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Mk 9 armour and Modified Bolters.


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Great looking guns, but the chainsaw bolter would be unable to operate. The magazine would have to be in front, above, or below the ejection port for the casings not to bounce off the mag and for the ammunition to be fed properly. But it looks cool, and that's what models are all about, right?
Great looking guns, but the chainsaw bolter would be unable to operate. The magazine would have to be in front, above, or below the ejection port for the casings not to bounce off the mag and for the ammunition to be fed properly. But it looks cool, and that's what models are all about, right?


Consider it fixed. ;)


The shotgun is a scout shot gun with the hand removed from the man body of the gun and the trigger cut off and replaced with a stock from a spare sniper rifle. A magazine is added because it looks cool and partly so it is still technicly a bolter (It has a bolter magazine, therefore it fires bolts and is thus a bolter) for WYSIWYG.


For my chapter name, how about the Vorpal Swords? I can't find any fluff on them yet. And I like the idea of sword Iconography.


Updates soon my captain is almost finished, just need to paint his power sword and base. What colour power sword do you think I should go for? I was thinking a lightning yellow scheme. Or a fire one. Also I'm starting work on the second half of the tactical squad.


Next time I'll also post my army list for 1000 points, this is becoming more of a blog. :P


EDIT: Found some fluff in the rulebook. :) No colour scheme though as far as I can tell so it's good. ;)

Well, Vorpal doesn't actually 'mean' anything. It's taken from Lewis Carroll's poem 'Jabberwocky', which is filled with nonsense words.


One, two! One, two! And through and through

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

He left it dead, and with its head

He went galumphing back.


The Vorpal Sword has been picked up and used throughout various franchises - D+D especially. In a 40k sense there is fluff for a Chapter called the Vorpal Swords. PP152-3 of the 5th edition rulebook recounts the Gheistos Cataclysm, which features the Vorpal Swords 'suffering casualties at an untenable rate'.

I found such earlier, but that is only the force that went to the system so it doesn't mean they're totally crippled. And defiantly no colour scheme. Which is good. ;) If not I can change the name it's not too much hassle. I like the name though. :cry:


Just off to finish painting my captain soon. :)

Will do Erik. :P


Here is my finished Captain, hope the pictures are alright. :lol:
















And as promised Loketh




EDIT: The shoulder pad on the backpack is unpainted because it is for the chapter symbol. I haven't decided what symbol to use yet but when I do I'll paint it up. :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Verbal update. :to:


I've got the long range marine with the tau-bolter hybrid finished up, half way through another marine with the auspex-bolter, and have done some on the second squad's sergeant. Also had a few ideas for my sternguard squad which features in my 1000 point army list. Not sure if I'm going to use it yet, but the theme of funky bolters goes nicely with my army theme, and I can stick in 2 plasma cannons for good measure. B)


Here's the list:


Captain, Bolter, Relic Blade, Melta Bombs, Jump pack - 160


Tactical Squad, Melta Gun, Multi Melta, Sergeant with Melta Bombs, Rhino - 215


Tactical Squad, Melta Gun, Plasma Cannon, Sergeant with Melta Bombs, Rhino - 220


Assault Squad(5), Sergeant with Power Sword and Melta Bombs - 120


Sternguard Squad(6), 2 Plasma Cannons - 145


Vindicator - 115


Total 1000 points.


So, what could I change. I want it be competitive, oppertunities for conversion are my second priority. Don't want a hugly cheesy list, but...


"A sword that could not fulfill its function would be ugly to my eyes no matter how fair its shape, not even if it were adorned with the finest jewels and the most intricate engraving."


In the same way, I don't want an army that looks great but isn't effective on the battlefield because I've opted for things that look good instead of things that work well together. So have at my list, I'd like it finished ASAP so I could get modelling on the more specialized units (Duel wrist mouted chainswords for my assault marines methinks :)), and any suggestions on how to make it a good all comers list would be fantastic. Also anyone who can name the book that quote comes from get's the first tactical squad sergeant named after them. <_<


Thanks in advance, Pictues soon. :)

Youu have got some cool ideas! Love the shotgun conversion, that looks ace! Also like the paint scheme of the white and black, looks good! Great weapons, are you gonna tackle any heavy weapons with conversion? My absolute fav 40K weapon is the heavy bolter *hint, hint* keep up the great work!
Youu have got some cool ideas! Love the shotgun conversion, that looks ace! Also like the paint scheme of the white and black, looks good! Great weapons, are you gonna tackle any heavy weapons with conversion? My absolute fav 40K weapon is the heavy bolter *hint, hint* keep up the great work!


I have 5 heavy bolters lying around (3 metal, 2 plastic), so I might do, though they don't feature in my armies much. I like plasma cannons, they are good for killing all infantry, so I don't know yet.


And it says in the codex I can swap out both my bolt pistol and my chainsword for stuff on the list has it been FAQ'ed to say that I can't have both?


Oh well, if so I have 3 other MOTC so I can fix up a guy with a huge axe. ^_^


Also I was thinking dropping the 2 melta bombs on the tactical squads (which were points fillers) and replace the multi melta with a lascannon for some extra long range anti tank.


Think later I'm going to tidy up some things on the captain, I seem to have missed some things. :S

Nice weapons! I've been meaning to convert more models, and this is probably how I'll do it. Although I'll be personalizing a number of heavy weapons. I really want to do plasma guns, flamers, lascannons, missile launchers, etc as underslung weapons, like you did the bolter. Simply because they would look rudely cool... I found a pic once of some custodes, one of which had an underslung lascannon, and thats what gave me the idea. Unfortunately, I can't find the picture again.
Spare bits / experimental plasma cannon. (N/a)



Take a regular bolter and cut the out the top of it as far down as the bit where the empty shells come out of (forget the technical term) and make the other cut (Horizontal) just above the grip (the part where the supporting hand usually goes). I took another bolter, which I'd stolen the Magazine from, and cut the entire grip out of that, and took another mutilated bolter, and cut that so that only the grip and the front section as far as the sight on the end goes (should be a rough L shape), and glued them all together in order. Then I added the end piece of the chaos tank accessory sprue heavy flamer, with a bit of filing. Finally the legs from the scount heavy bolter, and a pair of binoculars (Like a double sight :lol:) finished it off. When painted added a green pole thingymabob from the necron sprue and glue it in securly. (Don't glue it in until after painting though).




I think that would make a beautiful conversion beamer.

I suppose I could give it a go, would a Lascannon, 2 melta guns and 2 melta bombs be alright for anti tank in 1000 points? I would take the list I have above but drop the multi melta and 2 sets of melta bombs for a lascannon. The other idea I had was to mount a melta gun on the back pack, which I will probably do for the second tactical squad. Also can no one get that quote yet? Still waiting. :P

I guess I can give you the option of the Bullpup and the Plasmacombi.


Mentor Pattern Bolters


Heres some pics for appetizers.





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