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Iron Scythes Space Marine Chapter [Added Company Banner]


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I like thae paint scheme and they look really nice but the only thing is a lot of them look like they got shot in the forehead and their neck is snapping back. Or they're throwing their heads back in defiance of something. But i really like the paint scheme.
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Yes the terminator sergeant's head (assault on black reach on) came out weirdly fleshy. I just went with it, maybe he tans too much. It does look a little better in person.


In terms of the other vets..yep they are raising their heads up in a war cry kind of thing. Since we normally see miniatures from a 40 miles up I decided to have them look up at my opposing player. ;)

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i actually like the tone of the flesh on the marine, it has that hepatitus look to it, that jaundiced yellow skin. i think that could work with the fluff if u have something to do with the atmosphere that causes the armor to oxidize, to also cause something to the marines skin
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I like the idea of a mechanicus feel, but also the legion feel of the ultra marines. Since I have never had banners, I put together a potential 4th company banner. I grabbed a bunch of dow images from the net and put them together to try and produce the right feel. Let me know what you think.


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The terminator captain's robe thing is Dheneb stone foundation mixed with skull white. After a few layers of blending I put a wash of devlin mud over the whole thing. I am not sure the blending mattered much, since the mud covered up the work pretty well!

Thanks for the comments, they push me to keep trying new things! I've been trying to take some photos that include whole units so everyone can get a feel for what the army looks like on the tabletop, but I have not gotten the focus on my camera to work well. I've been playing with the banner to make it more gothic as suggested, but when I reduce it and print it out I loose all of the detail. I did put together a chapter motto and battle cry though.


Igni Ferroque!


Ex Astris Scientia.

Ex scientia vera.

Scientia vincere tenebras.

I've started working on chapter fluff, and am looking forward to posting it. It would be very cool to see more Iron Scythes players out there, so the fluff is based on a chapter that is falling apart. (It is the time of ending after all!)

[edit photos added] You can see on these photos where I haven't repainted the previous yellow highlights to sunburst yellow. That change happened when I started painting this time around. I am also going to undo the frost on the vehicles, since I no longer have a force with snow bases.





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I've written the first version of the Index Astartes: Iron Scythes and posted it in the IA forums. I hope you guys like it. I tried to work in the older models, the brokend down look of the chapter, and the fact that according to the new codex everyone wants to be an ultramarine. I think the IA fits into the 'time of ending' them GW has going these days. Maybe we can end up with some splinter Scythes or rogue-ish battle companies! I hope you like it. (I do have a lot of new stuff on the way, but work has interrupted my painting zen!)



Iron Scythes IA article

[edit fixed link]

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