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Dark Angels


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Here are the initial pictures of my wip Pre-heresy Dark Angels army. I recently got back into the hobby after a 4 year break having been co-erced by my rl best friend Wolf Lord Mjolnir.


I am attempting to make these guys look as Dark and intimidating as possible and like many have used Doghouse's techique for marine building. These figures will eventually get decals and banners to finish them off and I aim to get around 1 squad of 10 infantry done each month or so eventually forming some semblance of a army. As much as possible I will stick to a all infantry legion but I will include bikes, speeders and Rhino Apc's into mix.


Any c&c is always appreciated, many thanks in advance for looking ;)




Squad 1








Squad 1 (second combat squad)



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Thank you both for the kind words :rolleyes:


The legs are from the Chaos warrior regiment which has enough parts for 12 figures. The other parts that I will be using are the swords for Lion El Johnsons bodyguard (far down in my project plan) but I know many people on this forum have made use of the cloaks and helmets for various conversions. With this in-mind I would think Chaos warriors regiment makes a handy set of parts to have around.

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I very much want to use these Chaos Warrior legs for my Honour Guard, but after having a look around, it appears there are 3 or 4 different types, and they're all striding. I'll have to find a way to bend them to my will and make them more action-oriented.


EDIT: Also, would it be possible to use normal marine greaves on those legs with a bit of knifework? Or would they look too out-of-scale/comical?

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sweet brother! im doing the exact same thing, but with post-heresy angels. more robes, purity seals, and holy doodads to adorn their flanks with. :wub:

seriously though, lookin good.

the only thing i could notice is that the armor is a bit shiny for battle hardened marines, eh?

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Thanks guys :whistling:


The Chaplain - At the moment I have been charged with just getting 1000pts painted so that we can start a campaign which comprises of the following:



10 Tac Squad

5 man Devi with Missle Launchers

5 man Devi with Plasma cannons

5 man assault squad on foot with Rhino Apc


However as the project continues, I intend to add Lion El Johnson and his Lion Guard/Honour Guard with Relic Blades (with a Lord Cypher Model), there will be a Stern Guard unit using MkII/III armour and of course my VBS (Vincent Blacj Shadow Rogue Trader bikes) bikers. There are plans to make a small Terminator unit also but armed with a Cyclone Missile launcher as I really liked the pre-heresy Artwork for them.


Should keep me going through the year :P


Disrupter - the 4 poses can seem limited and I have not experimented with other poses as of yet. However I have seen a couple of conversions using SM greaves and they looked ok once gs'd into place. I have also seen a conversion where the chainmail groin guard has been completely removed allowing space to cut and move the right leg. Unfortunetly I don't have the link as I am at work I will try to post it here later tonight for you.


Asmodai - Looking forward to seeing a fellow DA's collection :) and yes they are a little clean lol. These figures are far from finished, they are getting a good dose of Tamiya Weathering stick once completed and probably some Testors dullcoat if they continue to be a little shiny. I still need to add a few more insignias now that I think about it hehe.


Midas - Thanks for your kind words and I belive, Asmodai has pointed you in the right directions. If you still have trouble finding pics though PM me I have them on my Laptop and will send them to you also :)

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Disrupter - the 4 poses can seem limited and I have not experimented with other poses as of yet. However I have seen a couple of conversions using SM greaves and they looked ok once gs'd into place. I have also seen a conversion where the chainmail groin guard has been completely removed allowing space to cut and move the right leg. Unfortunetly I don't have the link as I am at work I will try to post it here later tonight for you.


That would be much appreciated! Keep up the good work, models like yours are excellent sources of inspiration!

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Ty again for the kind words all ;)


The Chaplain - I will try and get a pic of the bikers up this week :P


Just sneaking this one in during work :)


Chaplain pre-green stuffed etc. Its still very wip but any C&C to enhance it would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks in advance :)



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As someone also having a crack at Doghouse Marines, let me congratulate you on doing a better job than I!


The squads look very impressive, the only critism I can offer is the Chaplain looks more like a skinny model than an Astartes! For some reason the waist seems very slim, perhaps some bling to bulk it out?

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the only critism I can offer is the Chaplain looks more like a skinny model than an Astartes! For some reason the waist seems very slim, perhaps some bling to bulk it out?


He does seem a little on the size 0 size :devil: On the regular marines, the pistol holster, grenades seem to bulk the figures up (the Sergeant being the main example) If this does not work then perhaps I will add scolls/trailing parchment, then get you guys to check it out.

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Great conversions and paint job, D. I gotta consider doing that for my upcoming veterans.


I was hoping you could tell me, where did you get those helmets for the painted Dark Angels at the top of this thread? I've seen them around, but not sure where. Are they the Red Scorpion helmets from Forge World? Same with the torsos?

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