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Sons of Taurus


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  • 11 months later...

Ok, after a 'small' break i've picked up with these guys again... (only a year since last time ;) ). These are the first 2 of 6 sternguard i'm making out of plastic kits, mainly the command squad box + tactical squad bits. I've learnt a bit about painting and assembly over the last year, so this time i'm not attaching guns/backpacks until later :P so these are very much a W.I.P. Also as they're elites, i want to add some heraldry to make them stand out... still pondering that. Still, any opportunity for freehand is a good thing imo.





Anyway, this post is to signify the resumption of work on this army, i may be slow but i never give up :D

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made some progress with the above sternguard, but not enough to be worth posting... will stick them up once finished (June? :P ) Have also been working on other bits though, an attack bike, terminators and landspeeder:




I do tend to spend a bit of time on one unit before wandering off to work on another... so always have several half finished units. I know a 'production line' would be more efficient and get stuff done. but i just don't enjoy it, makes painting feel like a chore rather than a hobby. So i'm stuck with my scatter brained piecemeal efforts :D


question: I want a base for the attack bike, and a pringles lid is the perfect size (i've also used them for my goblin spearchukkas... so know they work). what are 40k tournaments like with this kind of thing? as i've promised myself i will attend one once the army is finished... but afaik the attack bike doesn't have an official 'base size'?

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Finished attack bike:



Feels awesome to finish a model :lol: i started painting this in september last year... have a tiny 13 month break, then finished it. gotta pace yourself after all.

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thanks for the comments chaps (and/or chapettes). I'm thinking of changing the colour scheme slightly... i'm no longer keen on the gold on the backpacks (don't seem to fit the rest of the scheme which is quite muted).

I'm thinking of changing it to this:



changing the backpack vents to white

changing the bolter to white

changing the colour to white

everything else the same.

C&C on this scheme? better or worse... i need to change something anyway, as i really don't like the gold backpack vents.

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not sure which part you're refering to with 'washed out gold effect' winterseven? And i think you're probably right on the bolters Mr Loring... the more i look at the marine painter image above, the more the white bolter seems to lack enough contrast with the aquila behind it. think i will go with white vents though :huh: (yay! i hate painting gold anyway)
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Sorry Shiodome,


I meant, what colour brown did you use to get that effect on your armour? It looks like Khemri Brown but maybe even a shade lighter than that?


Sorry washed out gold was a very bad interpretation of your colour scheme... ;)


Also just want to add that the hilighting looks really good,

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good guess ;)




Khemri brown basecoat

2 washes of gryphonne sepia

Khemri brown everywhere except the darkest parts/cracks

1:1 Khemri brown / fortress grey highlight

1:2 Khemri brown / fortress grey smaller highlight


Doing terminators at the moment:



The large areas (brown/red/grey) are done, just basecoated the metal areas... so not much left to do, finish the metals, do the eyes and cabling and then the bases. gonna give them bases similar to the sergeant. the models are so boring (:P) the bases will need to make up for it.

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thanks for the comments gents, nice to see people aren't totally against brown marines (i sometimes get a 'huh? brown?' response in my local area :D )


Today made bases for the terminators... loads of fun just cutting stuff into chunks and covering myself in glue. what more could a hobbyist want?


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Getting there! (yes, i really am this slow)



Particularly pleased with working out a realy quick and easy method for heavy rust.



Picture isn't the greatest, as my phone camera can't really deal with close ups... but i like it.

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