators to push deep into enemy territory, leaving the tactical squads to secure the objectives and provide supporting and covering fire. Also makes heavy use of dreadnoughts.


Ninth Company – Blue – Fast strike force – Led by The Master of the ________ – Many troops are mounted on bikes or with jump packs, with many more using transport vehicles. Moves quickly into a section of the enemy force, decimating it with speed and numbers, whilst their heavy tanks launch salvos into an unengaged part of the enemy.


Tenth Company – White – Standard balanced force – Led by The Master of the Recruits – Squads from the company are often used to fill in holes in other companies caused by casualties or because additional numbers are needed.



Notes: Each company is led by a captain who decides how their company will be armed, makes requests for new and replacement weaponry, vehicles, armour and supplies, commands their company on the field of battle and also has another major duty in the chapter (such as Master of the Rites who leads all ceremonies).


Also some of the Balanced companies have tendencies to use lots of certain units, however they will usually have access to most other types of units, albeit slightly less than a truly balanced force.


Roles –


Chapter Master – Decides which companies to dedicate to which war zone. Has the authority to override the decisions of the captains. Also commands the First Company.


Master of the Watch, Armoury, Fleet, Marches and Rites – As per Codex Chapters.


Master of the Keep – In charge on supplies for the chapter fortress, including food and drink, any requests for non combat items go through him. (Originally Master of some long word meaning Master of the Food and Drink. Space marines are not caters, Master of the Keep sounds much nicer). 


Master of the Dead – In charge of putting the dead to rest, the Chapter’s Dreadnoughts, and for making sure the apothecaries recover as much geneseed as possible from the fallen. There are no Dreadnoughts in any other companies; requests for one must go to him. (Unspecified by GW).


Master of the ________ – In charge of all the chapter vehicles. Requests by captains for extra vehicles not in service to any particular company or for new ones from the Adeptus Mechanicus are handled by him. (Unspecified by GW) (Still need to think of a good name for him).


Master of the Recruits – There is no scout company, instead all scouts are allocated to a specific company, where they will most likely use war gear to support that company’s tactics. This effectively gives the chapter a strength of 1100 men, with about 100 scouts serving in each company at a time. The Master of the Recruits designates which company each scout goes to.


If you read all of that kudos, have a cookie. If you can think of any changes I should make then you can have 2 and a glass of milk :P .


Not just fluff though, here are some pictures.




My new captain, armed with a relic blade, bolter, jump pack and melta bombs. Still need to file down the greenstuff on the jump pack and possibly add a bit more battle damage. You can't see it very well in the picture.








Alternate views. :P


More pictures in 2 seconds. :D



Combat squad 1 - the close quarter half of the squad. Each tactical squad will combat squad into 2 squads, hence 1 half with a heavy weapon, armed with long range looking guns, and one half with the assault weapon, armed with all manner of stabby assaulty things. One guy is only blutacked at the moment.




Put the bulpup to use, with some cool goggle things. :)






How to use the black reach heads. Some of the cool looking ones are nice but the poses aren't so great. I clipped the head off but it got roughed up a bit, so I glued the round bit that slots into the torso and glued it onto the bottom of this head from a spare head, and added bionic bits to the back to make it look neater.




This is the blutacked one. He likes knives :lol:






The melta gunner, pretty simple, just a weapon swap from bolt pistol to melta gun.




Squad shot, close up's to follow.








My new paint Scheme. Opinions?












Still to come, work in progress armour with the flat kneepads, like you sometimes see in the art.




3 new guns, all for the long ranged half of the squad.




Close up of one from a better angle. Easier to see here. :P




Found this one in my bits box, not sure what it is, might give it to an inquisitor or something. Ideas?




The Mk9 armour, fixed up the helmet, this has kind of taken a back seat as I actually work on the army now. :P


Finally a question.


So far my new army list is as follows.


Captain with relic blade, bolter, jump pack and melta bombs - 160


2x 10 man tactical squad with plasma cannon and melta gun - 360


Assault squad with power sword and melta bombs - 120


Total 640


To bump this up to 1000 I need 360 points. Any ideas on what would be effective for my army list, yet with room for me to modify and adhere to the fluff? No company markings have been painted yet, so it could be based on any company. Any help is much apprechiated.





wow. i love these weapons, although i noticed you havent made a flamer conversion yet,

or a rocket launcher, but seeing the qualoity of these it would be nice to see them

these are very good. i like especialy the third of the new bolter conversions.




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