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Sons of Taurus


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Howdy, new guy here. *waves* A friend who works for GW recently got me back into the hobby, having not played 40k since 2nd edition. And my, it has changed somewhat! :eek I used to be an eldar/harlequins player but the new Imperial stuff looks so good, and the soon to come stuff looks even better, so marines it is for me! (new rule system looks nice and stream lined too, though not sure about this 'everyone goes 6" thingy yet ;) )


So, the Marines:


Currently called 'The Sons of Taurus', a very new chapter founding (last 100 years or so), very codex adherant so nothing particularly out of the ordinary. But will aim for a 'Taurine' theme (bull iconography, with a minotaurs labrynth worked into the initation ceremony somewhere). Having not painted or converted for over a decade (i think), not very confident doing anything advanced yet, will start personalising things a bit more once the old modelling cobwebs are cleaned out :)


The colour scheme and chapter symbol are shown here:



The squad markings will be shown on the left kneepad, or right shoulder pad (if no knee pad available). The number on the white background is the squad number, the black background the company number. And the way the two fields are divided will denote the squad type (diagonal in this case = tactical). so these 2 are 1st tactical squad, 2nd company:



And here's roughly how i intend to do most the bases, and a WIP apothecary removing the geneseed from a fallen marine:



And lastly just a general pic of some of the guys almost finished so far (lacking squad markings, some details and finished bases):



Any feedback/criticism would be awesome.. am especially unsure about the chapter name, once i thought of it it's stuck fast in my mind, but it does seem a bit close to 'sons of horus' :blush: I'm a bit rusty painting wise at the moment, but it's all coming back. Thus ends my first ever post on this forum, i'll update as i add new stuff and muster the courage to start working more of the bull theme into conversions.

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I like it. All looks very well done and well painted. the only thing that kind of gives throws me off, is it looks like the one being tended by the apothecary is either A trying to grabass, or B trying to give a reach-around. It's the bolter support hand that throws me. I'm not sure what to change it with. I love everything else about the model, and the models in general, its that one thing that draws my perverted and gutter-mind's attention. Painting looks great (FAR better highlighting than I can do... IW makes things easy). Modeling looks great. All in all great job.
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Howdy, new guy here. *waves* A friend who works for GW recently got me back into the hobby, having not played 40k since 2nd edition. And my, it has changed somewhat! :P I used to be an eldar/harlequins player but the new Imperial stuff looks so good, and the soon to come stuff looks even better, so marines it is for me! (new rule system looks nice and stream lined too, though not sure about this 'everyone goes 6" thingy yet ;) )


So, the Marines:


Currently called 'The Sons of Taurus', a very new chapter founding (last 100 years or so), very codex adherant so nothing particularly out of the ordinary. But will aim for a 'Taurine' theme (bull iconography, with a minotaurs labrynth worked into the initation ceremony somewhere). Having not painted or converted for over a decade (i think), not very confident doing anything advanced yet, will start personalising things a bit more once the old modelling cobwebs are cleaned out :)


The colour scheme and chapter symbol are shown here:



The squad markings will be shown on the left kneepad, or right shoulder pad (if no knee pad available). The number on the white background is the squad number, the black background the company number. And the way the two fields are divided will denote the squad type (diagonal in this case = tactical). so these 2 are 1st tactical squad, 2nd company:



And here's roughly how i intend to do most the bases, and a WIP apothecary removing the geneseed from a fallen marine:



And lastly just a general pic of some of the guys almost finished so far (lacking squad markings, some details and finished bases):



Any feedback/criticism would be awesome.. am especially unsure about the chapter name, once i thought of it it's stuck fast in my mind, but it does seem a bit close to 'sons of horus' :D I'm a bit rusty painting wise at the moment, but it's all coming back. Thus ends my first ever post on this forum, i'll update as i add new stuff and muster the courage to start working more of the bull theme into conversions.



Man, that's great work - you should be seriously proud!

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Looking nice, though I get the feeling I've seen them somewhere else.



SHC there mr Lucifer? ;) and the guy saying the apothecary's patient looks to be grabbing ass.... damn you, damn you to hell!! i can't not see it now it's been seen :( i know what you mean though now i've looked at it... is either going to need a new hand, or just run with it, and get some hand/ass contact going.


am currently turning my 'free' white dwarf terminator into a lightening claw equiped terminator sergeant (fingers crossed he still has access to armory in new codex), is a bit of a hack job due to being 'new' to the hobby (again) i don't have a bits box to speak off... so the few spares from the commander sprue are getting spread pretty thinly now. also trying to convert the scout sniper models to be holding silenced bolters;which is proving very difficult. i didn't realise before buying them they were so unposable, with arms moulded to guns/body. :(


the terminator is being done for a local painting competition (edinburgh GW), to be done by friday B) so pics soon... always good to have a deadline. is it bad form to enter it into the B&C competition i just noticed too?

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and update:


for an upcoming mini painting competition i've to paint the basic terminator from sept's white dwarf. so decided to spruce it up a bit to take some tentative steps with modelling. most effort has gone into the base really, the upright 'wall' is from a rhino top hatch cut down a bit, the metal grill he's stood on is half of the rhino side door, and the turbine thing on the back is the end of the hunter killer missile (all these spare bits from a predator kit, which leaves lots of lovely bits for me to play with), with bits of wire, plasticard, tubing and gravel slapped around. the plasticard on the base is done as chipped paving slabs, but can't really be seen here:




the terminator himself has been made into a sergeant. the lightening claw is from the commander sprue, so a bit of wire/gs to get it to fit in with the terminator armour. other than that i just drilled out the storm bolter barrels, cut the torso at the waist to reposition him a bit, and a few little bits glued on here and there to get past the 'plainness' of the basic black reach termiator.




lastly bought myself some scouts. wanted them with cloaks, for obvious stealth purposes so had to get the sniper rifle box. but my army list has them equipped with boltguns. so after ages clipping, drilling and filing the rifles away to make boltguns i added a silencer to keep with the stealth theme (just the end of the now removed sniper rifle barrel). one of the bolters is from the attack bike kit, and has a fabric covering/holster, which i liked for the scouts as i can use it to reprsent a camoflage covering instead :




am pleased with how things are going. never spent much time on the modelling side of the hobby last time around (prefering more to be a beardy git, endlessly tweaking lists for maximum benefit), but i find myself converted (oh dear, bad puns ahoy!) to this side of the hobby! ;) will try and paint them by sunday, and post and update then.

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Aaaaaaaaaargh, deadlines!! ^_^ well i've got about 4 hours spare this evening to paint my terminaor sergeant before tommorow. so erm, well that'll be interesting. all i've had chance to do so far is the base, which i'm very pleased with for once \o/




it's a shame i don't have an awesome camera, as i'm particularly proud of the 'wanted' sign on the end of the wall. a nice little mug shot of a guy in a cowl, with the word 'cyper' under it in stencil capitals. looks like those Dark angels are running out of ideas ;) Gonna get the days work out of the way now, see if i can grab myself an extra 30 minutes painting time.

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First of all, welcome back to the hobby. Once a tabletop gamer, always a table top gamer, eh?

This is shaping up to be really interesting. The painting's good and the conversions are also good but you'd take a look for mold lines before you paint that apothecary, think i spotted a nasty one on his leg. The terminator base is great, if you keep that style and effort up through the entire army you're going to field a really nice one that's for sure.

I'm going to follow this a while and see where it leads. Can we perhaps get to see a better picture of the backpack banner marine with plasmapistol?

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well i mentioned the terminator + his base was for a painting competition this saturday, and to my surprise i got it finished in time (though not to my satisfaction... but when is anyone ever satisfied with their own stuff?). was a close call between mine and a nice imperial fists paint job, but the time spent on the base swung it and i won \o/ only a very small comp' at the local GW, but it's always nice to be rewarded for a bit of effort.


the finished terminator sergeant:



picture quality doesn't show the details like crakcs painted on to the armor, but i'm pleased with it nonetheless. and has encouraged me to keep pushing myself to improve a bit with each model. maybe one day i can attain the standards of some of the very nice stuff i've seen on this forum. :P

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Very impressing work mate! If this kind of painting is what you can achieve straight away in your comeback from 2nd ed, i figure you'll be painting demon minis soon enough. Great looking bunch, and some nice convertions as well. Only real crit i can give you is to have a good thinking about the eye lenses. Right now, they look sort of bland. I'd suggest another colour than blue to make them pop. Green would interact well with the red, but that's not nessecairly the only choice. You could stay with blue if you are really set on that, but then i think you should spice it up somehow, maybe puting more contrast between the dark and light of the lenses. But prefferably i'd say pick another colour. Cheers!
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thanks for the crit' desert eagle. i tried green first off, but it had the same problem, but this time not 'popping out' against the sandy colour, which for the vast majority of the army will be the dominant colour (and the colour of the helmets). red set off nicely against the sandy colour, but then it was too close to the secondary colour (slightly dark red) so that was a no go too :lol: leaving blue as the 'other' standard lense colour (which has issues with anything wearing red helms, i.e my terms'/vet sergeants as you pointed out). sometime you just can't win. :( i tried a 'glowing' effect i saw somewhere on this forum, but wasn't happy with it... an issue with my limitations as a painter rather than the idea. i'll see if i can ramp up the contrast a notch as i'm currently not highlighting up to white, due to old habits of avoiding pure white where possible. see if i can give the lads a sparkly thousand yard stare. :P
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  • 3 weeks later...

still plugging away at these guys (think it's the longest i've ever stayed with one GW project before getting distracted by the latest 'shiny' to be released :)), maybe i've learnt patience in my older and wiser years :huh:


good old AOBR dread, who's done well enough in games to get bumped up to the top of the painting list


assault marines just given some basing to add a bit of height and motion, but i need to cut weapons off them now, as i can't have my combi melta, or dual plasma pistols any more :'( (just base coated and inked atm)



got more tactical marines painted, but they're the same as ones previously posted so no point adding them here. but progress is being made, albeit very slowly.

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finished off the assault marines \o/ my 1,500 points (i take the same army list for every game) is slowly having all it's black undercoated models replaced with colour and detail! and i'm pleased to say painting these guys seems to have improved their skills in combat, i always knew the dice gods favoured painted models (or maybe i'm finally learning how to use them properly :))




took a while to get a scheme i liked for the jump packs... i tried copying the marines normal backpack scheme, but the large area of gold was too over powering. the final scheme is a bit simpler and doesn't distract the eye from the rest of the model as much, i hope.

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