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My WiPs


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I figured I'd post some of my WiPs while I'm still in a position to get C&C on them, so here we go...


The current model that's furthest along, my Templar Sentinel (Black Templar) Marshal. Yes, that is a Terminator-sized shoulder pad on his left shoulder. I intend to sling his shield on a belt clip. Haven't decided on a backpack or legs for him, but I'm leaning toward the metal backpack from the limited edition Emperor's Champion I have lying around somewhere.





A Chapter Banner for the Honour Guard Ancient I'm planning to have. Still looking for a suitable banner-top and a third small banner to add on. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should add a wickedly large amounts of purity seals, scrolls, chains and such so that I don't have to freehand too much.





And finally, my Chapter Master, who's been in the works for a very long time now... I'll definitely need to bulk up his waist so he doesn't look like a supermodel in artificer armour. The sword (soon-to-be Relic Blade!) will be held in two hands.





Well, C&C welcome, and throw out any thoughts that aren't C or C too!

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It is indeed the sword from a Nurgle Daemon Prince. I'm surprised at how little modification it required to look Loyalist. And yes, faceplanting may be a problem, i'll probably angle it backward a bit so it looks like he's lifting it up and back for a swing, which'll mean he'll actually be able to stand without too much trouble. The Chapter Master is a fair way off though.


I'll probably have the Marshal done within the week barring any unforeseen circumstances.


Also, it just occured to me that I could put another small banner atop the Chapter Banner, but I have a feeling that'll be just a little over the top, not to mention excessively unwieldy.

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Im not sure if it will help you here, but i found that if i have a slightly off balanced model, one way of correcting it is to superglue a 1 pence piece underneath the base and this adds just enough weight to keep them stood upright, you will need to remove the little bump from the underside of the base, but ive found it helps with most models!
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