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Devourers of hope. COMING TO A STAR SYSTEM NEAR YOU ;)

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I'm starting an undivided chaos marine army.

Here's the scheme and symbol, and if any of you really want to know they are called the


Devourers Of Hope

but you probably guessed that from the title :P



And here's the warband symbol:



This is what I started with.....



And here's what I've got so far (including a chaos lord)



Including a little wip traitor sorcerer.



Here's a collection of fluff as well.

Still much left to ponder...


Exactly 1 year before the end of Abaddons 13th Black Crusade an Astartes fleet was spotted on the edge of the Eye of Terror. Knowing nothing of it's true origins the inhabitants of the nearby planet of Blackened Faith let the interstellar fighters land.


It is recorded that out of the ships came a force of Maroon armoured marines who stated that they were there to protect. The leaders, obviously obliged and indeed elated, at the sudden offer of defense casually accepted it.



Just 1 year later a neaby explorator vessel noticed a lifeless planet on the fringe of the Eye. A research vessel was immediately sent down to the planet. The atmosphere held next to no gases of any kind that could be used for anything. The entire surface scorched black by some massive force of energy.

At the exact North pole of the planet the explorators found a single black Iron arrow pointing out into the vaccum of space.

The origins of it unknown they left.....


The planet of Blackened Faith was one of many that was deemed worthy of Astartes protection during the Abaddons 13th Black Crusade.

The Astartes chapter sent to guard the planet along with it's Imperial Population was the Imperial Fists although towards the end of The Black Crusade there duties werer relieved and were replaced by the Sons of Zanzibar.

Born from the Roboute (sp?) Guilliams sacred geneseed during the 21st founding the chapter grew to full strength extremely quickly. The primarchs geneseed coinciding magnificently well with the raw recruits used and very few subjects produced negative effects from the many transplants needed for the transformation into a space marine. There was no recorded mutations in the geneseed either bringing about the belief that the chapter had been bodily blessed by the Emperor himself.


It was reported on the day, of the chapters supposed landing on the planet of Blackened Faith, that all communications to the fleet, and that of the Imperial officials on the planet itself were lost.






Imperial Inquisitors have heavily guarded the true past of the devourers of hope. And for good reason.

From the limited information gathered from the site of betrayal the magos biologis have theorised that the planet was exposed to high intensity warfare and orbital bombardment. Some lesser damaged areas show fields of corpses, killed not by the bombardments themselves but some unknown sorcerous powers and vicious close combat activity.


The levels of damage and evidence on the planet vary from pele to pole, the nrthern hemisphere being much more barren than the south. At the very south pole it is noted that a pile of human skeletal remains, approximately 700 feet high, has been gathered, but to what end, no one knows.


At the North is a single black iron arrow puncturing up through the rock. It is not known how this could have survived the orbital attacks as tests show weapons and explosive residue, used in many orbital armourments, covering the metal construction.

Along the equator is a site of even greater awe than the two previous mysteries combined. Around the entire planet is a wall of charred remains, including all manner of skeletal remains, masonry and weapons. All stacked on top of one another. Areas of the wall vary in size, quality and materials but almost 40% of the barrier can be seen from orbit.


If all this can be accounted to a supposedly loyal astartes chapter, The Emperor only knows whether the astartes are really safe enough a fighting force to protect us and not too much a risk as to turn on the very thing they were made to protect.

The Imperium.






And finally here's the first test model, that, if you lot don't mind me saying, I'm pretty chuffed with him :)

Ol' Horny Boy






loving it so far. Excellent conversions, however minor they are. You've got some quite catchy fluff, and it's all backed by a beautifully painted marine.


now for the hard part.. we need more.. :wacko:




Thanks for all the comments people :tu:

They're much appreciated.

Painting has been a bit slow today (need new brushes) but I've still managed to get 1/4 of the way through 3 more marines.

Also, here are some close-ups of the lord, as requested by The_Chaplain

He has changed a bit since the first pic to make him a bit more bulky compared to the normal marines. Basically a weapon swap and a little extra height on his power pack.







No new fluff for posting as of today but any idea on what you would like to know next, please do post your them :D


now for the hard part.. we need more..





Thanks for the feedback on the lord you guys.

For that you get a cookie.

A cookie in the form of a triple choc traitor.



The rest are on there way, the final stages are in process as I speak.



Double post :nuke:

Fluff update.

Recent Findings


The Devourers of hope or Hellfire Astartes, as they are more commonly known have quicklt become a thourough force of destruction throughout Imperials worlds, and not only those closest to the eye of terror.

Many more, distant worlds have been razed, disappearing in the confusion of the growing menace of the tyranids hive fleets. It is estimated that over 40 worlds have been assailed by these genocidal traitors and 3 have been made uninhabitable and subject to perdita since their betrayal.


Each world has been left in varying states. Each one has been diabolicaly scarred by the insidious actions of 1000 power armoured heretics. Margshaal is one of supreme interest to the Imperium and is helping to unravel the mysteries of the warbands functioning and traits.

It is unique to other worlds as the population has been completely wiped out but unlike other planets where this has occured, mostly due to orbital attacks, there is little sign of any major fleet bombardments and so the deeds commited are easily examinable and secrets have been uncovered in the apocalyptic remains that none could have imagined.....


More to come.


Thanks guys.

Yes the primer does suck.....but it's cheap! :)

I painted another marine this morning so here's the next squad shot.



And here's a wip shot of the army so far



I'll post some fluff later today but for now I'm going to try and finish the next marine and put my feet up for a bit ;)



Excellent job! You've done a fantastic job on the weathering (particularly the legs) and the battle damage/gore really adds to the minis. The fluff is always a bonus too :)


I'm not really fond of the color scheme, I actually rather like the painter one better as it looks more Grey and hopeless while the minis look a little like pallid flesh. Still, you did a great job painting the color scheme.


I do love the chapter badge though... and you've done a superb job of painting them on.


I think the only two comments/suggestions I have are...


1) I think the eyes need to stand out more. Right now they blend in with the helmet so much the only way I can tell they are there are with the highlights.

2) As others have pointed out.. the primer looks like it's beading up. Usually means there is too much moisture in the air (or it's just cheap primer). Given the quality work you are putting in these figs I'd definately upgrade. Even the citadel "Primer" is better than cheap stuff that beads up.

Have you got a close up on that 3rd marine?

Yes I dooo! ;)





1) I think the eyes need to stand out more. Right now they blend in with the helmet so much the only way I can tell they are there are with the highlights.

2) As others have pointed out.. the primer looks like it's beading up. Usually means there is too much moisture in the air (or it's just cheap primer). Given the quality work you are putting in these figs I'd definately upgrade. Even the citadel "Primer" is better than cheap stuff that beads up.

2 very good points. I'll work on the eyes (never been my strong point) and I'll invest in some decent primer (or drier weather :P ) when the army expands.


I'm sorry to everyone who's supported me with their comments and feedback B) but I've got no new pics for now although I have painted the 4th marine and I've just started on the 5th. Paintings awfully slow now I'm back to school but I'll try get a few more up and ready throughout the weekend. I'm appoaching the right mental state to paint the lord so expect him started rather soon.


Here's a little bit more fluff as well in case you were hoping an extra titbit.


In the ruins of Margshaal Imperial explorators found the most gruesome scenes of carnage. Hundreads of dead men, women and children lay dead, their bodys mutilated, some beyond utter recognition. More disturbing than this was that a large quantity of the casualties appeared to be heavily mutated.

Autopsy results showed these afflictions to have been caused whilst the victims were still alive.


Even more diabolical than this was skeletons of the imperial population scattered around randomly, scorchd by sorcerous flame. It is also noted that weapons from these skeletons could be accounted for many wounds on the other corpses. This has caused many officials to believe that the planets Imperial army were not completely loyal, although the appearance of traitor guardsmen has never been noted in data files from other later attacks.

It is not normal for a traitor chapter to turn on it's allies, even after a battle, as the 1000 strong force will need all the reinforcements it can get. Ever casualty meaning a step closer to destruction.


There is one area of investigation, though. Of upmost interest to the Inquisitions studies of the traitors. Deep within the vaults of Administratum Imperialis pieces of data from a vast number of sources are being pieced toether to reveals signs of a chaos sorcery called Necronitum Morris. It is one of the most vile of majics known to the Imperium but not under control in a locked vault.

It has always been known that a book of death was compiled by a chaos cult known as the Countus Manus. The book itself contains many vile powers and information that can open the door of darkness to even the most sanctified mind. The energies within can give the posseser the power to animate corpes through use of warp energy. Unlike plagues of the death guard that are known to zombify the afflicted, turning them into lumbering carriers of the disease, Necronitum majics strips the cumbersome living matter away leaving only the skeleton. A symbol of death itself and a vital part of Necro majic, as it is more commonly known. This gives the creation increased strength and resistance as majical flames constantly writhe within their frames, safeguarding them against mundane enemy attacks. Although this puts them apart and above in power to plague animation the bodies become useless and are relieved of the abilities if a warp entity is not able to sustain them.


If this information is to be believed the Devourers of Hope may be a grater threat than the Imperium predicted, but, the question remains. How did the chapter obtain the Black Book of The Countus Manus.




Well I wasn't able to finish the final squad marine but here's this guy instead :nuke:

He's still wip (just a few touch-ups and things to do) but ignoring that here's


A master of the sorcerous powers of chaos 'The Devourer', as he is now known, has become far more than any chapter master ever could.

The posesser of The Book of Death and Herald of Flames, he has made his mark on both traitors, aliens and loyalists alike. No one knows when the Devourers of Hope will strike but their leader will always be at the forefront of the fighting, coldly dispatching his enemies and throwing their lifeless corpses to the flames of chaos.


Many believe that The Devourer was once chapter master Zanzibar. If this is true, the loyalty in him is far gone and what was once vicious piouty has turned into deep corruption that has flowed into every corner of the chapter. Staining the astartes honour and replacing it with mutation and insanity.

It is said that The Devourer alone is responsible for almost 1,000,000 deaths and that the constant attention from the chaos gods has destroyed what's left of his human spirit.

It is just a small amount of time before he either is destroyed completley by a sudden burst of mutations or is elevated beyond all others, to daemon prince.





I hope you like him, he's sure to be elevated to daemon prince at some time but for now please post your C&C.





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